Chereads / Vessel Ruina / Chapter 3 - Bounty (2)

Chapter 3 - Bounty (2)

They all appeared in Star's house, It was structured the same as a minka.

They were all in his living room. Outside of the house were loads of wisteria trees, Their weren't nearly as many as he would've wanted though.

"Why the hell would you take us here?"

Isle was confused as to why Star decided to take them to his house instead of his moms. Sadly he was the only one that didn't get why.

"So you wanted me to take us to your moms house? What if that demon you talked about followed us back then what?"

Star spoke in his normal monotone manner.

'Oh... That would be pretty bad...' Isle thought.

"Yeah you're right."

Isle scratched his head and stretched a little, He was a little uncomfortable from being in Neiva's arms for so long.

"Can you put me down now?"

He asked Neiva pleadingly with his arms dangling in the air while she held him, He smiled childishly to try and convince her. She looked at him curiously then squeezed him tighter.


She answered and held him even tighter then before, He squirmed a little then gave up.

'Is this because I teased her earlier?' He thought.

"Please... I promise i'll never tease you about Star ever again."

He was lying through his teeth and it was easy to tell. You'd think an orphan from the streets of pandora would be good at lying.

"You're horrible at lying."

Mori chimed in. She was visibly annoyed at all of them still, She'd likely be like this for awhile, After all, It would've been a normal day for her if they hadn't looked for her.

"Tch. Whatever, Assuming that demon does track us what are we going to do? I don't think there's really a way to escape. After all Mom's probably asleep now, She was staying up for awhile."

If his mom was awake she could deal with the random demon without breaking a sweat. It's a bit cowardly but he'd never been a fair fighter in the first place. But if she wasn't and they went over there then she'd get mad at being woken up.

He was much more scared of what would happen should his mother awake as a result of him, Last time he woke her up he was lit aflame with no remorse.

He was gonna think more before the demon kicked the door down, The door was sliced a few times instantly by Star before it could do any damage to his house.

The demon looked at all of them and shook his head regretfully.


Star didn't spare any words for the demon before unsheathing his sword and sheathing it again, The demon looked at Star with a confused look before his chest opened up in a slanted vertical cut.

The demon was surprised but none the less he raised his hand to use his quantum but before he could, Isle slipped out of Neiva's grip while she wasn't focused.

Isle immediately dashed towards the demon and hit him with a crimson bat. Unlike before it was much harder, Even hard enough to hurt the demon he couldn't harm before.

The demon tried to jump back but before he could, A root from the ground stopped him. While Kalpana didn't join she did watch, She held a bag of popcorn as she watched and grabbed a handful.

Kalpana had a weird tendency to have stuff that shouldn't be possible to have. This was only because of her quantum, She never told the others how it worked though.

Neiva was getting bored so she decided she'd join in. She grunted as her muscles flexed and she punched the air, The demon quickly brought his arms up to block the blast from her punch.

His arms were bloody and bruised. He ripped his foot out of the roots, He looked exhausted. He knocked all of them to the ground with a snap of his fingers. They all got back up fairly quickly.

That was enough time for him to recollect his thoughts, The others were already dashing to attack him again. His arms started to heal, The wound on his chest also did before wisteria bloomed out of it.

"I see this won't be an easy fight huh? Fine then…"

Immediately as he said that he darted towards Isle and punched him in the chest. Isle was about to dodge but it was much to late, He was knocked through the forest, Breaking trees and snapping branches.

He ended up hitting one tree and it didn't break, He slightly slumped on the tree and coughed up some blood. Before he could even get up, The demon was already there and choked him, Holding him up against the tree.

Some leaves from one of the many great wisteria trees shook, He glanced.

"Give me the book human. Give it to me now or I'm going to kill you right now."

He squeezed tighter on his throat, Isles eyes widened as he scrambled and scratched at the demons hands desperately trying to escape his grasp.

