Chereads / Naruto: Hidden Leaf Dragons, Book 1 (Original Series Arcs) / Chapter 21 - Chapter 16, Part 2 – Team 11: D-Rank Mission #5… Predilections of the Future

Chapter 21 - Chapter 16, Part 2 – Team 11: D-Rank Mission #5… Predilections of the Future

It took Team 11 the better part of an hour and a half to reach their next destination using their new mode of movement. It came as no real surprise to Okito Tanaka – given that all three had shown a minimum of nature transformation capability – his Genin quickly grasped the fundamentals of the wall walking jutsu. There were only a few falls and all were quickly recovered from.

As they reached the second clearing, Kyouran growled a warning. Takahashi looked over his shoulder. "He says that there's someone up ahead. Smells like a woman - he says he's caught a whiff of some unusual perfume."

Tanaka-sensei frowned as he moved up to the front. "Must be someone returning from a mission. I can't think of any other reason for a woman to be this far out..."

The five members of Team 11 came to a halt on the branch overlooking the clearing where the Dragon Heart herb patch was growing. A young-looking woman, around Tanaka-sensei's age sat leaning against one of the trees in the clearing. She wore a leather coat with armored shin guards that came up to her knees with a clingy mesh shirt that showed a lot of skin without revealing too much. Her short purplish/brown hair gave a bit of a wild woman look to her and a ropelike necklace that had a stylized claw at the end of it.

A grin broke out on Okito's face when he recognized the kunoichi. He glanced at his team for their initial reactions. Motoko looked equal parts embarrassed and intrigued by the woman's choice of clothing. Raiden was practically drooling - apparently she fit the archetype that fascinated him. Takahashi and Kyouran both had neutral looks on their faces - neither impressed nor dismayed by the woman. That would probably change in a few seconds... Anko just had that kind of effect on people.

Tanaka turned to his students. "Do any of you have any snacks on you? Preferably dango or sweet bean soup." The three students, not understanding, merely shook their heads. He sighed. "Well, so much for guaranteeing a reasonable encounter... All of you need to be on your best behavior - the kunoichi over there isn't..." He paused, trying to think of how to describe the woman below… But found himself unequal to the task. "Well, let's just say that Mitarashi-chan's social skills leave a LOT to be desired." He paused, a worried look that was only partially faked crossing his features. "In fact, why don't you wait here for a few seconds; just to be safe, yeah?" The three Genin and Kyouran looked at each other nervously as Okito jumped to the ground.

As the Jonin instructor landed heavily on the ground, the kunoichi reacted instantly by hurling a veritable storm of kunai at Tanaka-sensei's position before charging across the clearing. Before the weapons came close enough to hit him, Amakuni Kongosoha - Tanaka-sensei's double-edged diamond bladed sword - was in his hands, sweeping the throwing knives aside. As Anko Mitarashi came within two sword lengths, green/brown vipers appeared from the sleeve of her coat to wrap around Tanaka's arms, pulling them aside allowing her to ram a final kunai into his throat.

Just before the small blade could make contact, a glistening scale-like mesh surrounded the Jonin's throat, deflecting the kunai. The force of her attempted strike caused the kunoichi to keep moving forward - her extended right arm over his left shoulder. The arm dropped the kunai and draped over his shoulder in a one-armed hug as a grin crossed her face.

"Yaiba-kun!" She said, rising on the tips of her toes to plant a kiss on his chin. "When did you get back in the village?"

Tanaka-sensei's students looked at each other in disbelief. Finally Raiden spoke up. "What the hell..?"

"Oh, right..." Okito said, looking up. "It's safe to come down now!" The students dropped to the ground as Anko's snakes unwound themselves from Tanaka's arms and receded into her coat. Tanaka then sheathed his sword. "Mitarashi-chan, I'd like you to meet my students. Team 11, meet Anko Mitarashi. She's a Tokubetsu Jonin and a Survival specialist."

Anko smiled at the Genin. "Hello, everyone." She looked at Tanaka. "What brings you guys out this far?"

