2 figures walked through a cloudy realm, One was shorter than the other. The shorter one held the remains of his destroyed lance and a flawless cutlass. The taller one looked at the broken lance, Carefully observing the ornate carvings and its outer shell.
"Where'd you get this?" Vermilion asked as he snatched it from Isle, Isle didn't stop him at all.
"Why's it matter? Do you recognize the build or something?" Isle made no attempt to get it back, Instead he picked up a rose from the ground and put it in his pocket.
"This is the same as Carmilla… You made this with your quantum right? How would you even know about this beauty…" He held the handle of the lance in the air.
"Although, It's just a cheap copy. This could never beat the real one. You're still gonna want this, Right?" Vermilion looked at Isle who was flexing his empty hand, He looked at Vermilion and nodded silently.
Vermilion cut open his palm and ran his bloody hand across the handle then off the remains of its shaft. He crushed the remains of the lance between both his hands. Isle watched curiously.
Vermilion opened his hands and there was a crimson slab of metal. He brought the slab by his mouth then blew a large flame over it, Obscuring his hands and the ingot.
When he was done he ripped off a few of his scales then crushed them and put the dust in the now molten metal. He mixed it together with the metal in his hands.
Vermilion's hands didn't show any signs of burns even under the molten metal. Isle guessed it was just a perk of being a dragon.
He'd heard many rumors regarding dragons but there was no one he knew to confirm or deny them, Atleast there weren't any before he met Vermilion.
While he did know Neiva, She'd told him plenty of times that she didn't know a whole lot, As she was a fairly young dragon. She could still clear a few of the more surface level rumors.
Vermilion molded the now seemingly black slab while it was still hot. He pulled and cut the slab with his sharp claws until it fit the shape he deemed fit.
While the handle stayed mostly the same, the hand guard changed to be a sharp shell around the edge of the lances shaft, There were several roses decorating the guard. It's shaft itself was much sharper at its point, The air whistled at even a slight move of the lance.
There were a few markings across the shaft. Isle had no clue what language they were in so he didn't bother to keep thinking about the language, He guessed they were runes imbuing the lance with some sort of spell.
Vermilion shot his mana into the runes the mana stayed there and the runes faintly glowed cerulean. The luxurious design of the lance along with its glow, Looked more like something that Caeruleus would make rather than Vermilion.
"Looks more like-"
Vermilion roughly knocked Isle's head with the shaft of the lance. He held his head and frowned.
"What the hell was that for…?" Isle frowned slightly as he gently rubbed the spot he was hit.
"Just testing the blunt of the lance." He blatantly lied.
Vermilion was just shutting up Isle before he said his lance was more like something his little brother Caeruleus would make.
"You know, There're 3 types of damage for whatever scenario, There's blunt, Slash, And pierce, But I'm sure you already knew that, After all it was the first thing I taught you." Vermilion explained.
"What the hell does that have to do with anything right now? Fucking dumbass… Let's just focus on killing the crow…" Isle scorned the dragon.
Vermilion knocked Isle's head once again with the lance then lobbed it at him, Isle caught it with one hand. He was about to curse up a storm before Vermilion said something.
"Huh?" Isle asked.
"The lances name, It's Rene." Vermilion informed him.
"Short and sweet huh?" He inspected the lance closely now that it was finally in his hands.
"It's full name is Rene Ver Mo. Just thought it'd be better to shorten it, Cuz you're… You know... Stupid." Vermilion teased.
"Let's just get going… You said we just need to break through right, Have we walked far enough?"
"Theoretically we should've by now, But if not you'll be torn apart by a deities mana so I'd hope we have." He shrugged.
Isle frowned slightly as he glanced at the nonchalant dragon, He looked down at the floor.
"Well go ahead, It's not like much more walking is gonna help." Isle waited.
"With pleasure, It feels good to actually use my power."
Vermilion raised his fist up in the air then coated it with his mana and some other mysterious aura then slammed it into the ground.
The ground ruptured and crumbled underneath his fist, The ground stopped collapsing and a large hole remained. Vermilion jumped back as to not fall inside.
"This is it. I've taught you all that I can to prepare you, But you seemed to grow stronger even without my help so… I guess I'm trying to say I'm proud of you." Vermilion said it while he smiled the same as he had when Isle had first met Caeruleus.
"Thanks for everything, You've beat me up more times than you've said my name but I suppose it was my fault a few times. If I die just leave my body, A loser doesn't deserve a grave."
He smiled happily for the first time in quite awhile, He'd spent roughly 2 month's being taught by the aggressive dragon and now it was time for him to go back home.
"Until next time." Isle said with a large confident smile, He held Rene Ver Mo in his hand tightly.
"There is no next time dweeb." Vermilion replied with a chuckle.
Isle glanced at the dragon one more time. He took a step forward and jumped into the hole, He fell through the sky and observed the black section of the realm.