Chereads / A Lost Memory: Alitheia / Chapter 7 - Episode 7: Cold Front

Chapter 7 - Episode 7: Cold Front

The morning drew in fast, just as fast as the week went by of Kacey Troy's stay in her mansion, Newman Heights.

The residents of Newman Heights hang on the stone ledge of Kacey's balcony, looking out to forest trees.

"How old are you, anyway?" Fitz calls over the three others to Akira on the other end.

"Old enough, love" Akira hollers with a hand cupped to his mouth.

"Ankī is the same age as, Fitz Neesan" Jiro politely notes.

"Ugh! Dodgy thing, aren't you? Also Thanks Jiro!" Fitz makes a gagging sound from the back of her throat, while Akira pulls a scrunched up face in response.

"Anyone ever wondered why the Old man named this place Newman Heights?" Akira pondered turning around, arms hooked into the ledge and pointing at the pointed castle-like window.

"Pillow- San said it was named after someone he loves," Jiro answers, and they looked down at him in the centre.

"Yeah sure, but like you really shouldn't make that sound, people might get the wrong impression" Akira recoils Fitz at her end.

"Uhm- that's strange, I don't remember Aunt Elizabeth having any 'Newman' in her names," Kacey added, standing in the doorway.

"Maybe it's a maiden name?" Eliza shrugged beside Jiro and Colchester next to them on the other end "No, they got into a quarrel once because Mr Troy never consulted his wife about the name." Colchester informs.

"So, the old man had a lover whose name was Newman," Akira concluded.

"Or it was her last name," Eliza countered, and they all nodded in agreement.

"Oh wow, that's barmy" Fitz remarks while walking over to Kacey.

"Barmy?" Jiro, with furrowed brows, trails behind her.

"Odd," Eliza notes.

"Weird" Colchester adds and they both walk on as well.

"Mad crazy" Akira beams and follows after, closing the glass door behind him.

After the incident, a week prior, the residents suggested that each of them take turns having a sleepover in Kacey's room. Each in pairs had a round sleeping on the couch and floor, the first was Fitz and Colchester, then Akira, Jiro and Eliza.

"Mm- let's see, then, how about a full on sleepover in my room?" Kacey tells them.

"Never had one before," Fitz sheepishly admits.

"Same," they all added in unison, including Kacey. She explains, that having one with your parents is clearly not the same thing, and how she would like to experience it alongside them.

"Well then, let's take a trip down to the market" Fitz cheers and heads out the door down to the elevator.

"Where you going, love?" Akira calls after her.

"First off I'm not your love, and obviously I'm going to call my dad to pick us up," answers paused midway to turn around and face them, "Get dressed everyone!" she cheers.

"Fitz Neesan is smiling," Jiro notes.

"It might rain today" Akira retorts.

"I heard that!" She calls back and he laughs.

They all meet downstairs, Junior occupied behind the large box screen in front of him.

"Oh, you look decent," Junior pulled from his thoughts to compliment Kacey, in navy jeans and pink blouse, long sleeved.

"Thanks," with a raised eyebrow she adds "I think,"

"Enjoy your day!" He calls after them as they walk out, waving.

"Bye Pillow- San" Jiro with a cheeky grin and waving his hand profusely.

"Bye, Jiro" he retorts, feigning anger and sticking up his nose.

All seated in the car, Kacey in the front seat, Jiro in the centre of Akira and Eliza and Colchester with Macy in the furthest back seats.

"To the market, I presume" chauffeur Fitzgerald in his usual attire, clad in black, prompts.

"Yes, Daddy" Macy cheers and Akira mocks her facing to the back.

"It's so big," Jiro search's around, hanging at the black seatbelt over him.

"Yeah, it was the family car," says Kacey, fiddling with the radio.

"Oh, we had to ask Kaa San for permission, did you?" Jiro queries.

"No, I didn't," Akira whines.

"No, I didn't" Macy repeats and mocks his tone.

"After a certain age, you don't have to ask for permission, Jiro" Eliza informs him.

"Yup and age fifteen, isn't one of them yet" Macy retorts and a fed up Akira reach's back to pull at one of her pigtails.

"No, my mom and dad aren't here anymore," Kacey mumbles, the bickering dies down, and she adds "But I'm sure they'd say yes, if I asked" she turns to them with her famous grin.

The radio, blasts on cue filling the silence with song and they all tune in chorus, "Don't worry be happy, " and an on beat tapping finger of Fitzgerald on the wheel chimes in.

They bought all their snacks for the night, Colchester notes "The town looks" and Akira finished his thought, "creepy" A semi deserted area, laced in an ominous thin fog and cold shivering wind whistling around.

"It always looks like this?" Kacey asks, eyeing empty outdoor shops and food stalls with only staff members in site.

Macy informs them, that her father asked around and said that everyone was preparing for the Cold Front. An annual Winter like weather takes over the Northside of New England. The below zero weather takes a toll on the towns people, and they would usually take to a hibernation mode during this time.

They arrive home, "kitchen staff's not in" Akira calls out, dropping the bags of food on the large marble counter top.

"Uh- who you?" Macy asks, with a raised eyebrow, at their guest entering the front door.

"I'm-" she starts off and Kacey rushes over to embrace her, "Mandisa!" Kacey holds onto her and whispers, "Thank you," pulling away to softly rub her palms over Mandisa's sleeves.

After driving his daughter and the residents off at the mansion, Fitzgerald makes his way home. He sat silent, driving through scenery of fog filled trees, although soon after his vision blurred. He amused the said 'Cold Front' had got the better of them, turning on the windshield wipers and attempting to see where he was going.

It seems as though his entered into a cloud, setting the car in park. He waits. His hands on the steering wheel drop to his sides and his head sinks on his chest. The thick fog disperses, leaving him parked in front of his flat building downtown. Asleep.

"Okay, so you're her friend, Mandisa, right?" Colchester asks and she nods, "Yes"

"Well it's nice to meet, but I gotta go" Fitz informs them, looking around where their bellboy is usually located.

"Go where?" Akira asks after her.

"To the fool," Jiro answers for her.

"Let's go have a bath before Kaa- San gets home," Jiro and Akira take the elevator to their rooms.

"We'll meet at my room by nine-ish tonight, okay?" she yells over to them before they all disappeared.

"I'll show you up to a room, I assist the bellboy on most days and know of a few you can choose from" Colchester says in Mandisa's direction. She hugs Kacey and whispers, "I'll explain later," her eyes exhausted.

"My things are in my car, we can get them later tomorrow morning" Mandisa informs Colchester behind the bathroom door, washing her hands. She walks over to him, standing at the door's entrance, though trips up as she feels light-headed.

"Are you okay?" He gently asks, holding her up. Their heights almost lined up, and stare up at each, in silence.

"I'm okay" she musters up and heart racing, feeling his cold hand resting against her back. She pulls away and he clears his throat.

"If you need anything, ring that bell over there" he points to a gold piece hung by string and exits head down.

The kitchen staff members were nowhere to be seen, they concluded they were preparing for the Cold Front. After tucking into a lasagna, they made from Kacey's family recipes. They went up with their snacks, blankets and mattresses, heading for Kacey's room.

A night of laughter and getting to know each, the girls slept on Kacey's large bed and the boys to the floor.