The next day morning every one presented at the breakfast table but no one is talking Uncle, Grand pa, and Rom sensed that something is happened between Jain and Sian three of them looking at each other then Grand pa signaled to Rom to talk first then Rom to signaled to Grand pa that he can't when both are bantering suddenly one of the bodyguard came into the home and went to Sian and said something in his ear by listening that Sian looked at Jain ,and body guard left the place every one looked at Sian but Sian didn't said any thing he started eating and Jain didn't understand that Sian's complicated look but he knows that something is going to happen , and grand pa also wants to know what bodyguard said to Sian so when grand pa going to ask Sian what did body guard said but some one entered into the home by saying where did the person who asked dowery ???? by seeing some one who is coming into the home every one looked at the door then the boy who's age two years olderĀ to Sian came by looking at him Rom stands from the table and Jain looked at Sian in his cold aura but Sian didn't looked at Jain he just smiling and eating[ he knows Jain is looking at him].
why are you shouting Hia ?????
why can't i shout, when you asked half of the William colleges and business on your name and calling my family outsiders Hia asked.
what when did i asked ?????????? Rom asked.
Don't tell me you don't know asked Hia.
Then Jain stand up from his place and said I am the one who asked your mother.
Jain did you forget i am the heir of William asked Hia.
Then Jain said i don't think so .
what do you mean ????????Sam asked with anger .
I mean simple you are heir to half of the William property but in that also other half belongs to some one should i name.
Don't be cunning Jain i know you tell me directly , Hia asked.
I want William in my hands Jain said.
That will never happen by saying that he looked at Rom and said ill go any extremes for that then he turned towards Jain.
Jain smiled at Hia and said just two days i am going to take over William don't blame me .
Are you declaring war?? Hia asked.
Is not it obvious, Jain asked.
Hia laughed and asked don't tell me to make your wife happy your declaring war with Williams.
Jain looked at Sian and said i wish he could have asked me , i will keep everything in his hands by saying that he looked at Hia.[Sian who is eating stopped ]
wow Rom you should learn from your brother in this , now i am asking you Rom if i want to marry you i want 50% shares of Satures too Sam said.
Sian is enjoying drama, other side grand pa and uncle got worried.
Jain and Hia looking at Rom for answer.