It had been a week since the crew had finished up filming for [Tech Wiz: Year One] and now, the movie was fully in post-production.
Xavier and Cass, being the competent power couple and director-producer duo that they were, never for once slacked off during this process as they were heavily involved in the film's editing process.
The CGI scenes especially, were ones the director wanted no compromises on and with his [Jack of All Trades] skill that Kyle had long figured out were tailor-made for moments like this, made every input he gave during every stage of the pre-production invaluable.
Added to that, Dot Productions, Hank and Bruce especially, were just as involved in the entire process as they were in talks with booking down a robust line-up of distribution deals for the movie, enough that it would land in cinemas on the same day, both domestically and overseas.