Walking around fifth without a weapon was just asking for trouble, and I Rowan seemed to be begging for it.
"Boss is this really okay? The guys here think you killed their leader Colton, shouldn't you have just sent me instead?" Elio asked, following strictly behind me.
I tossed him a sharp glare, "And how do I know you're not working for Matteo? I forgave you the first time because he took the twins. But if you're still working as his ears, I won't hesitate to kill you."
"I...I understand."
I nodded, and walked past the fence riddled with bullets holes and approached the lone house, which didn't seem to have been touched in the madness of everything.
"Wait." I spread my hand in front of him, stopping Elio from taking a step towards the lawn.
"What's wrong?" He whispered loudly, reaching into his jacket.