The Tiger Ben soldiers, having been chosen as seeds, naturally possessed extraordinary martial arts talents. Having undergone strict screening and cultivated with Yi Chen's meticulous guidance and various resources, they had now attained proficiency in the Dominant Fist of Heaven and Earth.
"Hu Da, Hu Er, you two are the best practitioners of the Dominant Fist of Heaven and Earth under my tutelage. I have some matters that require me to leave for a few days, so you will lead the others in training. If there are any uncertainties, wait for my return to discuss them," Yi Chen said.
"Yes, Great Commander!" The two men, as sturdy as bears, immediately knelt on one knee, gazing at Yi Chen with fervent eyes.
Ever since they began practicing the Dominant Fist of Heaven and Earth, they increasingly realized how astonishing the Daoist's martial wisdom in front of them was.
It was, quite simply, divine!