As soon as the elevator door closed, Ashley received a notification. She took her phone out and saw that she had received five stars from the delivery she had done. She felt even more happy and started smiling. (I know it sounds crazy, but I think I am falling for him to) she thought to herself. Ash finally reached at the parking lot; she walked to her black motorbike. She got on top of it, insert the smart key and started the engine. She loosened her hair, put on her helmet then drove towards the delivery company.
Anderson placed his phone back on his desk, then unpacked the lunch. He slowly opened the dish as it let out the steam (Mmmh smells nice). He picked the chopsticks rubbed them together then held them in position and pulled up the noodles. He then felt the taste was different, the food was fresh yes, but something was off. Probably the soup it tastes funny. But he just shrugged his shoulders and proceed eating. Still eating he also thought about how he feels every time he's with Ashley. He is deeply falling for her, but he still doesn't know her well yet.
''So, about the situation of the virus, I've heard all your worries, and I decided on the way of solving it,'' Anderson state. All his group sat around the polished mahogany table, listening to their boss' ideas.
''I was thinking we create another smartphone, which is highly upgraded and make it an anti- virus system.'' Anderson states his part of the idea.
They all nodded, then one of them raised a hand.
'' Yes, any complaints or ideas?'' Anderson asked him.
'' Um, sir I was thinking, before we head directly to making a new phone, how about creating that anti-virus as an app and install it permanently in the phone, therefore the virus will be overpowered, and the phone will be as good as new.'' he spoke.
''Wow, that's a great idea_ I agree with it.'' Anderson said.
The others also accepted. Now that the emergency was sorted, the team could now stop panicking.
Ashley was happily heading to the university, to pick Maria up. She parked her bike out at the gate. She explained to the guards why she was there, as an advantage of her being an alumni, she was allowed in. Ashley headed to the department where Maria was studying at. (Law department).
She decided to wait, since on Thursdays, her classes don't go beyond lunch time. Ashley had her helmet on; therefore, no one noticed her, and she was carrying another black helmet. Others said she's a boy because of her outfit, others argued, it's a girl. Finally, Maria came out of her class with her friends. She immediately recognized her girlfriend. (What is she doing here?).
''Oh! Ria, you won't join us for lunch today.'' One of her friends said.
''Why say that?'' Maria asked.
''It's Ash, she's here to pick you up.''
''So now, go to her,'' one said then pushed Maria towards Ashley's direction. Then they waved goodbye and left the two.
''What are you doing here?'' Maria asked her.
''Mmmh, I'm here to pick you up Pie, today is a great day I wanna share it with you.''
''How can I assure it's you I_I can't even see you under that helmet,'' she said.
Ashley then pushed the glass upwards then revealed her pretty face. ''Still doubting?'' She asked sarcastically.
Maria then held her arm. ''Let's go and find somewhere else to talk to,' Maria state.
When they reached outside, Ashley placed the helmet on Maria's head. She got on top of the bike, then Maria sat on the back, then folded her arms on her chest.
''I can't start driving if you won't hold on to my waist.''
''No need, I'm good.'' Maria declined.
''Fine, don't say I didn't warn you.''
Ashley started the engine, thereby making Maria startled that she quickly held Ashley's waist tightly.
''Good girl.'' She said then they drove off.
Anderson was done with work already and was ready to leave. As he approached the door, he felt like he was burning. His secretary opened the door and saw his state.
''Oh! Boss, you don't look so good_ good thing I called Dickson, he has probably arrived,'' she states.
''No problem, I'll manage going through the elevator alone,'' He state.
After struggling a bit, he got into his Rolls Royce Phantom as Dickson drove him home, since he declined going into the hospital, saying he was just tired.
When they arrived, Emmlyn was waiting at the living room, after receiving a call from the sec. She headed to him then placed her palm on his cheeks and forehead, he was burning up!
''Darling, you look sick!!''