When I awoke Amelia was awake, playing with my hair. When I saw her I kissed her for a good few seconds, she giggled. "Good morning my love" I said.
"Good morning babe" Amelia replied happily. She got up and led me to the kitchen, where her parents had left us some breakfast and a note. It read: "Amelia, don't get to carried away today, you already have been pushing it with what you two did yesterday. Love, Mom and Dad."
"Psh, we are getting married in a few months anyway we can push the line a bit." Amelia said.
"Wait, married in a few months?" I replied.
"You are the one who proposed, babe. We are getting married a few weeks after graduation."
"Oh, ok sounds great. I guess we will be breaking traditions as we will one, you won't be wearing a dress, and two be getting married naked."
"Oh right about that. I have something I need to tell you." Amelia seemed a little nervous. "I am kind of a witch, and I kinda am responsible for this whole curse thing."
"Yeah it's kinda a powerful curse as well, so kind of hard to break."