The shock on Paige's face was priceless. Aniya was laughing her head off internally but, on the outside, her face remained somber.
"This is the only explanation I can come up with, Paige. You are just here to tarnish my reputation, so you thought let's pin my name with a powerful man's name so that I become a laughingstock. Right? No, Paige. Wrong!" Aniya waved her hand confidently in front of Paige's face, "So I want to hear what you want to say about this secret boyfriend of mine."
Paige was standing there tongue-tied. She swiped her tongue over her dry lips and turned to look at her friends who were standing there as helpless as her.
Poor things didn't even know what Paige wanted out of all this.
"Didn't you go with George Donovan?" she asked Aniya in a weak voice and Aniya threw back her head and laughed loudly.