Chereads / Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation! / Chapter 108 - Chapter 101: Do you understand the value of sudden enlightenment?

Chapter 108 - Chapter 101: Do you understand the value of sudden enlightenment?

[In this marvelous state of sudden enlightenment, your mind is exceptionally pure, and previously incomprehensible questions seem to be suddenly illuminated as if drenched by a timely rain, the blockage cleared away.]

[Boosted by the state of sudden enlightenment, you became wholly immersed in the mastery of Origin Force, forgetting time, forgetting to eat and sleep, and your proficiency in controlling Origin Force improved by leaps and bounds each day!]

[Three days later, you slowly emerged from this marvelous state of sudden enlightenment and were astonished by the changes within yourself.]

[The good news is, your mastery over Origin Force reached the second phase, Origin Force Enwrapment!]

[The bad news is, since you were in a state of sudden enlightenment for three consecutive days, and neglected to tend to your Gathering Spirit Flowers, all the more than ten immature Gathering Spirit Flowers you owned withered away]

Su Xing felt a wave of embarrassment upon seeing this.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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