Time: 14:10. Location: Hoover High School Parking Lot.
16 days until the honey festival.
Clarissa has a 2009 Harley-Davidson Fat Boy, with chrome flame design on a black background, powerful and loud, quite capable of touring the United States from coast to coast, and more. Veronica jokingly admits to herself that the vehicle has the same characteristics as the owner.
"It's the same model of motorcycle used in Terminator 2, only improved" Clarissa says with remarkable pride.
Two helmets hang from the handlebars, one blood red and one sea blue. Clarissa hands the blue helmet to Veronica and keeps the red one. The quarterback puts on the protection, thus hiding her lion-hair. Because she wears a heavy black leather jacket, only the curvature marked by the tight jeans gives a clue to her true gender.