Chereads / My Roommate, My Daddy / Chapter 9 - A Family That Plays Together

Chapter 9 - A Family That Plays Together


~~~~~~~Ethan's POV~~~~~~~~

Daddy yells as he sees the woman that had just walked in, getting up and walking over to her, pulling her and the boy in her arms into a big hug. 

"And Jay! How are you, buddy?" Daddy asks the boy as he tickles him lightly, making him giggle.

"I's otays, Marky!" Jay says as he hugs Daddy.

I get up and slowly walk over to them, hiding slightly behind Daddy. "Daddy, who dis?" I ask.

"Daddy? Marcus you finally found a little!?" Liz asks him, kinda shouting as she smiles widely, making me flinch a little which Daddy notices.

"It's okay, bubba. You remember me telling you about my cousin that introduced me to the concept of age regression?" He asks, to which I nod. "Well this is her and her little. Liz, Jay, meet Ethan. Ethan, this is Liz and Jay."

"Well hi there Ethan, it's so nice to meet you" the woman, Liz says, kneeling down a little to look me in the eyes.

"H-h-hi" I say, retreating behind Daddy a little.

"He's a bit shy" Daddy chuckles as he runs his fingers through my hair. 

"That's okay sweetie, Jay was quite shy meeting Marcus the first time too" she says as she sets the boy on the floor.

"I wikes chu hoodie" Jay says as he smiles at me behind Daddy.

"T-tank chu" I say, smiling a little.

Jay walks over to me, holding out his wolf. "Dis Gway! Hims my fwen" he says with a big grin.

I gasp, running over to the couch making Jay pout before seeing me running back with Chompy in toe. "Dis Chompy!" I say with the same energy as him, making the adults chuckle as the two of us start to talk about our stuffies, learning they came from the same place.

"Mommy, can we's go pway?" Jay asks Liz, getting a nod as I look to daddy, getting the same.

Jay takes my free hand and we run off to another room of the house. We walk in and I'm amazed by all the toys all over the room. A lot are space themed, which going off Jay's shirt with a teddy bear piloting a cardboard UFO those were bought specifically for him, but there are a lot of other toys scattered around including....

"Dinosaurs!" I squeal, running over to the pile of dinosaur toys in the corner.

"Chu wikes dinosaurs?" Jay asks me as he plops his butt on the floor next to me, picking up a couple toys.

"Uh huhs! Dey da bestest fing ever!" I say, making him giggle.

"Chu wanna pway space dinos?" He asks, making me gasp.

"YES!" I squeal.

We started playing space Dino's which of course included the Dino's trying to fit into the rocket and then taking off to the moon first! They found other rockets, aliens, and when they went to mars they found a whole new Dino species! Chompy made some new friends and they all were loading up when daddy came back in. Apparently it had been an hour!

"How you doing bug? Having fun?" He asks, walking over to me and squatting down.

"Uh huhs! We's pwayin space dinos!" I say, smiling up at him.

"That's great, bubba" he says as he smiles at me. "Think we can put the game on pause for a little bit so we can get some food in both your tummies?"

"Awwww, otays" I say, Jay looking almost as disappointed as me that we have to stop playing.

Daddy helps both Jay and I to our feet before we start to walk to the dining room, Daddy taking notice of the difficulty I'm having walking.

"Bubba, I think we need to change your diapee before we eat" Daddy says, making me freeze in my tracks.

"DADDY!!!" I say, blushing hard in horror that he said that in front of my new friend.

"Hmm, what's wrong, bubba?" Daddy asks.

"Y-you just told Jay I wear d-diapers!" I say, tears threatening to fall.

"Hey, hey, it's okay bubba. Jay wears them too, don't you JJ?" He says, looking over at him with me following his gaze.

Jay perks up, lifting his shirt with a grin, letting me see the diaper poking out around the waist of his khakis.

"See bubba? It's okay. Jay probably needs a change too." Daddy says walking over to him and checking his diaper. "Yup, you definitely need a fresh diapee too, JJ."

Daddy moves around to Jay's back, pulling out the waist of his diaper and looking inside. "Uh oh, someone's stinky too" he says, making Jay blush now.

"Chu poops in dem too?" I ask him, making him blush harder.

"C-chu don't?" He asks, looking as if he feels kinda self-conscious.

"No...I never had to. I'm only incontinent when it comes to pee. What's it like?" I ask, tilting my head curiously.

He looks at me, thinking a moment. "It's... comforting. A-and it makes me feel more little" he says, still blushing but with a bit of a shy smile.

I look at daddy as he smiles at me. "If you wanna try it bubs it's okay. I've changed Jay several times now so I'm more than happy to change you too" he says as he ruffles my hair.

I think about it for a minute and decided to squat down, starting to push, filling the seat of my diaper before long.

"Now we have two stinky babies to change" Daddy says, ruffling my hair again as he picks me up, taking Jay's hand with his free one and taking us back to the living room.

"Liz, you mind helping me change these little stinkers?" Daddy asks, making both me and Jay blush a little.

"Of course! Come on baby boy, Mommy's got you" she says in a soothing tone, picking Jay up and patting his butt.

The two take us to separate rooms, daddy taking me to what is apparently his room.

"How's it feel, bubba?" he asks me as he lays me on his bed. 

