Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 161 - Chapter 137: Breaking Through the Five Barriers, Achieving the Divinity Transformation Stage! (5000 words)

Chapter 161 - Chapter 137: Breaking Through the Five Barriers, Achieving the Divinity Transformation Stage! (5000 words)

[At an accidental banquet, you discovered that the apples of this country were sweet and tangy, exactly to your taste.]

[So you issued a command, demanding that all citizens of this country, from sixty-year-old men to ten-year-old children, do just one thing – produce apples exclusively for you!]

[Clearly, this was an unreasonable order.]

[But as the king of the most powerful empire in the world, no one dared to defy you!]

[The small country with a population of no more than five hundred thousand naturally had to comply!]

[However, just three years after the order was given, the economy of that nation began to collapse, order started to dissolve; a nation of five hundred thousand people couldn't possibly live on apple farming alone.]

[Thus, chaos ensued... A new regime overthrew the old emperor, and they refused to provide you with apples anymore.]

[You were furious, as no one dares to contradict your wishes!]

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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