The afterglow of Lawrence's birthday lingered for several days. Nevertheless, Eris continued to work diligently, and Shelly along with the other maids also tried to help in everything they could. Lawrence, on the other hand, had plenty of free time as he was watched over less than usual.
Taking advantage of this, Lawrence, skilled in crawling without attracting undue attention, made his way into the library. There he saw a massive arched window that nearly filled the entire wall, facing south and bathing the room in natural light for most of the day. The sun's rays danced on the surface of the heavy oak shelves that lined each wall.
The shelves, made of dark wood, creaked under the weight of books collected over generations. Here one could find everything from ancient manuscripts bound in leather to magical encyclopedias that explained the fundamentals of magic. Some of the oldest volumes were enclosed in glass to protect them from dust and damage.
The opposite wall was adorned with a large fireplace, faced with carved stone, providing warmth on cold days and creating a cozy and tranquil atmosphere, perfect for reading. Above the fireplace hung a full-length portrait of the previous Village Head, serving as a reminder of heritage and tradition.
In the center of the room stood several massive redwood tables with intricate carvings along the edges. Next to each table were comfortable chairs upholstered in green velvet fabric.
A small tea corner occupied one corner of the room, featuring a pair of chairs and a low table.
- "This is just what I need,"
Lawrence thought with a smirk.
Leaning back against one of the chairs, Lawrence began to think and survey where to start.
Surrounded by the wisdom of many generations in the library, Lawrence felt at home. He crawled to one of the lower shelves where he could easily reach the books with his little hands. Opening one of the books, Lawrence looked on in amazement at the text before him.
- "Can I read this?"
He wondered in puzzlement.
He then reached for another book, then another, spreading several before him on the floor, realizing that this was no coincidence or accident.
- "All the books are written in the same language. But how? The language of this world, in which all these books are written, is nothing like the language from my old world,"
Lawrence paused, taking another look around the library.
- "From the beginning, I understood the language of this world and perceived it as my own. By ear, the language of this world and the old one were indistinguishable, so I assumed they were the same. Indeed, when I walked around the market with my parents and the butler, I didn't pay attention to the text on the signs because I was too absorbed in playing a child."
Lawrence's thoughtful face furrowed slightly.
- "So, if I can understand and read the language of this world, half the problem is solved. Now, I just need to learn how to write, and I'll be all set."
With enthusiasm, Lawrence began to thoroughly study the content of the books.
Studying each book he could reach, Lawrence only confirmed his suspicions that magic does exist in this world. Reading each volume he opened, he increasingly understood the structure of the world of Eldoria.
The first book he settled on was "Encyclopedia: Basics of Magic." The opening pages describe all the basics of magic:
"The world of Eldoria, a mesmerizing universe filled with magical substance—Mana Particles. These sparkling particles not only surround every living being but are also a key element in using Magic, which defines the structure of the entire world.
In Eldoria, four basic elements of magic are recognized: Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. Each has its superior, or 'Deviant,' form, which represents a more powerful and specialized manifestation of the basic element. Thus, Fire becomes Lightning, Water becomes Ice, Air takes the power of Gravity, and Earth turns into Metal. These deviant forms of magic can only be mastered by Deviant Mages who have reached the pinnacle of mastery of the basic elements.
Magical energy in Eldoria is manifested through Mana Particles, which allow living beings and organisms to manipulate magical forces. Despite this, there are many ordinary creatures born without the ability to perform magic.
Those capable of magic have a special sensitivity to Mana Particles. Inside each such being is a Mana Core—a unique reservoir where Mana Particles are stored. This core allows them to use magic. If the Mana Core is underdeveloped or not awakened, using magic is significantly complicated, however, this issue can be addressed through diligent training or with the help of another mage who can assist in awakening the core.
Every living being or organism has the potential to awaken its Mana Core, the size and capacity of which can vary. With the proper effort, the owner of a Mana Core can achieve outstanding heights in its development. A living being that has awakened its Mana Core is capable of absorbing surrounding Mana Particles and, with sufficient concentration, uses magic directly from the environment, bypassing the core. This feat is only achievable by exceptionally experienced mages.