"Yuri was assigned to the clinic outpost over by the 44th Training Zone and needed some extra Dragon Hearts for during the Chuunin exams. We've got the minimum number she's requested, but she wanted to have about fifty if she could."

"Fifty?!" Anko said, sounding insulted by the number. "I doubt that enough will pass the first stage of the exam this year to join me in the Forest for the second round to need THAT much burn cream!"

Okito blinked. "Wait a minute... The Hokage made YOU the proctor for the second stage?" Anko grinned at her friend. "Damn, Sarutobi-sensei's getting nasty in his old age... Who the heck is going to be in charge of the initial exam?"

Anko Mitarashi's grin widened and she licked her lips in a way that instantly unnerved everyone - like a predator eyeing a morsel. "Morino Ibiki."

"You're joking..." Tanaka veritably shouted in disbelief. "They're going to inflict the Genin to the talents of that sadist?"

"Who better to test them than the head of the ANBU Torture and Interrogation unit?" Anko asked rhetorically as the faces of the students caved in at the announcement. A torturer as an exam proctor?! "Think of it… The good it could do if he's able to get into their heads now, while they're still mere beginners. That way, if they have the will to make it through the Exam, in the event we ever capture one of them in the future, he'll already have a leg up on cracking them when they might know something... useful."

Okito sighed; the logic was sound, if dark. "All right, I concede the point." He paused. "I know Kakashi is in charge of a team of Genin this year, so who'll handle the Third Exam?"

Anko shrugged. "No one special compared to Ibiki and me: Gekko Hayate."

"True, but he is perfect choice to judge the one-on-one combat phase after Kakashi…"

Raiden perked up, a manic grin of excitement on his face. "One-on-one?! SWEET! We've GOT to meet the 8 mission requirement in time so we can get in on that!"

Mitarashi gave a pleasant grin at Raiden's enthusiasm. "A fighter, huh? It'll be one hell of an opportunity, but it won't be easy to get to that stage."

"Speaking of missions." Tanaka said, snapping out of his reverie. "We've got to check the clearing for Dragon Hearts."

"I doubt you'll need any more than you've already got," Anko said, pointing to the southern edge of the clearing, "But they're growing right over there."

Kyouran hopped off Takahashi's shoulder and ran over to the patch. Almost instantly, he roared in negation. "He says the entire patch has already sprouted runners; they're no good for our purposes."

"Must have been that rain Sho-kun mentioned." Motoko Hata said softly. "It allowed them to sprout faster than the herb specialists guessed."

"Just one patch left then." Okito agreed.

Kyouran raced back to his partner, leaping up with a warning growl. Takahashi nodded agreement. "We'll be in Ryoushi's territory with that patch. The Nara deer shifted their area and – since the Pride won't hunt THOSE deer; they're canny critters – the Pride moved south."

"Eh," Anko said with a shrug. "The Lord of the Forest is tough but fair. He won't harm you if you don't pose a threat and leave if he orders you to."

"Orders?" Motoko asked, surprised.

Kyouran roared and Takahashi nodded. "Animal-nin can learn to speak Human over time, just as their ninja learn their language. Understanding each other is easy, but speaking each other's language is hard. Kyoubou – as the Hokage said earlier – was a Neko-nin, so she speaks Human and as Ryoushi's primary mate, she taught it to him."

Raiden shrugged. "So we'll just sneak in and get them before the pack knows we're there." This caused a chuckle from Okito, Anko, Takahashi and Kyouran – the last being in the wry sounding mewl. He frowned defensively. "What?"

"Ryoushi didn't become the Lord of the Forest simply by being the biggest, strongest panther in the woods, Raiden." Okito said with a smile. "As with many animals that have human-level – or higher – intelligence, Ryoushi is a Sage; capable of tapping into the raw energy of nature itself and craft Senjutsu chakra."

"Ano… Senjutsu chakra?" Motoko asked in confusion. "I've only ever heard of Ninjutsu chakra, made from blending physical and mental energy together."

