Chereads / Naagin (rise of the serpent) / Chapter 10 - CHAPTER TEN: My Powers and Transformation

Chapter 10 - CHAPTER TEN: My Powers and Transformation

Chapter Ten:My Powers and Transformation

Matching to the class was like terrible.

We all marched to our classes. I was a lot excited about going on an excursion. Hope the museum has a lot of amazing stuff.

"Ovie will you be...."

"Okay, I will be coming" Ovie said shouting on me even though he interrupted me.

I had wanted to ask him if he would be going for the excursion when he interrupted me, even shouting at me.

"You look bothered about something,is anything the matter?" I asked seeing his awful mood.

"It's nothing" he said leaving the seat.

As the day went by, I noticed the sudden a change of character of which Ovie put on. He became distant towards me, not talking to me and somehow, behaved like we were long time enemies. His sudden change of character put me on the verge that something was off, somewhere. I decided to confront him during break time, since he blocked every contact I tried to make towards him.

During break time, he tried running off, leaving the class but I blocked his way.

"Get off my way" he said shoving away, but I stood my ground.

"I won't leave until you tell me why you are behaving strange" I said with a smile.

"Look, I have somewhere I have to be. So please, can you leave my path?" He pleased.

"That's the more reason why I won't leave your path" I said still with my smile.

There was silence as he took a deep breath. He looked at me one of time, maybe contemplating on whether he could tell me what's bothering him.

"Let's have a seat" He muttered feeling disappointed.

Feeling like I Victor, I followed him to a nearby seat and sat with him.

"I've been having nightmares recently" He said once we had sat down.

"In school? Cause, I didn't see you sleeping in class" I spoke out.

"Not in class. I've been having nightmares these past few nights. It has to do with you" he confessed feeling guilty.

"You've been seeing me in your nightmares? What did I do or what was I doing?" I asked.

"I've been seeing you turning into a huge golden Python in my dreams. In each dream, you were either tormenting me with supernatural powers or you will always swallow me up. And I always wake with sweat over me" Ovie said,his mood changing.

As the silence followed, I had wanted to say something, but

"I'm really sorry for the behavior I put on earlier. I'm always scared when I see those nightmares" Ovie said breaking into the silence.

I sighed.

"They are just nightmares. Don't pay heed to them. Everything will be alright" I said hugging him.

For the rest of the day, I was pre-occupied. I was thinking about what I and Ovie had discussed earlier on. Could it be true? I'm I slowly turning into a snake? Was this the reason the Priest was scared of me two months ago? Could it be that golden seed the Cobra gave to me that is turning me into a snake? What's really going on?

I need to find out.


One beautiful Monday, during break time, I left class. My female friends had invited me so we could all go out, but I had better things to do. I steadily sneaked out of school without anyone knowing. Moving in a fast pace,I walked to the back of the school. I got to a group of bushes to which I squatted on.

I walked all the way to the uncompleted building, the same uncompleted building where Ovie was stabbed and where the episode of the snake happened. Walking into the uncompleted building, I could feel my heart beating in a fast rate. But to my surprise, I didn't know why I had come here. It was last someone had called me here.

After waiting for five minutes, I decided to go back to school . I suddenly trift and fell on the ground. When I fell on the ground , I could feel energy flowing through me. It was intense so intense that I could feel myself sweating. For some matter of second I panicked.

Suddenly, I transformed into a huge golden python. It was nothing like I have ever imagined before. So that means what Ovie said was actually really true. I became scared and afraid of the unknown. I couldn't move cause, I didn't know how to move.

"Don't be afraid,lad"

A familiar voice echoed from a direction. I knew who it was. It was the black Cobra snake. I turned my huge snake heard to the direction and I was right. It was the black Cobra snake.

I could feel the rage in me. I felt like killing it ,if I had the chance to do it.

"Your transformation was quite fast. Unlike other children of the gods of Umuguor community,it would take them a year before realizing the power they have" it said crawling up to me.

"What did you do to me?" I asked it.

"Nothing much, just gave you the golden seed and you already know why"it answered.

"How do I change back?" I asked, staring at it with disgust.

"Allow the power in you to maximize taking it to it's limit" it said.

Doing what he told me to do,or maybe I didn't know what I was doing. In a moment I turned back to my human form. I sighed in relief before moving my gaze to the black Cobra.

"You called me here,why?" I asked.

"You haven't given me your response. You have to fulfill your mission"

"Haven't I told you I can't do it?" I asked

"It's not yours to decide. Only date can decide what becomes of your mission. Whether you like it or not, you will free the captives of Umuguor community" the snake said crawling away.

I left the uncompleted building still pondering on the last words of the black cobra snake. With inhuman speed, I ran with all my strength trying to get back to school on time.

Luck was on my side as I got back to school before break over. I knew my powers were slowly emerging, but I didn't want all of this.

A week later

That Monday morning I had gotten to school very early to meet the bus that was to convey us all to the museum. Getting to school was pretty rough, but I still made it. Ovie had not arrived yet.

Not long when he arrived, he came with a back pack.

"What's that for?" I asked when he jumped out of his mother's car.

"For what I carried in it" he answered smiling.

"What's in it? Besides, you are way older to be using a baby back pack" I said making a point.

He shrugged his shoulders.

"You know that I'm the baby of the house" he said with a wink.

I laughed.

"So what's in it?" I asked again.

"Some clothes, snacks and drinks and something special for a beautiful creature" He said laughing out loud.

"What are the clothes for?"


I nodded my head giving a knowing look.

"Let's go on a walk, anyways,we all haven't hit the road. Some of us haven't arrived, that will give us time to take a stroll" Ovie said with his hands stretched out.

Slapping his hands, I said,

"Okay let's go. It will be enjoying" I muttered.

"Your wish is my command" Ovie said bowing and making funny gestures.