"That's the last of it!" Ayla announced as she loaded the last bit of cabbage into the cart using levitation magic. We stood in the middle of nowhere, just a grassy field that stretched for miles, the wind causing our hair to flutter nonstop.
"Thank you for your help," an old man bowed to us, expressing his gratitude.
"It's fine, we're glad to help!" Ayla said with a smile, though the only reason we stopped was because of her. If it were up to me, we'd have already walked past him by now. She said I needed to be more selfless, but I don't see the point–
"Would you like a ride? It's the least I can do," the old man pondered, my eyes drifting to Ayla and hers drifting to mine, giving me a knowing nod.
"No, we're fine, you can go ahead–" My words were cut off by a strike to the knee, causing me to grit my teeth in pain, but I acted like it didn't affect me.