Mitarashi nodded in agreement. "Nor would you, young lady… Senjutsu and Sage techniques are extremely perilous for humans as it requires a precise balance of mind, body AND nature energy to use; those that fail to learn it right can die in the process." She gestured around them. "Animals, however, are instinctually in tune with nature and can learn such techniques with greater ease, but only those with the physical endurance and better than normal chakra reserves can even CONTEMPLATE touching Senjutsu."

"Sugoi…" Motoko said in awe, looking at Kyouran. "Your papa is even more amazing than I thought."

"But that's not all." Tanaka continued. "After the incident that Hokage-sama told us about – the one that cost Ryoushi his left eye – the Lord of the Forest has learned to tap into the powers of Foresight: he can see into the future."

Raiden's jaw dropped. "You are shitting me. A prognosticating panther?!"

"Nii-san!" Motoko, whose jaw had also dropped at the revelation of Ryoushi's gift, scolded her twin.

The three humans who knew the Lord of the Forest all chuckled. "Actually, that's pretty much everyone's first reaction, Motoko-chan." Okito said with a wry grin. "I know it was mine."

"Mine, too." Anko agreed. Takahashi nodded.

"Now, he's not a super-diviner, mind you, like the legendary Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku who has been known to have visions of events decades – sometimes even centuries if the stories I've heard are true – before they come to pass." All three youths' eyes bugged out at that thought. "But he is known to see weeks or a few months before something happens."

"So if he saw us coming for Dragon Hearts…" Raiden said in realization. "Then he'll show up if he wants to stop us."

Tanaka nodded. "Exactly right." He nodded to Mitarashi. "Good seeing you Anko; guess we've got to head out to see what the future holds…"

The kunoichi grinned. "Have fun… I'm going to town for some dango."

The two groups of ninja split in their separate ways.

* * *

Tanaka whistled as their final target came into view. "Well, I guess it's safe to say that Ryoushi had a vision of us…" The three Genin and Ryoushi's own cub were speechless. "And apparently he wants to talk."

In the clearing just ahead, the Lord of the Forest himself, a panther three times the size of the massive Okito Tanaka sat, like a king upon a throne; waiting for something to occur. His left eye was glassy and there was significant scarring on that side of his face, making him even MORE intimidating than he would have been with both eyes.

But he sat alone. There were no additional panthers about to raise the intimidation factor.

>> Come down, cub. << Ryoushi growled, speaking accented, but understandable human words. >> Bring your pack brother, the Diamond Turtle and his students with you. <<

"Better do as he says." Takahashi said; using a weaker version of the wall walking technique in his hands to smoothly slide down the trunk of the tree like a jungle cat would.

At ground level, Kyouran hopped off his human's shoulders to lead the Genin – who was quickly followed by the rest of Team 11 – into the open. Kyouran made a plaintive mew to his sire.

>> Yes, I know that your friends are sorry for intruding in our territory, cub. << The massive beast agreed. >> But I know that our shift was unexpected by the ninja of the village, so I grant you and the others permission to harvest these Dragon Hearts while I speak with the Diamond Turtle. I have words I need to have him take to the Jumping Monkey of Garlic Mountain <<

"Diamond Turtle? Jumping Monkey of Garlic Mountain?" Raiden asked, befuddled. He looked at Kyouran. "Oi, Furball, did your mom have a problem with Human or something?"

Okito chuckled at this and looked up to Ryoushi. "Forgive him Forest Lord, he lacks understanding." Ryoushi made a negligent flick of his massive tail and the Jonin looked to Raiden. "Ryoushi-dono's Human is hampered by his gift of prophecy. To prevent violating causality – you know, A leads to B leads to C – he never uses a person's given name once he has a vision of them, since that could cause someone to jump straight to C when A and B have to happen first."


