Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 159 - Chapter 136 Talent, Am I Passerby A? (5000-word Mega Chapter)_2

Chapter 159 - Chapter 136 Talent, Am I Passerby A? (5000-word Mega Chapter)_2

[After defecting from the Descending Sect, you and Luo Shuying joined the Great Xia Military, and soon after, the Descending Sect issued a kill order against you.]

[But you didn't care, you began preparing to challenge the fear trial within the five trials of Divinity Transformation again!]

[In the illusionary realm, you still became a character akin to a Son of Destiny, your strength soared, and you ultimately became an Immortal.]

[Afterward, when the behemoth attacked, facing the terror of a gigantic beast that blotted out the sky, along with the endless demons that had crawled out of the Abyss, you were still unable to defeat them.]

[But you never gave up, this time, you chose to confront your fear head on!]

[You kept challenging stronger opponents, and like facing a mountain abyss, you bravely fought to the very end!]

[You successfully conquered the fear trial and walked out of the illusion!]

Seeing this, Su Xing's lips slightly curved upward.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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