Kai clenched the beast's hair with his right hand. His grip was firm. The beast tried to throw Kai off of him, but it didn't matter how fast he ran or crashed into walls. Kai was not letting go of his hair.
Kai's left hand was submerged in his blood. His hand was bleeding nonstop the moment he had taken the poisonous dagger out. Still, it didn't matter, even after he took out the dagger. The poison had superadded further in his veins. His left side was completely turned into a dark purple color.
Kai was not able to feel his left side, but he didn't focus on the spreading poison. His one and only goal was to win this battle with the beast.
Kai released the beast's hair and locked himself with his head by using his right leg. Kai raised his right hand over his head with the dagger in his grip.
Kai spoke to the beast with his monstrous voice before stabbing the dagger into his second head left eye.