"Instead he uses descriptors to identify key players in his divinations. If you know how to read between the lines, you may get some hints about the future, but not enough to interfere with them." Tanaka sprouted diamond armor all over himself, the way his neck had to deflect Anko's kunai. "Because of my defensive capabilities, Ryoushi-dono calls me the 'Diamond Turtle.'" The armor then shrank away as quickly as it had appeared. "'Jumping Monkey of Garlic Mountain' is the very literal translation of the Hokage's name, though he'll also refer to him as Third."

"I see…" Raiden said, although it was clear it was only just barely.

"This is likely to be a brain-twister, kids." Okito said, gesturing to the sizable patch of Dragon Heart herbs. "Why don't you work on finishing our mission while I find out what Ryoushi-dono needs the Hokage to hear?"

The four accepted the order immediately and headed to the side to work. Tanaka sighed, Ryoushi's predictions were difficult to track – even for one whom had heard them many times – and they had to be passed orally: no writing of them was permitted at the time of revelation. It was as much Ryoushi's rule as it was the Hokage's edict. "All right, lay it on me, Ryoushi-dono."

>> My eye that glimpses the future has beheld a terrifying event in the near future; it will occur before the summer's death, but not before its birth. <<

'Between two and five months from now… That's one of his furthest visions yet.' Tanaka thought to himself, not interrupting.

>> The Third's False Student, the Undying Snake, shall return to ruin his former home with a Note of rage and a shifting of the Shores, during a time of Trials for the future of Eight. <<

Tanaka's jaw fell briefly before he caught himself. 'Orichimaru's coming back for revenge… There's no other way to interpret that first part. Note, Shores and Eight don't mean anything to me, but it has to occur during the Chuunin Exam… That's the only set of 'Trials' coming within the timeframe he's given.'

>> False Student and his teacher will face each other within a cage of invincible flames. The False Student will recall the Teacher's Teachers to face the one he betrays. How that ends, not even I can see, for it is cloaked in the Darkness of Death itself. <<

Okito couldn't decipher that part. Hopefully it would mean something to the Hokage.

>> As they fight, and those of the Leaf fight the False Student's army, a second major battle occurs in the forest beyond the Wall. There the One and the Nine shall fight with their Beasts within over the life of the Cherry Blossom and the very soul of the One as the Second Survivor is left to watch in awe. <<

The Jonin frowned. 'Nine and Beast within… Uzumaki? And a Shukaku Jinchuuriki? But the One Tail hasn't had a Jinchuuriki in twenty years, has it? Sunagakure has never successfully instilled it for any length of time because Shukaku is supposed to be the most mentally unstable of the Biju; typically resulting in the Jinchuuriki committing suicide…'

>> But dwell not on those conflicts yourself, Diamond Turtle… << Tanaka perked up at that. >> For those are conflicts that must resolve themselves with the parties named within. They are a fixed point in the future and cannot be altered by anyone. Any attempts to do so will merely result in the deaths of those who attempt to interfere and have no effect on events. That is my message for the Third. <<

Okito nodded. "Okay, that seems easy enough…"

Ryoushi gave a growl to cut him off. >> That was my message for Jumping Monkey of Garlic Mountain… Now I have a message for YOU. But you may SHARE it with the Third to get his insights if you wish. <<

Tanaka felt weak in the knees. The Forest Lord had never, not ONCE, ever had a vision intended for him specifically.

>> There are a third, fourth and final battle that will occur that day and upon its outcome the fate of the Leaves do weigh. The third I spoke of before – the fight between the Leaf and the False Student's army. It is on that front you, yourself, along with Purple Lightning MUST stay until after the final battle has ended. The lives of many innocent depend on your presences and you must, for the sake of the future, stay the course despite what I shall now reveal of the fourth and final battles. <<

'Five battles on the same day…' The Jonin realized based on the way Ryoushi broke up the count. 'But no more than five. Odd. Purple Lightning HAS to be Miho; I know that as well – no other Raiken user in the village uses the color purple.'

