It was true, one of the abilities was only partial, and as far as he knew the other ability was just a language, but he had still never heard of something before. He looked up at Bogrod, who was staring intently at him. The goblin took a few minutes before he found himself capable of replying.
"Truthfully, having that many abilities is not incredibly rare, although the abilities are typically much less impressive or rare. Powerful wizards tend to automatically develop the lowest tier abilities, but to be born with that many abilities is something, that is true. None of your abilities can be replicated, you are merely born with or without them, to my knowledge. So it is a nice addition, I suppose." said Bogrod. He shuffled the files between his hands, before looking back at Harry.
"Which do you wish to discuss first, heirships or your abilities?"
"Heirships, I suppose." said Harry. Bogrod nodded, pulling the yellow sheet towards him. He traced each of the house names with his finger, nodding all the while. When done, he looked up at Harry, and began to speak.
"Potter, of course, was obvious. You are the only Potter remaining, so even if the ring judges you unworthy of it, it will still claim you." That annoyed Harry slightly. It wouldn't be thrilling to know he got a Potter Ring simply because the ring had no choice.
"Never would I have ever guessed that you would have been eligible for Black Heirship. You are recognized as the godson of Sirius Orion Black, who was first in line for Heirship. He was deemed unworthy once he was sent to Azkaban. Since you were made godson before he went to Azkaban, you are still capable as an heir option." Harry nodded. He had figured that much from the letter that Sirius had sent him.
"After Sirius Black in line for Heirship would have been Regulus Arcturus Black, his younger brother. Unfortunately, the lad died just before you were born. That concludes the main line of the Blacks. Next would have been the sisters of the minor line, by age. As they are female, they can not claim the heirship, but any heir they might have can.
Bellatrix Lestrange née Black was first in line from that portion of the Black family, but like her cousin she was sent to Azkaban. Next is Andromeda Tonks née Black. She was cast out of the family. Unfortunately, she was cast out before her daughter Nymphodora Tonks was born, rendering her daughter incapable of an attempt at claiming the fortune, or ever becoming a true member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. That leads to the youngest sister, Narcissa Malfoy née Black, and her son, Draco Malfoy."
Harry scowled. If there was one person that he had no problem stealing an Heirship from, it was Draco Malfoy. But he wasn't sure whether or not his claim on the fortune was stronger than Draco's.
"He is the son of the fifth Black in line. You are the godson of the first in line, as well as the grandson of a Black. Although it might sound like you have a lead, it is a very close race. You will have to test the ring. If it chooses you, then you are more worthy for the House, if not, it likely goes to young Mr. Malfoy."
Harry nodded, his hands clenched into fists under the desk. That was the Potters and the Blacks. Two down, two to go.
"There has not been anyone in the Potter family allowed access to the Peverell possessions in over several hundred years. It is a very famous name, as three Peverell brothers were known to have been those brothers from the famous wizarding Tale of the Three Brothers."
Harry's jaw fell open. He had heard the story from Mrs. Weasley while at the Burrow before his second year at Hogwarts. He had thought it had been an incredible tale, and found the wand, stone, and cloak all to be incredible objects.
"Wait a moment." said Harry, as something clicked in his mind. He moved faster than he had ever moved before, ripped his bag open and pulled out his Cloak of Invisibility. He placed the cloak in front of Bogrod, whose jaw dropped.
"This is the cloak." he said moments later, "I know it is. It's unlike any Invisibility Cloak I've ever seen before. How in Ragnuk's name do you have this, Wizard?" questioned Bogrod, eyes unmoving from Harry's face.
"It's a family heirloom, apparently." answered Harry. Bogrod nodded slowly, inspecting the cloak before handing it back to Harry.
"That makes sense. As I was about to tell you, the Potters are the main descending line of the Peverell's, just as the Gaunts were of Slytherin, before they died out, of course. Many Potters have tried to claim the possessions of the Peverells, just as the Gaunt's attempted to claim Heirship of Slytherin. Only three Potters have ever been deemed worthy for access to the Peverell possessions. No Gaunt has ever managed to claim the Slytherin Heirship, though I believe one, centuries ago, managed to gain access to Slytherin's possessions for a limited time."
Harry's eyes widened in shock; he had always assumed that Voldemort had managed to procure Lordship of Slytherin, but apparently not.
"This leads us to the last and final Heirship. Slytherin. I want you to be very calm before I reveal this to you, am I clear?" Harry nodded while shaking, silently praying that he wasn't really a descendant of Slytherin.
"You are, without a doubt, a full descendant of Slytherin."
Of course I am.
Harry's face paled drastically. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could say anything, Bogrod stopped him.
"From what we have here, the most likely situation is that your mother was a descendant of Slytherin as well. Considering she was considered to be muggleborn, she would have to be the descendant of a squib descendant of Slytherin. There is only one person who matches this description. Her name was Martha Steward, the daughter of Isolt Sayre." He paused, looking at Harry's face as if searching for a reaction.
"Er - is that supposed to mean something?" asked Harry, attempting to sound as polite as possible. Bogrod stared at him for a moment, before facepalming himself and muttering a few curses in Gobbledegook.
"She is one of the four founders of the American Wizarding School, Ilvermony, and arguably the most important of the four." The way Bogrod spoke suggested that he agreed with that argument, "But that is of little importance. If you are interested, you can do your own research on your family tree, as I may be incorrect. The point is, Lily Potter née Evans awoke the dormant magical blood within the line. She awoke the Slytherin line. You, being her son, are an acceptable heir. I am more than certain the ring will accept you as the heir."
Harry nodded, slowly processing what he had just been told.
"Wait a moment." he said, realizing something, "Wouldn't that mean that my mother was a Parselmouth too?"
Bogrod paused for a moment, before responding.
"Truthfully, I have no idea. Parseltongue is a hereditary ability, but not a guaranteed one; it is possible that she was simply one of the witches or wizards to have unfortunately not been granted the ability."