While leaving the scene, 'I'm so bored.. although it's nice to manipulate weaklings.. I don't have anything that challenges me, I might raze a city or two just for fun.. but even that want feels fleeting.' I thought to myself as I made my way to my room only to sense something approach me from above.
A paper bird proceeded to land in my outstretched hand, the bird shifted into a letter, opening it reads,
Without a second thought I activated the talisman, me vision shuttered as a strong magical force pulled me through a portal the talisman summoned.
A moment later my feet came into contact with the ground once more after the summoning ended, since my mana was so dense I didn't feel disoriented even though I was still wearing the mana suppression bracelet. Opening my eyes I found myself in a grand throne room, filled with may people who had a mixture of lascivious and nasty looks in their eyes as they stared at my arrival. The voices lowered to a barey audible mumbled.
At the far end of the throne room sat a familiar man, My father Emporer Viktor Rexenvel. As I decided to approach I felt my bloodkin connection with Hestia as I turned to see her and Kasarian standing off to the side when our eyes met she winked at me. A small grin grew on my face as I proceeded to ignore her presence.
Suddenly an overbearing aura erupted outwards as Viktor spoke, "Have you any idea why I've summoned you? Hmm?" He roared through the throne room.
However I simply sneered, "I think I am aware." As I shrugged uncaringly.
"Watch your attitude girl!" As his aura bellowed outwards causing many of the spectators to back away and even start to sweat.
Viktor continued, "Your humiliation and mutilation of Prince Johan Eldoria has caused issues within the Alliance, I order you to travel to Eldoria and pay reparation as well as fix the situation we are in because of your choices." He spoke plainly.
A spectator shouted, "This is not enough my Lord execute this girl for her deeds!"
Before the Emporer could speak my aura exploded outwards singularly directed at the man. The spectator fell to his knees as he felt a wetness pool from his trousers, having peed himself.
"Enough!" Viktor shouted as he did I kept my aura on the man for a few seconds more before retreating it.
Turning to my father, "Before I leave to 'fix' the Eldorians, do you recall the promise I made to you years ago Viktor?"
Many of the spectators yelled in protest, "How dare you speak the Emperors name!"
However the Emperor raised one hand silencing the room, "I remember."
Nodding I turned to make my way out of the throne room as I did the Emperor spoke again, "The Arcane Guild has offered to transport you to and from Eldoria." With that the room erupted in conversation as I left into the palace halls, through my bloodkin connection Hestia spoke, "My lady Kas and I will meet you at the teleportation array within the palace please act as if we are strangers to keep up our charade." I nodded but said nothing.
Wondering through the halls a voice called out my name, "Lithia wait!" Turning to see Willam running up to me.
"Lithia I know you are off to Eldoria but I have managed to secure a meeting with Aedria my.. fiance.. please accompany me to meet with her."
"Okay." I simply responded as William pulled me towards an inner palace garden
As soon as I turned the corner I saw a beautiful girl who looked slightly older than me, her golden hair, her emerald green eyes her elven ears, as she sipped her tea sitting in the center of this garden at a pure white table, "Princess Aedria this is my half sister Lithia." William said.
The elf Princess turned as our eyes met she smiled, "It is such a pleasure to make your aquantiance Lithia, William has told me so much about you.. though why is it I can not sense any magic from you...? William said your magic was unlike anything he had felt."
I lifted up my sleeve to show the mana suppression bracelet, the Princess continued, "Ah.. I see a mana suppression bracelet, I'm sure you have reasons for wearing such a trinket, sit have some tea we have much to discuss."
I shook my head, "Unfortunately I have a pressing matter to attend to so forgive me for declining, as for the reason I'm here it's quite simple, your kingdom requires an Heir from royal blood right? That is my reasons for meeting you." I said while the Princess was slightly taken aback.
"Indeed the reason for my marriage between William is because I need to give birth to a royal Heir of Rexenvel blood, and unless I am willing to be used by the Emperor himself his son will have to do.. which I am not interested in becoming the plaything of an older man." Aedria said taking a sip of tea.
She continued, "Although I realize my goof friend William isn't interested in me in an intimate way... I found myself running out of options, however William came to me with another quite peculiar option.. he wanted you to impregnate me.. but unless you are a futa I'm unsure of how you could." Aedria sighed.
I smiled, "Well it's a good thing I am equipped with the capabilities of breeding other women, both William and his sister have taken to my member." My words causing William to turn and blush slightly.
"Princess Aedria let's not beat around the bush.. I have come to gift you my seed as a trade for breaking your connections to the Rexenvel Royal family and instead becoming my ally, in the future I will tear down all my father has built up."
Stunned Aedria was deep in thought for a few moments before opening her mouth, "let me feel your full strength through your aura before i decide on this."
I moved to remove my bracelet, "Don't regret your choice, also don't blame me if you loose consciousness." As I willed an invisible barrier made from a small portion of my Qi to form around the three of us since I don't want other prying eyes to feel my full strength.
With the barrier activated my mana bellowed outwards causing her teacup to shatter.
Aedria's pov:
Thinking to herself while she watches Lithia remove her bracelet, as the weight of the mana builds and builds and builds seemingly never stopping, 'My gods... what manner of.. of being stands in my presence... her mana is so dense.. I can't breathe.. gods William looks untouched by this pressure it's as if it's directed only on me...' as her consciousness faded the pressure vanishs as if never present.
Waiting for Aedria to get her barings again, "Does that satisfy you Princess?" I asked placing the bracelet back on.
"Take me Lithia.." Aedria spoke breathlessly.