>> The Fourth battle will be the domain of the students of the Beautiful Blue Beast and the Thorny Illusionist, though their role is small, and those of Purple Lightning and yourself, Diamond Turtle, whom will have to prove their growth ON THEIR OWN or see their fates reach their end. Loved ones of the students and teachers are caught in the conflict, thought they appear safe during the Battle itself. A well-intentioned teacher would lure foes the students cannot handle, resulting in their passage to the Pure Land, along with the loved ones. <<

THAT sent a cold chill down Tanaka's spine as he looked to his own Genin, who were fortunately bantering among themselves and not listening to the prophecy. 'A battle on their own? In so close a time frame? Even considering the help of Team 13, Might Gai's and Yuuhi Kurenai's – there was only one Genjutsu specialist who wore anything resembling a thorn motif – Genin… I'll have to step up their training even more!'

>> A frightening thought, I know. I may have many cubs, but I do care about them all, so this vision worries me as well. As the first three battles begin, the Child of the Wandering Nun – whose true nature lies hidden so deeply even he doesn't know it – shall have the extent of his deception revealed when he stands beside the students of the Desiccated Lover. This will bring great pain to the one who loves him most, the one who didn't believe what everyone else said about the Son, the One who Cages the God of Wrath. <<

"God of Wrath..?" Okito asked confused. The Kyuubi was said to be the incarnation of Wrath, but Naruto was going to be somewhere else. Tanaka considered the twelve Genin in question: Tenten, Neji and Hinata Hyuuga, Rock Lee, Inugami, Itou, Haruno, Takahashi, Raiden and Motoko Hata, Kiba Inuzaka, and Shino Aburame. Nakahito, Takahashi, Kiba, and Raiden were well known for their impressive ability to express their anger, but none of the twelve were particularly "wrathful."

>> The Cage is the child of the Woman who Wears Forms Like Clothes and the Henryuuki who performs his Sacred Duty admirably. A child with the gifts of BOTH parents, although the child and parents only knows the gifts of one. << Ryoushi clarified, but Tanaka merely rubbed his head… He couldn't guess whom the panther was referring to. Henryuuki? A transformer? 90% of the village's ninja used the Henge no Jutsu to transform at will.

>> The Cage will reveal the first of their true gifts within the eyes of White and Black-Flecked Red shortly after the beginning of the Fourth battle which terrifies the Dessicated Lover enough to allow the Students a chance after those with the minor roles are safe. <<

'So only someone with a Byakugan or the Sharingan will be able to see it..? Strange.'

>> But even as the Cage reveals this truth, the Older Survivor shall grant new life to Bluest Eyes unseen for the longest of time as a loved one nears death. The Sunrise Origin Flag shall suffer great pain at the hands of the Nun's Child. <<

"Sunrise Origin Flag?" Motoko Hata asked as she walked over to Tanaka.

Tanaka blinked, turning to the kunoichi. He'd been racking his brain so much that he hadn't sensed her approach. "What's wrong?"

The young woman shook her head gesturing to the others who were now relaxing. "We've harvested the viable plants, but the boys don't care for puzzles the way I do, so I wanted to listen…" She looks up to Ryoushi. "I mean, if that's okay with both of you."

Ryoushi nodded, leaving Tanaka unable to deny the girl. >> The Cage shall leave the Sunrise Origin Flag, the Older Survivor, and the surviving wounded after summoning Loving Healers, intending to slay the Child, despite the Cage's love for the other. <<

'No clues as to whether the Cage is male or female… If he's leaving that out, it would be because it would give too big a clue as their identity.

>> When the Cage confronts the Child, the secret truth – one more devastating the Child's betrayal – will be revealed that will cause the Cage's resolve to crack. This will signal the end of the Fourth battle and the start of the Final Battle. Be warned, even though all the prior battles will be all but done by this point, should the Cage willingly release his prisoner completely, the False Student's objective will be a success. <<

"What is the final battle, Ryoushi-dono?"