The leaves from the trees shook again, Alady with long hair pounced from a tree and slashed at the demons neck. He jumped back but not before her claws had already ripped open his neck.

He held his neck and breathed heavily. Isle collapsed on the floor and gasped for air while holding his neck.

"You alright little brother?"

It was none other then his big sister Lucille, She must've been concerned about her little brother so she came to find him.

"How did you even find me?"

His voice was raspy as he still was still gasping for air.

"I could smell you, Unfortunately…"

He slowly got up and frowned at her. She walked up to him.

"Can't I catch a break?"

He asked her while holding his stomach, The punch from the demon had severely damaged his chest.

Her cat ears twitched as she heard the demon mutter something from behind her.

"What was that?"

Her tail swayed slightly as she waited for him to answer.

"I need that book…"

The gash on his neck healed enough that he didn't need to hold it. His hands were covered in blood.

"Oh so you'll die for it? Cuz you're not laying one more finger on my pathetic little brother."

'Did she have to add the pathetic part…' Isle thought.

She licked her hand clean of his blood. She pounced at the demon faster then before, This time he was ready for it though so he held his hand out and pushed her back with his quantum.

She had a surprised look but she quickly climbed into the trees and disappeared in their leaves. He looked around hoping to see her before she could get him, He couldn't find her before she dashed from a tree and bit a chunk out of his neck.

He knocked her away and she landed gracefully on her feet, She spat out the chunk of his neck onto the floor. He used his quantum to force all the blood back into his neck.

"Hm? Is that a gravity based quantum you have?"

She licked the back of her hand and groomed her ears. She barely acknowledged the demon otherwise.

"I'll get that book human…"

He disappeared instantly. Isle breathed out in relief. He was still holding his chest in pain.

"Thanks big si-"

She jumped on his back before he could finish and he nearly fell down but he held her legs and stood up again.

"Jeez do I hav-"

She immediately retorted.

"Who's the one that saved you? Yeah I thought so… Plus I'm your big sister."

He didn't say anything back as he knew that it wouldn't really matter. She wrapped her arms around his neck and got comfy. He started walking back towards Stars house again, He ran into the rest of the group halfway there. They all looked relieved apart from Star, Mori and Kalpana.

Star because he just didn't care, Mori obviously because she didn't like any of them, And Kalpana because she was to busy stuffing her face with her popcorn from before.

"Huh? Big sis? When did you get here?"

Val had a surprised expression. She climbed off of Isles back and gave Val a hug, He hugged her back.

"I came to save this dumbass, He was about to be killed by that demon."

She dabbed up Neiva then looked at Mori and smiled, She held her hand out for a handshake, Mori shook her hand while smiling back slightly.

"I'm Lucille, If these idiots have done anything to you I apologize for them."

She was genuinely sorry for anything they might've done to her, She's seen the Island Company from the very beginning to now.

"Yeah well they ruined my whole day… I'm Mori."

She was still angry but she didn't seem as mad as before. She liked Lucille much more than she liked the rest of them.

"Star can you take us to Lucillia's house? I don't think it's smart for any of us to split up, Atleast for now, Who knows when that demon will come back and what if he comes back with friends."

Kalpana said while finishing her bag of popcorn, She threw it up in the air then it turned to ashes and floated away.

"Well if she's awake right now then it should work out even if the demon comes back with friends, Maybe we could've in the beginning if Isle didn't exaggerate how strong he was…"

Star was slightly angry, His lips curved down in a slight frown. He gave everyone wisteria petals as usual and warped them back to Lucillia's house.

They all appeared in her living room. She came from the kitchen, Eating a banana.

She had dark red hair and no horns, Her eyes were a dark and consuming reddish black. Despite her ominous eyes she was calm.

"Hm Isle is that you? Oh it's all of you… What's wrong? You guys came back pretty quickly…"

She took one last bite of her banana then threw the peel in the trash. She sat on a chair in the kitchen as she waited for their explanation.