"It feels.... different....but not bad. I'm used to how wet diapers feel by now, but this is definitely a new feeling" I say, blushing a little.

"If you like it, Ethan, that's okay. Jay's not like you in that he chose diapers. That means he chose to use them, though now he does actually need them after using them for so long" Daddy says as he rubs my back. "So, if you want to use yours fully from now on, that's okay with me, and if not, that's okay too. I love you as you are, Bubba and I want you  to be comfortable and to enjoy your little side the way you want."

I smile, hugging daddy tight. "Tank chu Daddy. I wuvs chu" I say, a happy tear falling down my cheek.

After a quick diaper change Daddy carries me to the dining room where I see something that makes my jaw drop. There at the table is a highchair, but not a normal one. No the highchair sitting at the table is sized for adults.

"Hello, Earth to Ethan" I hear Daddy say, making me blink as I snap out of my stupor as he chuckles. "There's my baby boy. You zoned out for a second there."

" mean to" I say, looking at the ground embarrassed.

"It's okay, Bubba. You were staring at the highchair pretty hard. Do you wanna try it?" He asks.

"I....can I?" I ask as I look up at him.

"Of course, sweetie. I don't think Jay will mind letting you use it this time. If you like it I'm sure Mom and Dad will happily get another one too so you can both use it when you're both here" Daddy says, kissing the top of my head.

I can't help but think it could be fun, so I figure why not? I nod at Daddy, getting an approving nod in return as he walks over to the chair, sitting me down in it before snapping the tray in place over my lap, locking me in.

"Would you like Daddy to feed you too, baby boy?" He asks as I see Jay sat in Liz's lap, happily being fed by her.

I look up at him and nod, smiling at him, everything from the highchair to the idea of Daddy feeding me making me feel even smaller. Daddy pulls up a chair before grabbing a bowl of mac and cheese, scratch made by Grandma, holding out a spoon full to me. 

I happily open my mouth, letting Daddy feed me bite after bite, the food tasting heavenly. Before long I've eaten every bite, having made a bit of a mess of my face, and hoodie.

Daddy chuckles, telling me to lift my arms so that he can pull my hoodie off so he can wash it. After he returns from putting it in the washer he unhooks the tray, picking me up and setting me on the floor, telling me that Jay and I can go continue playing while he, Liz, Grandma, and Grandpa finish with whatever they were working on.

As soon as we were told we could go play again , Jay and I run back to the play room, continuing where we left off with our dinosaurs' adventure through space. As the hours pass we grow closer, learning a lot about each other and becoming fast friends. He tells me about his nursery his mommy made him in their house and even gets her to show me some pictures, making me a little jealous at how cool it looks, which I think Daddy noticed.  

After what felt like no time at all, Daddy came in to tell me it was time to go home. I pouted and whined at the thought. I was having so much fun playing with my new cousin and I didn't want it to end.

"Hey now, what's with the long face, baby?" Daddy questioned me as he knelt to my level.

"Nu wanna go. Wanna pway wif JJ mowe" I whine, clutching Chompy tight.

"Now Bubba, it's getting late and I can tell you're getting tired. I'm glad you like playing with Jay, but you need rest, baby" he says, pulling me into his lap and hugging me. "Don't be sad, you'll get to play with Jay again. Liz and I can set up some days for us to all come here and spend some time together. Would you like that, my little dino?"

"W-weawwy?" I ask, a small tear starting to flow down my cheek as Jay crawls over to join us in our hug.

"Yeah! Oh oh oh! An maybes chu can comes to my house and we can pways in my nursery!" Jay says with a ton of enthusiasm.

"O-otays....I goes.....Buh I sweeps wif Dada tonight" I say with a confident huff, making Daddy blink before he chuckles.

"Alright, deal" he laughs as he ruffles my hair.

He redresses me in my dino hoodie before picking me up and walking to the front door. Grandma and Grandpa come over, telling us goodbye.

"Do come by whenever you like, Marcus. And be sure to bring this little cutie again" Grandma says, giving my cheek a light pinch before planting a kiss on my forehead, making me sleepily giggle.

"I can't wait to see you again, Ethan" Grandpa smiles at me as he plays with my hair.

"Ethie!" Jay calls out in his Mommy's arms as she walks over to us. "Pway 'gain soon?"

"Uh huhs" I smile at him as our caregivers let us hug.

"See you next time, cutie" Liz says before we start to walk out the door and to the car.

As we drive back to the dorm, Daddy talks to me as I try to keep awake.

"Did you have fun, Bubba?" He asks as he stares ahead at the road.

"Uh huhs! Lots of fun! I wikes Jay an da pway woom so cools too!" I say with as much energy as I can muster.

"I'm glad you liked it, Bubba" he chuckles. "You know that used to be my playroom when I was a kid?"

"Weawwy!?" I ask surprised, having assumed it was just made for Jay.

"Mom and Dad never really got around to repurposing the room and when Liz started visiting with Jay they decided to just update it a little and get a few more toys" he says.

"So it JJ's pway woom now?" I ask, feeling a little jealous.

"Well, he's been the one using it whenever he visits or we babysit him, but now... I think it has a proper owner now" he says with a smile in the mirror.

I can't help but smile wide, knowing I have a place at their home. In their family. I feel so loved and safe. As we drove on I soon started to drift off, dreaming of all the fun I'd had and all the fun to come.