Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 75 - Chapter 75: Gaining Trust, Alliance with the Shadow Protector!

Chapter 75 - Chapter 75: Gaining Trust, Alliance with the Shadow Protector!

In the real world, Su Xing's heart hung in suspense.

Having spoken those words within the simulator, he had effectively laid his identity bare. If the Shadow Protector was neither a spy nor a traitor, his death was certain.

This amounted to a wasteful use of a precious simulation opportunity.

But if the Shadow Protector truly was a traitor, then Su Xing would save himself much trouble in subsequent simulations.

Everything hinged on a single thought.

Su Xing swallowed and continued the simulation.

[After hearing your words, the Shadow Protector's expression subtly changed. She claimed she did not understand what you were saying, that she had joined the Descending Sect decades ago and had always been following the path of the master.]

[Your heart felt more at ease after hearing the Shadow Protector's response because if she truly was loyal to the Descending Sect, she should have killed you right then and there.]

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