Shirley glanced at the other three stylists who came with her, feeling immense pity for herself. She had always known the others at the company didn't like her. She was new but had already been promoted three times, placing her on the same level as the top makeup artists. That success made them envious. Last time, she had been framed by one of these very same stylists. Luckily, her manager had intervened, though she couldn't prove her innocence. And now, it was happening again. Her manager had emphasized that this young madam was important. Shirley knew she would be fired for sure this time.

She was sent here alongside Julie, Rose, and Nara—the three who hated her most. They were devious, especially Nara, who led the group. Shirley had heard rumors about how Nara's cruelty had driven many girls out of the company.

Tears welled up in Shirley's eyes as she watched Nara fall to her knees in front of the man who had just walked in. She couldn't help but feel utterly helpless. She knew she was being framed again, and this time there would be no second chances.

"What is going on here?" Sophie heard that familiar voice, her eyes widening. She hadn't expected him to come. Her heart raced as she looked up to see Shane, his gaze locked on her face. His features were hard, and she could see the flare of anger in his eyes.

He crossed the room in a few swift strides, gently tilting her chin up with his fingers so he could inspect her face. His mismatched eyes softened for just a moment, but fury still simmered beneath the surface as he took in her swollen, reddened skin and tear-filled eyes.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice low but filled with tension. His eyes never left Sophie's, searching her face for an answer.

"Sir, one of our employees—Shirley—bought fake products and applied them to the madam's face. I am so sorry on her behalf—" Nara's voice was cut off when Shane raised his hand, signaling her to stop. His cold, dismissive gesture made her take a fearful step back, nearly tripping. The other stylists trembled as they watched the scene unfold.

Nara stared at him, her heart pounding. His face was partially hidden by a black mask, but those eyes—those unmistakable mismatched eyes—were a dead giveaway. There was only one person in the country known for such eyes: the young master of the Collens Industries.

As realization dawned on her, Nara's fear was replaced by a flicker of greed. *This is the young master of the Collens family? If I could just make him notice me, then I can ...' Her thoughts were momentarily consumed by fantasies of power. But her attention quickly shifted back to Shirley. 'Too bad for her. She's as good as done, you should have never crossed me Shirley.' she said venomously in her mind.

But Shane wasn't paying attention to Nara. Her voice had grated on his nerves, so he had silenced her without a second thought. His focus was on Sophie, on her discomfort. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief bearing the Collens family crest. Gently, he began wiping the makeup off her face with careful precision, each movement slow and deliberate.

Treyond, standing nearby, watched with wide eyes. 'That's the handkerchief the senior master gave him as a family heirloom! And he's using it to wipe the young madam's face?*'Treyond smiled to himself. 'The young master really does care for her.'

Sophie, on the other hand, was stunned. She stared at Shane in disbelief as he tenderly wiped away the makeup, the angry red marks on her skin becoming more visible. She had never seen him like this before, not with her. It was almost as if he cared...

Shane's expression remained tense, though his actions were gentle. Once he had wiped away most of the makeup, he turned to Treyond, who immediately nodded and left the room. When he returned, Lucy was with him, and she rushed to Sophie's side, her eyes wide with concern.

"Oh my God, Sophie, your face!" Lucy exclaimed as she led Sophie toward the washroom, her voice filled with genuine worry. "How could they do this? My brother is going to kill them for touching you. He's always hated it when anyone messes with his things, and now they've hurt you! He's definitely not going to let this slide."

Sophie was still trying to process everything when Lucy's words suddenly hit her. "Brother?" she repeated in shock, looking at Lucy.

Lucy turned around, her expression puzzled. "What?"

"Shane is your brother?" Sophie asked, realization dawning on her. *No wonder Lucy had that familiar aura—she's Shane's sister!*

"Yes, but quiet down. Your face is swollen!" Lucy hushed her. "Grandfather organized the ball tonight in your honor, you know."

"The ball... was organized for me?" Sophie felt her heart pound harder as confusion settled in.

Lucy nodded as she carefully wiped Sophie's face after washing it. "Yes, it's to formally introduce Shane and his new wife to society. Grandfather is hosting it."

Sophie turned to the mirror, dismayed by her reflection. Her face was still red and puffy, and though the burning sensation had lessened thanks to the cream Lucy applied, she wondered how she could possibly attend the ball like this. She slumped her shoulders, feeling defeated.

"Come on, Sophie, let's go see what's happening," Lucy urged, her voice cheerful despite the tension. Sophie hesitated but followed her, keeping her head down as they returned to the main room.

"Young madam, the doctor is here to check on you," