Chereads / Doctor in ASOIAF / Chapter 1 - New Player

Doctor in ASOIAF

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Chapter 1 - New Player

(3rd Person POV)

"What? Why would you give me this chance then?", Alex asked the ROB who was reincarnating him. 

"If you don't want to, then just tell me. I am giving you minor wishes and nothing that instantly makes you OP. That doesn't mean that I am mean or anything. It just means you have to be smart.", the ROB says to Alex. Alex was a bit angry because he finally got his Reincarnation experience. Still, instead of getting the awesome wishes he wanted, he was told that he would only get 'minor' wishes. Something that fits into the setting of 'A Song of Ice and Fire', because that was his destination.

"Can I at least travel to other Universes as well?", Alex asked him.

"Depends on your wishes I suppose."

"OK then. Well, I think I know. You said it must fit into the ASOIAF world, right?"


"Very well then. I wish for the Meta Essence of the Mad Doctor. By drinking this, I become the best doctor in existence! It was always my dream to become a doctor and it would fit into the world of GOT no?"

"Hm ... you are ... not really correct. However ... that would work quite well. I can see you become quite a menace with that. You might even become a new race. All right, granted. I said nothing OP, but I also said it had to fit into the world. I guess this can instantly make you OP, but still ... I can see that it was really your wish. Use it well.", the ROB said. 

"When will I get there?", Alex asked. 

"You'll see. Anything else?"

"I would like to have the ability to travel through the Multiverse. I wish to see other worlds and explore as much as I can."

"Considering that you actually weren't a pain to deal with ... sure that can be arranged. But because you decided on such an OP wish, I will hold that off for now and make you go through many years in that world. Anything else?"

"No, that would be all. I wanted to ask for a specific appearance, but I can do that myself.", Alex said.

"I see ... Yeah, that's true. Well then, I wish you the best of luck and hope you will enjoy yourself."

"Thank you very much.", Alex said. 




(A/N Dates are from the wiki)


Chapter 3 - Westeros

Westeros ... one of the three continents in the known world, the others being Essos and Sothoryos. Most of the area of Westeros is covered by a political entity known as the Seven Kingdoms, while the far north beyond the Wall includes the free folk. The closest foreign nations to Westeros are the Free Cities, a collection of independent city-states across the narrow sea in western Essos.

Roughly 12'000 BC, a human ethnic group from Essos, called the First Men, invaded Westeros by crossing the Arm of Dorne, bearing weapons of bronze. In a futile attempt to end the invasion, the Children of the Forest, a mysterious non-human race that originally inhabited the continent of Westeros, use the hammer of the waters to shatter the land bridge, creating the Broken Arm and the island chain known as the Stepstones.

The First Men are more numerous, larger, stronger, and more technologically advanced than the children, who try to resist the invaders using their magic and obsidian weapons. It proves unsuccessful, however, and the First Men gradually push deeper and deeper into Westeros, establishing hundreds of petty kingdoms.

After years of warfare, the First Men and children of the forest come to a standstill and finally agree to a peaceful coexistence, signing the Pact on the 'Isle of Faces'. This pact gives the First Men dominion over the open lands and lets the children keep control over the forested areas. In time, the First Men adopted the worship of the old gods of the forest.


Roughly 10'000 BC, came the Age of Heroes. An era during the history of Westeros, which would be named so later for the great men and women who lived in the years of peace and prosperity following the forging of the Pact. The Pact endures for nearly four thousand years, and in that time, the children of the forest and the First Men grow closer.

In time, the First Men set aside many of their cultural differences to embrace the ways and customs of the children of the forest. With the exception of the Drowned God of the Iron Islands, the Lady of the Waves and Lord of the Skies of the Three Sisters, the gods of the children become those of the First Men.

Many of the noble houses of Westeros today trace their lineage back to the Age of Heroes. This was the time when grand historical figures are said to have lived, such as Brandon the Builder, who is the founder of House Stark in the North; Lann the Clever, the founder of House Lannister, who winkles Casterly Rock from the Casterlys in the Westerlands; or Garth the Gardener, the founder of House Gardener in the Reach.

Also during this, the Storm Kings of House Durrandon arise in the Stormlands - a line with figures such as the founding Durran Godsgrief, supposed builder of Storm's End - and the Grey King rules the Ironborn of the Iron Islands.


After the Age of Heroes, came the Long Night. Night seems to last for a generation in this time, and the longest, coldest and darkest winter descends on Westeros. The ice spreads down from the north, and under cover of darkness, the Others invade Westeros from the uttermost north, marching, killing and raising up the dead to be their servants in Unlife and nearly destroying all men in Westeros.

The Long Night comes to an end with the Battle for the Dawn. The children and the First Men unite to defeat the Others with Dragonglass weapons, with the Night's Watch pushing them back into the frozen reaches of the far north.

Legendary figures from this time include the last hero and Azor Ahai, who wields a great sword of fire, Lightbringer. These events are believed to have occurred between eight thousand and six thousand years ago.

With the Others defeated, Bran the Builder, with the aid of giants, the First Men, and perhaps the children of the forest, raises the Wall, a monumental fortification of ice and ancient magic, to shelter the realms of men from the menaces of the north. The Sworn Brotherhood of the Night's Watch guards the Wall. It is said that Bran the Builder also builds Winterfell, becomes the first King of Winter, and founds House Stark.


In the hills of Andalos on Essos, a new religion takes shape, the Faith of the Seven. Supposedly, seven deities appear to Hugor of the Hill, inspiring the Andals for their invasion of Westeros.


The Andals cross the narrow sea and make landfall on its eastern shore at the Fingers in the Vale.


They come under the banner of the Faith of the Seven, with seven-pointed stars carved into their chests, wielding weapons of steel. They fight both the First Men and the children of the forest, sweeping the land much like the First Men did thousands of years before. When the Andals crossed the narrow sea from Essos is disputed; some sources indicate six thousand years ago, the 'True History' states it was four thousand years ago, and some Maesters claim it was two thousand years ago.

For centuries the Andals war with the First Men and the children in an attempt to drive them out. One by one, the six Southron kingdoms fall and most of the Weirwoods are destroyed. Only the North remains under the rule of the First Men, largely due to the strategically-located fortress of Moat Cailin resisting multiple attempts to take it and serving as the door between North and South. Though the north remains secure, the children of the forest begin their slow withdrawal from the lands of men, retreating deeper into their forests and north of the Wall.

The Iron Islands fell to the Andals a thousand years after the beginning of their invasion of Westeros, ending the line of Kings of the Iron Islands which originated from Urron Greyiron. Unlike in the other regions, however, Andals are assimilated to the native beliefs of the Old Way and the Drowned God.



Chapter 4 - The Seven Kingdoms (and a half)

Over the centuries following the Andal invasions, the southern kingdoms of the First Men fell, and eventually the Andals raised up six powerful kingdoms of their own. In about 3'000 BC, the Wildling invasion took place.

The free folk, or Wildlings united under the brother Kings-beyond-the-Wall, Gendel and Gorne. They managed to evade the Night's Watch and bypass the Wall in great numbers using a network of tunnels that extended under the Wall. However, they are met by the King in the North from House Stark on the other side and are eventually thrown back.


700 BC", House Stark subdues House Bolton, their primary antagonists for dominance in the North, and ends the practice of flaying. 

The Rhoynar, fleeing the Valyrians after the Second Spice War, migrated to Dorne "a thousand years ago". This is the last major migration into Westeros.



Chapter 17 - Harrenhal and the Half-Kingdom

The seat of Halleck Hoare, King of the Isles and the Rivers, was a modest tower house at Fairmarket on the Blue Fork. His son, Harren the Black, built Harrenhal along the Gods Eye as a monument to himself, intending it to be the greatest of all castles in Westeros and for it to dwarf any other. This was very valuable, something that Harren the Black found out. 


The lake God's Eye was a mysterious lake that held an even more mysterious small island, called the Isles of Faces. The First Men and children of the forest came to a standstill, after years of war and finally agreed to a peaceful coexistence, signing the Pact on the Isle of Faces. But it wasn't that occasion that made the place so mysterious. It was something else. 

The construction of Harren's dream took forty years. Thousands of captives died in the quarries chained to sledges or labouring on the five huge towers. Men froze by winter and sweltered in summer. Weirwoods that had stood three thousand years were cut down to provide rafters and beams. Harren beggared the Riverlands and the Iron Islands alike to ornament his dream.

Upon its completion, Harren boasted that his new fortress was impregnable. However, he did not account for Aegon the Conqueror and his dragons invading Westeros. On the day Harren took up residence, Aegon came ashore at what would become King's Landing. Aegon flew his dragon Balerion, the Black Dread, above the high walls and forbidding towers and then roasted Harren alive in the tallest of the towers, now known as Kingspyre. Harren and all his line perished in the burning of Harrenhal. 


While that was the end for House Hoare, it was not the end for God's eye and the mysterious Isle of Faces. The reason why the lands around God's Eye were so special, was a particular person, who lived on the Isle of Faces, Kisuke Urahara.

While House Urahara is known throughout Westeros during modern times for its medical knowledge and inventions, it was very unknown during the times that Harren Hoare. When House Urahara was truly founded, is unknown. But it is a known fact, that it had existed even before the Andals invaded Westeros. 

Not much is known about House Urahara, even today. The founder, who is stated to be called Kisuke Urahara, defended his small land against other First Men and then the invading Andals and even against Aegon the Conqueror when he arrived with his dragon Balerion. 

How that was accomplished and how much truly happened, is unknown. But the lands of House Urahara, are some of the most fertile in the known world. The history of the House is a heavily guarded secret. The only known fact is that Aegon Targaryen and Kisuke Urahara despised each other. The reason for that hate was apparently Aegon's elder sister, Vysenia, but not much else is known. 

- Excerpt from "A History of Westeros", by Grandmaester Korlis Kokabris