Among mages, there is an incredible rarity—a being that from birth has an affinity for two elements. Such a phenomenon in the world of Eldoria indicates the presence of a particularly strong and stable Mana Core in the individual from the start of their journey."
Lawrence, immersing himself in the book, carefully studied each point:
"Mana Cores: Definition and Basic Principles
A Mana Core is a magical organ located inside every being in Eldoria capable of magic. The core acts as a reservoir and catalyst for Mana, allowing mages to accumulate, transform, and release magical energy through spells or magical actions. The main characteristics of a Mana Core include:
- Capacity: Determines the maximum amount of Mana the core can contain at one time.
- Sensitivity: The ability of the core to perceive and respond to surrounding magical fields and energies.
- Plasticity: The ability of the core to adapt and change in response to magical practice and external conditions.
Formation and Development of a Mana Core:
A Mana Core forms in a being at an early age and begins to actively develop from the first conscious contact with magic. The development process of the core can be divided into several stages:
1. 'Poliós' (Gray Level): Awareness and initial interaction with Mana. At this stage, the mage learns to feel and manipulate small amounts of Mana.
2. 'Khlōrós' (Green Level): The mage begins to accumulate Mana in their core, which increases their magical capacity and abilities.
3. 'Kyanós' (Blue Level): The core becomes more sensitive to surrounding magical forces, allowing the mage to more precisely control their spells.
4. 'Porphyros' and 'Xanthós' (Purple and Yellow Levels): The core adapts to specific forms of magic that the mage most often uses, enhancing abilities in selected areas.
5. 'Kirrinos' and 'Erythrós' (Orange and Red Levels): The core reaches a high level of development, allowing the mage to easily manipulate complex and powerful magical effects.
6. 'Mélas' (Black Level): The core becomes so powerful that the mage can influence magical forces on a cosmic level.
7. 'Theótēs' (Mother-of-Pearl Level): The Mana Core reaches its peak, allowing the mage to transcend the boundaries of ordinary existence and achieve new levels of magical interaction, including connection with divine entities."
He struggled but managed to turn the pages, carefully studying the illustrations and text describing how mages control fire, water, air, and earth. With each page turn, Lawrence's eyes widened in surprise and awe.
- "Incredible... How vast magic is..."
He whispered, completely absorbed by the book.
The next book he pulled out was "Histories of Ancient Mages." This book was heavier, and he had to exert considerable effort to lay it on the floor in front of him. He flipped through the pages that told of famous mages of the past, their adventures, and battles with magical creatures. Each story made little Lawrence's heart tremble before the power of magic.
- "Magic is complicated. But I am determined to master it,"
Lawrence thought dreamily.
After several hours of reading, Lawrence felt tired. He settled more comfortably into one of the chairs, which turned out to be surprisingly comfortable even for his small size. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
Lawrence peacefully dozed in the quiet library, where every object seemed frozen in anticipation of new stories that could now include this little boy with big aspirations. This was his first step on the path to his magical destiny.
Soon, Loren burst into the library, frantically running from corner to corner in search of Lawrence. After a minute, finding him lying on the chair, Loren breathed a sigh of relief.
- "Whew... There you are, Lawrence. You know how to make someone worry."
Carefully picking up Lawrence, Loren headed to the young master's room.
On the way back to Lawrence's room, Loren couldn't help but notice how soundly the little one slept in her arms. Despite his restless spirit of exploration, he was still a child who needed care and protection. Entering the room, she gently placed Lawrence in the crib, carefully covering him with a light blanket. The soft moonlight slid across the floor, creating a calming and warm atmosphere.
Loren lingered for a moment, watching the sleeping boy. Her face expressed tenderness and concern simultaneously. She knew that sooner or later, Lawrence would step beyond this room to explore the broader world, and she only hoped that the world would be kind to him.
Leaving the room, Loren quietly closed the door and approached a window in the corridor, overlooking the darkening garden. The night was quiet, and the stars shone brightly against the black sky. This peaceful scene helped her feel more confident about the inevitability of the next day, filled with new cares and joys.