Chereads / SSS-rank Milf hunter: Malevolent Smashes! / Chapter 18 - A blowjob under the desk

Chapter 18 - A blowjob under the desk

Squeeze! Slap!

Yang Chen's hand went underneath Xinran's shorts, groping her bare buttocks, and before He went up the stairs, He didn't forget to scare Yao Mei.

"Madam Mei, You have ten minutes and within this time, You must come to the office's room"

"If not, hahahahaha" He didn't finish his words, leaving the rest to her imagination.

Yang Chen's nightmarish voice came from the stairs, startling Yao Mei who was in a dazed state after learning his identity.

"Ah…! Ah….! "

She was panting harder as her Mature body was in full heat because of Yang Chen's mischief.

Yao Mei quickly covered her huge mounds with her hands and trotted into her house, She didn't want anyone to see her right now and She wanted to calm down first and think about Yang Chen's words.

Unfortunately, Yao Mei was bound to be disappointed as there was someone in the dark who watched everything from the beginning.

He was the small boy who had his cake snatched by Yang Chen.

After running for a while, The boy's fear vanished and He wanted to let that human know the consequences of messing with them, ghost humans.

The small boy had a scared expression on his face once again, after witnessing the atrocities committed by Yang Chen. What's astonishing is that Even Village Chieftess was caught in his grasp.

When The small boy heard Yang Chen was the new village chief, his heart was filled with despair. He ran away in fear and He didn't forget to alert the villagers.

"Bad news!!! Everyone, We are in trouble!!!"

"T-there's a new V-Village chief!!

"And he's a human!!

"Brother and Uncles, Please be careful!!"

"He is a despicable man and A perverted Molester !"

"Two virtuous women had already fallen victim to his hands and Fuck! he even got the chieftess"

"He's coming!! He's coming!!"

"His next Target may be your girlfriend, your wives, and even my mom ahhhhh!!!"

While shouting, a Young boy sprinted faster than a bullet in the direction of his home.

Today, Yang Chen unintentionally achieved an unprecedented achievement in the history of the underworld and Seraphia.

Others may have done this before in different ways but Yang Chen was the first individual to instill the fear of Netorare throughout an entire village.


Yang Chen entered the office room with Xinran cuddling in his arms.

The office was relatively simple, there was a small bookshelf, sofa, Work Desk, and an office chair.

As Yang Chen continued to look around, He couldn't help but feel speechless When he noticed Xinran's delighted expression.

"Xinran, Do you like being molested?" Yang Chen asked, caressing her buttocks and He observed her expression keenly.

"Ye—No, What do you think of me, Yang Chen?"

Xinran puffed her cheeks or rather her twin peaks.

'Poor Wu, The woman you chased after for who knows how long became attached with me within an hour. As much as I feel pity towards as a human being….' He paused.

After he reached the desk, He sat on the chair and looked at Xinran's red face, He ordered with an evil smile, gesturing his fingers towards the bulge on his robes

"Suck it"

'But As a milf hunter, How could I let go of a Milf?' He continued his thoughts.

'And If trained well, I could make a top-notch onahole out of her, perfectly fitting for my cock'

'Youngster Wu, While I take care of your crush's holes, You better focus on your goals'

"Puhahahaha" Yang Chen laughed proudly.

He was proud of the fact that he already helped a promising youngster on his first day at work.

A few moments later, Yang Chen looked at Xinran who was showing a hesitant expression, he said in a cold tone,

"Bitch, Don't make me repeat myself"

Xinran shuddered in fear and She was shocked, Seeing his blood-red eyes glowing and his expression slowly turning cold.

Bump! Bump! Bump!

Xinran's heartbeat accelerated as She looked at his cold yet handsome face, his masculine aura was on full display, Xinran's pussy drooled crazy and the heat rising in her body melted her futile resistance.


Finally, She knelt on her fours, walking towards him like a pet dog.

Yang Chen sneered evilly, feeling his ego boosted, knowing he snatched a charming milf from a spineless waste.


Xinran POV:

I am submitting myself to a man.... who reeks of Masculinity.

He's a Pervert and a shameless man who molests women at every turn, and Yet my body and my soul were urging me to become his woman. I am currently walking on fours like a bitch. As I was under his knees, I used my hands to undress his robe while sitting on my toes, spreading my legs wide.

Slap! Thud! Thud!


When his robes slid past the huge bulge, Yang Chen's enormous cock slapped my cheeks forcibly.

Slap! Slap!

Thud! Thud!


Yang Chen slapped my cheeks again with a perverted smile.

"Ah….! Wh—ah!" I struggled to speak from being roughly slapped by his fat cock.

"Come on, Use that mouth of yours to please your master" Yang Chen patted my head gently while placing his hard shaft on my lips.

With my hands holding his cock tremblingly, I nodded my head and started to lick the tip of his dick like a lollipop.

Slurp! Lick! Slurp!

How come it's so big?

I asked myself While continuing to lick as this wasn't anything like the lollipop candy I had seen.

It's so huge.

The girth of his cock was larger than my wrist.

It was pulsating and his cock kept extruding scorching masculinity against my face, making my face blush unusually.

I spitted my saliva futilely in an attempt to calm his hot cock.

"Ha~ that's it, you are doing great"

"Now, try taking my dick inside" Yang Chen fondled my hair gently, praising me and encouraging me to go further.

Can this huge thing fit inside my mouth? I asked myself in doubt.

However, in order not to disappoint my master, I steeled my resolve, and with a deep breath, I slowly swallowed his fat cock.

In my childhood, Everyone called me an expert in sucking lollipops and I didn't expect this to come in handy in this situation.

Just then, The chieftess' voice came from outside the door, making my movements halt.

"Chief Chen, May I come inside?"

'It would be nice if she said, 'Can you cum inside'?'


'Though, It's going to happen soon,' Yang Chen thought in Amusement and asked xinran as he looked at choice panel in from of him.

"Who said you could stop?"