There once lived a king wealthy,kind,generous and faithful;he was a king every one loved.He had a beautiful wife,but his wife was always channeled in rage and anger.He ruled the kingdom of arabasta.They gave birth to twins(TWO BOYS).They named the boys hacu and pacu.Hacu was just like is father while pacu was like his mother.On a bright day hacu went to steal a diamond bracelet from the diamond store.He was caught so quickly;his father was very disappointed in him,he taught of ways to teach him a lesson,he then i have an idea ,i will make hacu the heir to the throne ,he said may be that would teach him to be responsible.Hacu kept on stealing,later he said stealing is old school,it's time for an upgrade,he started to take out prostitutes,he then developed the love for girls and women.He became a person who loved women only.