Chapter 24 - 24 Daydreaming

I suddenly woke up 5:20 in the morning, trying to sleep. I felt an ominous aura inside my closet door, i did not think anything of it....


The door suddenly opened and there was a skinny black figure, its back was bent, it walked in all fours and its head was twisted. I was startled and the fight or flight response turned on, i immediately grabbed the dagger inside the inventory, that i made.

I was processing its movements, but the thing was static and stood very still. Cautious of it, i slowly got out of my bed and was staring the thing the whole time. It was a horrifying situation, i do not know what it was and how it got inside my closet. One thing was certain, is that this is a dangerous monster.

Its mouth suddenly opened, and its tounge extended out of its mouth. Like a xenomorph....

"What the fuck?!!"

I cursed out, and the thing suddenly charged at me. Almost hitting me with its sharp and pointy tounge on the chest, luckily i dodged its attack.

I looked at its status.....




It was all question marks, it did not say its name, level and title. Recalling what Citra said yesterday...

"This might a dream"

Knowing that information, i took up the courage to stood up and fight it. But i know that this is not something that will be an easy thing to defeat.

Preparing for its next attack, i calculated on where i should hit it. Although i do not if a normal dagger will be enough to kill this thing, and simply damaging this thing might need the presence of magic...


The thing sceamed and its sharp voice echoed inside my room, causing me to cover up my ears. Then suddenly it attacked me, charging its way towards me with its sharp and pointy tounge.


I managed to deflect its tounge away from me, it was hard and showed resistance as i deflected it away from me. Knocking me backward a bit, i tripped and fell on my bed.

It did not hesistate and wasted time to attack me, while i fell on my bed. Barely evading its attack, i rolled sideways and its tounge penetrated through the mattress. Making a hole on my bed, i quickly stood up and made sure i was not inside its reach.

I was breathing heavy, and my hands were shaking. Probably because this is first time i faced off a monster like this, the Fenrir was big but not fast. This thing was small and lighting fast, the only reason why i managed to evade its attacks, is because of my instincts.

Without it, i might be probably be dead when it first attacked me without warning. The thing suddenly crawled onto the walls and made a hole, that looks the same as the hole that enables me to travel to the other world.

Disappearing completely, leaving no traces, except for the hole it made on my bed. Still confused on what had happened, i leaned on the wall and sat on the floor. Looking at the dagger i had on my hand, i sighed and closed my eyes....the next thing i knew. I woke up with the sound of my sister banging on the door.

I looked at the time and it just turned 6:30, knowing i have school today. I immediately got up and i took a quick look on the hole on my bed, before i opened the door...

"Its unusual for you to be this early"

"Yeah, its because youre banging repeatedly on my door"

"Oh, not my problem tho. Anyway, i am preparing breakfast for the both of us, let us eat together, okay?"

I nodded, she then walked into the kitchen. I closed the door and took off my shirt....

"Shit, i did not noticed that thing grazed me"

I looked down on my chest, a wound was present on my chest and it was swollen...

"Wait.....i thought that that was a dream-"

The quick realization hit, and it was not a dream. The hole and the wound is still present, even though i woke up. Also i did not woke up from my bed, instead on the floor.....

"I remember it all, it was not a dream"

'What was that thing?'

Many questions were running inside my head....

"Does that mean that it can also hurt my sister?"

I was filled with overwhelming emotions and thoughts....i tried to calm down my thoughts. Coming up with counter-measures, after all this all happened because of me. If my sister would get hurt, then it is all my fault.

However, the thing is unpredictable when those things appear. Preparing for the next appearance might be bothersome, and judging by it, it will not be the same monsters that will appear. It either appear when i wake up, or when it is night.

Also, my sister has a job early in the morning and gets home either 6 or 7 pm. That means, that i can protect her by the time she gets home. Because i do not know when those things appear, i do not like risking it. Otherwise, my sister will be hurt because of me.

When i got to school, I was daydreaming as usual. Thinking about what those things were, Citra did not explain what happens inside dreams. She did said that even her cannot remember what happens inside dreams, matter of fact.....why do i have an affinity on dark magic?

Everard and Citra explained to me, that magic is not an inheritance. It does not come from bloodline, nor you can pick the magic you want to have. Either it is gifted to you, or you have earned it. It is a complex idea, and completely different from all of the manga, anime and manwha's i read and watched.

In my case, it is gifted to me. The probable reason of it, might be because of the system that is given to me. When i first entered the other world. Also when i tried to get information inside the system. There were no information on what kind of magic i can use, it was not a good place to find information.

When it was afternoon, as usual Amelia came up to my desk and wanted to eat lunch together. I accepted and we ate our lunch at our usual place, Noah was also eating his lunch with us. The two of them were having a conversation, meanwhile I was too immersed inside my thoughts.

I kept trying to piece all of the puzzels in together, and it just made it complicated furthermore. But due to the complicated and complex idea of the other world and the system, it just made me more interested on finding out more about the system and the other world.

I did not notice thay Noah and Amelia was calling out my name....

"What's wrong dude? Are you daydreaming again?"

Noah asked. I agreed with him, i was daydreaming.

I nodded as a response and continued eating my lunch....

"You were daydreaming inside class too, didnt you?"

Amelia added in. She really is observant, even though she sat on the top left in front of the class. She noticed that i was daydreaming inside of class, well i always daydream inside of class and it maybe the norm for me.

"Yeah, i was just preoccupied with something"

The both of them looked at me, and both are interested on what is on my mind.....

I did not want to tell them about what had happened earlier, so i just told them.....

"Nah, nothing. Its about the manga that is getting an anime adaptation, i was wondering on when it will come out"


"That was the thing that was on your mind all this time?"

I nodded at Noah's question, he did not dig in further and said that i was dumb for daydreaming that. Amelia did not bought my reason, i could tell from the way she looked at me.

After class, as usual Amelia wanted to walk home together. We arrived at the playground and we did say anything, we only looked at the passing traffic and did not say anything.....

"You lied didnt you?"

I knew that she knew. I smiled a little and stretched out my arms, and looked at the orange sky...

"Yeah, its nothing really"

"If its nothing serious, then would there be a reason to lie?"

I shook my head....

"Not really, i just wanted to"

"Is that so?"

Amelia stood up and sat next to me.

"Whoa, that is a little close don't you think?"

She did not respond, she leaned on my shoulder and told me....

"Friends do this all the time, its not a big deal"

"Yeah, but were are of the opposite gender"

"So? Or are you suggesting something different?"

She quickly replied. Normally a typical slice of life protagonists would be blushing if the heroine said that, well for me its nothing really. Its just another person, it is nothing special.

I looked at her, and i knew that she was looking for an reaction. So i wrapped my arms around her and did not utter a single word, which i knew she did not expect.....