Kane Suzuki
Player: NPC
Gender: M
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 20 May
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 138 lbs.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Blood Type: A-
Immediate Family: Kaito (Father,) Akiko (Mother,) Emi (Sister,) Aimi (Aunt,) Amaya Satou (Cousin,) Ayumi (Aunt,) Azumi (Aunt,) and Aya (Grandmother.)
Training Disposition: Combat Ninja, Non-specialized
Chakra Element: Earth
Combat Style: Short-range fighter, with some medium range skills.
Assigned Squad: Team Kari
Kane Suzuki is the only male to be born into the Satou clan that has been permitted to live in nearly 300 years. The Satou clan is a well known matriachal family in the Sand Village as women of the clan are known for their pheromone-based Kekkei Genkai, which gives them the ability to manipulate the
emotions of most people.
This ability is powerful in its own right, but the fact that these women can control the wills of others - especially men - has resulted in generations of selective breeding as these women typically choose to compel the attention of the best looking, socially or physically powerful men, giving the Satou clan a level of status equivalent to that held by the Hyuuga clan of Konoha.
An odd trait of the Satou clan is that, up until the birth of Kane Suzuki, every child born as
part of the Satou clan was female - and had been for at least 10 generations. Or so the story goes...
The truth is that male Satou are typically terminated in the womb the second their genitalia can be detected on an ultrasound between the 10th and 14th week of gestation, well before the woman would begin to show signs of her pregnancy.
Due to a flawed prediction by a Suna medic-nin (who was later found to have committed "suicide,") Kane's mother - whom had had multiple "miscarriages" - was informed that the pregnancy that resulted in Kane would likely be her last. As Satou women who are infertile or fail to increase the size of the clan at least once are considered lesser clan members, Akiko Satou was permitted to have Kane as her inability to produce a daughter was not intended to be a strike against her. The medic-nin's "suicide" occurred 4 years following Kane's birth, when Akiko Satou successfully had her daughter, Emi, but left the clan with an undesirable male child. With Emi's birth, Kane lost the Satou clan name and it was legally changed to Suzuki, the name his father Kaito had surrendered when Akiko chose him for her mate.
Kane has reaped the benefits of his mother's Clan's selective breeding process: he is physically powerful, has a keen mind - but even he'll admit that he's no genius - and is extremely good-looking. One of the ultimate perks is that he has shown to be completely immune to the clan's Kekkei Genkai, although he cannot utilize the pheromone techniques himself.
There is a down side to all his benefits. Kane also has a bit of an arrogant mean streak to him - a trait shared by most members of the Satou clan - and he is extremely cold to all women - the Satou clan's matriachal society views him as an aberration to their perfection and treats him as a second-class citizen. This rejection extends even to Suzuki's own mother and sister.
The only known exceptions to this cold shoulder treatment is towards his Sensei, Kari, (who has treated him with tough-but-fair tolerance - a welcome change for Kane,) and Tarnia Nakamura, (on whom the nuances of human social structure are viewed as a joke and treats Kane the same as any member
of her fox troop.)
Kane typically carries 10 Kunai throwing knives, 30 standard-size shuriken, razor wire, 5 letter, smoke and flash bombs. He also has a tendency to carry makibishi caltrops, tome door jammers, and his scarf has interwoven steel threads to use in battle as both armor for his neck and - if the situation requires it - a garrote.
His primary combat technique, however is to use Earth techniques to immobilize foes to allow his cousin Amaya to use her pheromones to attempt to dominate the target or create openings for Tarnia or Kari-sensei.
He is not above getting his own hands dirty... When he was 8, Kane was challenged by one of his classmates who insulted him gravely. In response, Kane used his Earth techniques to pin the opponent and - depite the other's pleas for forgiveness - pummeled him severely before finally snapping the other's neck with his bare hands.
Kane collects the forehead protectors of those he kills, provided they put up a fight he considers worth remembering. It is the one thing that brings the otherwise grim young man anything resembling joy.