>> The Final Battle will be fought by the Cage and the Sunrise Origin Flag alone and ONLY if the Flag is willing to risk all that it is now or may become to repair the Cage from the inside out. More than that I cannot say, for it occurs in a place where time and space are warped and my eye cannot see. <<

The giant panther sighed. >> I fear that is all I am permitted to give you at this time. Should I have further insights, I shall reach out to Jumping Monkey of Garlic Mountain. You have what you have come here for and I have shared that which I have foreseen myself revealing. Return to your territory. <<

With that, Ryoushi leapt over Motoko and Okito, rebounding off the massive tree behind them to head back north into his Pride's domain.

"That was… Interesting." Motoko said, bemused.

A wry chuckle escaped Tanaka. "You mean it's like trying to solve a twenty variable equation with only a handful of variables known and cryptic hints about the others."

"Yes; interesting." She shook her head and then smiled at the Jonin. "With our prior collection, we ended up with nearly 60 Dragon Hearts, Tanaka-sensei."

"Excellent." He said but paused, putting a hand on the kunoichi's shoulder. "Motoko, do me a favor… Don't share what you heard from Ryoushi with anyone until the right time…" She pursed her lips in an unspoken question. "Don't worry; you'll know what the right time is – someone will call for a pair of healers after a big fight. By then, you should hopefully know who the One who Cages the God of Wrath…" Motoko blinked in surprise; Ryoushi hadn't repeated the full symbolism when she'd been listening. "…and this Sunrise Origin Flag are. If the Hokage can give me any clues about either of them, I'll share them with you. Until then, put this out of your mind; trying to anticipate exactly WHEN a prediction will occur will drive you crazy."

She nodded. "Hai, Okito-sensei."

The Jonin looked at the remaining members of the team. "All right, boys! I'm going to trust you and Motoko to get these Dragon Hearts to Mao-sensei while I head back to share Ryoushi's information with the Hokage right away before I forget something important. I want you to do the Wall Walking exercise the whole way back if you can and I should meet up with you four at the emergency clinic by the 44th Training Zone. Motoko's in charge until I meet back up with you."

"I am?" Motoko asked in surprise even as her twin asked. "She is?"

Tanaka nodded. "She's the only one who hasn't lead the way at some point today. It's her turn. I'll see you at the 44th!"

The Jonin leapt into the tree line and vanished to the south.

"Ano… Let's go, huh?" Motoko said. The others nodded and headed east back towards the client.

* * *

"This news is rather troubling, Okito…" The Sandaime said as he ended the hypnosis technique that helped Tanaka remember every word that Ryoushi had spoken exactly as the Lord of the Forest had spoken it.

The Jonin nodded. "I agree, it…"

"…But it is in line with information I've received from other channels." Hiruzen finished, cutting Tanaka off.

Okito stopped, blinking in surprise. "Other channels?"

A grin crossed the old man's lips. "You do not last as long as I have without cultivating sources beyond our own ninja forces, Okito. The Land of Rice Paddies to the north of the Land of Fire granted Orochimaru permission to establish a ninja village some time ago. The exact location within the nation is unknown, but he is said to have named the village Otogakure."

"Hidden Sound…" Tanaka murmured, the reference to "Note of rage" in the prophecy now making sense.

"Indeed. And although Orochimaru is a Konoha rogue-nin, the fact that the Daimyo of Rice Paddies has granted him permission to establish a village grants him – and his village – diplomatic legitimacy." This made both men frown at the political ramifications. "But he seems to not be pushing it…" The Hokage lifted a sheet of paper. "This is a declaration of intent from Hidden Sound to send one team – and only one team – of Genin to participate in the Chuunin Exams."

"A declaration you have no choice but to accept because, despite the village being led by our rogue-nin, the village itself is legally NOT Orochimaru himself." Tanaka said with a low growl.

The Hokage nodded with a puff from his nearly ever-present pipe. "The Exam is always a time of heightened security, what with ninja from other villages legally permitted within our walls, but I will bump those measures even higher because of this prophecy." Hiruzen stood up and looked out the window; his own thoughts very carefully hidden. "It is sad to know that the fighting I always knew might come again will occur within my lifetime… I was hoping the peace we currently enjoy would last until my dear grandson was your age, Okito." He sighed with a billow of smoke.

