Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 46 - Chapter 46 The Mystery of the Cultivator, the Fierce Intervention of the Dragon Protector!

Chapter 46 - Chapter 46 The Mystery of the Cultivator, the Fierce Intervention of the Dragon Protector!

Su Xing also wanted to explore the secrets behind that Sect Elder, but unfortunately, there seemed to be no chance in this simulation, and he could only wait for the next one to try.

Su Xing held the pill concoction manual in his hand, then strolled around the treasure trove's area for heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

This stroll truly surprised Su Xing; his eyes couldn't move away from the shelves.

"Century-old Blood Ginseng... the main ingredient for concocting Blood Replenishing Pills, hiss, to actually have such a good thing?"

"Fifty-year-old Returning Yang Grass, the main ingredient for concocting Returning Yang Pills, one piece alone could revive someone on the brink of death!"

"And there's two-hundred-year-old Dragon Swallow Grass, five-hundred-year-old Zi Xin Flower... Mama Mia, does this treasure trove just uproot an entire sect's medicine garden or what?"

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