Aniya stretched in bed with a smile. Last night George brought her to his apartment, and they made wild love. She turned and found him sleeping peacefully, lying on his tummy.
Her hand reached out and moved the thick lock of black hair off his forehead. It plopped back on his face.
Aniya chuckled and again tried moving it off when suddenly he held her wrist and kissed her hand, taking her by surprise.
"You're awake!" A frown settled on her face.
He slid towards her and propped on his elbows to kiss her lips gently. Aniya's arms were around his neck at once, pulling him closer as she deepened the kiss. George hummed in satisfaction, his fingers holding her bo*ob possessively, kneading it lightly.
Aniya wanted to make love again. Last night was amazing but the morning seemed more magical and more promising.
"You're quite a troublemaker in the morning, aren't you?" he murmured against her lips, his voice still thick with sleep.