Tanaka nodded. "I'd hoped to never see a major battle again, to be honest. But I know every ninja in this Village will give it their all when the time comes. The love you've taught us to have for our home will be your true legacy when the time comes, Sarutobi-sensei."

The Hokage turned and gave the Jonin a wide, but slightly sad, smile. "Thank you for that, Okito. I wish I could bolster your spirits regarding the rest of Ryoushi's prophecy, but I'm afraid I'm not certain as to who the other key players might be other than the 'Second Survivor' and the 'Older Survivor,' who are likely Sasuke Uchiha and Kimiko Itou respectively."

Okito's eyes widened. "Oh, of course! She's the 'Older Survivor' in the sense that she was a clan survivor before he was! I was thinking in terms of birth ages…"

The old man nodded. "Most would. I've learned that with prophecy you have to consider things from slightly off-center for things to make sense. Your advice to your kunoichi Genin was sound as well. I recommend you do the same. You'll remember the words when it's important. And speaking of Ms. Hata…" The Hokage pulled out a book and passed it to Tanaka.

The Jonin looked at the title with a frown. "Etiquette and Protocol for the Land of Rivers?"

Hiruzen Sarutobi nodded. "The majordomo of the Rivers' Lord Daimyo was in town a few weeks ago. There has not been an official request from them as of yet, but the rumors that I'm getting from my contacts suggest that they will be doing so before next week. If the situation is what I suspect it is, however, this knowledge in your Genin's hands will be beneficial."

Okito raised an eyebrow. "A mission through Konoha? Is something wrong with Tanigakure?"

"The Village Hidden in Valleys is fully functional as usual, but the royal family of the Land of Rivers has a special connection with Konoha. Whenever there is something personally sensitive for the Lord Daimyo, something that he doesn't want his minor lords to learn about through their spies in Tanigakure, he sends his majordomo here to place an order for services."

"I wasn't aware of a connection, Sarutobi-sensei."

"It was from before you were even a Graduate, Okito, so it never really mattered when you were one of my personal guards." The Hokage shrugged. "Regardless, if my suspicions are unfounded, Ms. Hata will have her horizons broadened for the future."

Tanaka smiled, "If you do not possess Heaven, gain knowledge and be prepared." He said, quoting the Hokage's own axiom written on the wall of the main tower within the 44th Training Grounds, and getting a chuckle out of the old man in the process. The Jonin noticed the time. "Speaking of my Genin, at their current pace they should be most of the way towards the outpost. I should get there to meet them."

"Prepare them for their trials as best you can, Okitaio." Sarutobi said with the familiar variation of Tanaka's name that he gave those he cared the most about. "That is all you can do."

"Hai, Sarutobi-sensei." The younger man said, bowing his departure.

* * *

"He's getting close." Motoko Hata announced to her twin, who sat in the medical outpost with her and the client. Raiden nodded, stepping out.

"Nearly done, Hata-san." Yuri Mao said, as she put the final wrap around the kunoichi's right ankle.

"I'm so embarrassed…" The young woman said with a sigh. "I should have realized that branch was rotten before I jumped on it."

"It's just a sprain. Believe me; your instructor injured himself far worse when he was learning the wall walking technique… That was before he'd learned how to use his Diamond Style to prevent him from suffering injuries. You at least had the forethought to try and cling to the tree's trunk during your recovery fall." Mao pointed out as she clipped the bandage into place.

Motoko nodded acceptance of the non-ninja doctor's words. She'd nearly caught herself, but her left foot hadn't clung to the trunk, causing her to wrench her right ankle. The ankle had swollen slightly, but Mao had determined it was just a sprain that would be fine with some ice and a few days' rest... Under natural healing conditions, that is. "Thank you kindly, Mao-sensei."

