Name: Zen
Age: 16
Force: 15
Control: 17
Vitality: 14
Od: 2
Keeper of the Swarm: Swarmkeeper
-Slight magical abilities
-Increases Control
-Increases Force
-Increases Vitality
-Increases Proficiency with Bow
Infected stages (In a healthy body)
Incubation(The infection is unnoticed, but is beginning to multiply)
Prodromal(The body noticed the multiplication, and light symptoms show up as it starts to engage)
Illness (Noticable Symptoms start to show up, and can be localized or Systematic)
Stage of Decline (The body starts to beat the infection, and the symptoms start to dissapeer)
Convalescence (The body has beat the infection, and the body gets healthier, but if the infection is deadly enough to cause permanent damage, that damage remains.)
Infected Stages (In an unhealthy/unlucky body)
Incubation (The infection is unnoticed, but is beginning to multiply)
Prodromal (The body noticed the multiplication, and light symptoms show up as it starts to engage)
Illness (Noticable Symptoms start to show up, and can be localized or Systematic)
Sepsis (The Body starts to fight itself)
Severe Sepsis (Organs start to malfunction)
Septic Shock (Impossibly low blood pressure despite assistance from IV fluids)
Fever or Chills
Severe headache or neck stiffness