Yuri Mao handed the kunoichi a single crutch. "Keep your weight off your right foot until you can get to the Hospital in town; they'll be able to repair what little damage there is easily enough and you can turn in the crutch at the same time." The sword wielding kunoichi nodded as she slid off the examination table onto her good ankle and crutch.

Okito Tanaka entered the room. "I'm so sorry, Motoko-chan; are you okay?"

Hata nodded. "Just a minor sprain."

The Jonin sighed. "That's what I get for listening to your brother's explanation… He made it sound like you broke your leg completely." She shook her head with an eye roll; her twin seemed to be unable to tell a story without embellishing it at least a bit. "I should have been there."

Motoko shook her head. "No, Sensei." Tanaka raised a surprised eyebrow at the young woman. "You can't always be there for us… Your job is to make sure we're willing and able to pick ourselves up when we fall down; not to catch us before that happens. To get us ready to be ninja on our own. Getting Ryoushi-dono's information to Hokage-sama as soon as possible was far more important that walking with us through a relatively safe part of the village. You're not allowed to beat yourself up over it, okay?"

Yuri chuckled. "You mean the way you were just beating yourself up, Hata-chan?" The kunoichi blushed at being called out on the 'do as I say, not as I do' aspect of events. "You need to take your own advice on that."

Okito nodded. "Even Kyouran – through Takahashi's translation – said that he didn't smell the rot until the tree branch broke under your weight." He recalled Ryoushi's words that his Genin would have to fend for themselves during the conflict. "But you're right; all I would have been able to do was catch you and that might have prevented the injury, but not helped you grow. I'm impressed you four made it here so quickly despite your injury."

Motoko nodded. "Rai carried me on his back and we went along the ground instead. We decided that we should avoid any further unsupervised practice in the wilderness."

Tanaka smiled, knowing that "we" had probably not included her twin brother. "That was a very mature decision you and Takahashi made." The kunoichi smiled, not contesting his supposition. "Let's get you back to the Hospital and then we'll do some proper training back in town."

"Hai-sensei." The kunoichi agreed, taking a few ginger steps before pausing. She looked back at Yuri Mao. "I hope you don't need all those Dragon Hearts during the Exams, Mao-sensei."

"You and me both, kiddo." Yuri said with a sad smile as Hata resumed walking. Mao looked over to Tanaka. "She's a sweet kid. If this whole ninja thing doesn't work out for her, encourage her to come to work in the Hospital; her empathy would make her one hell of a nurse."

Tanaka gave her a smile. "I'll keep that in mind." He glanced around to make sure all his Genin were out of earshot. He reached into his pouch and pulled out a small stack of envelopes that were tied together. "Before I forget any further…"

Mao frowned contemplatively as she accepted the stack. "Letters?"

"I couldn't MAIL them while I was on my mission." Okito said with a playful smile. "I never said I didn't WRITE them."

Yuri leapt up to kiss the larger man, wrapping her arms around his neck to hold on as long as possible. After a timeless moment, their lips parted and she dropped back to the ground. "I REALLY needed that…" She said with a grin.

"Me, too." Tanaka agreed. "I wouldn't mind lingering but…"

"Duty calls." They said in unison.

She raised one finger at him. "I'll let you off the hook for now, but you'd better make it up to me before you leave the Village again or I'll sic Naru on you."

"You'll sic my own sister on me?" He repeated in mock disbelief.

Yuri grinned maliciously at him. "She likes me more than you. Benefit of not being MIA for four years' worth of birthdays, holidays and heartbreaks."

Tanaka chuckled. "Okay, okay, I get the picture. Tomorrow night?"

"It's a date, Oki-kun."

Okito Tanaka smiled at his girlfriend as he headed out the door.

~•~ ~•~ ~•~

This concludes Naruto: Hidden Leaf Dragons, Introductory Arc

Those who worked to create these characters hope you have enjoyed it.

The next Arc is The Princess and the Shinobi. We hope you'll come back for it when it's available!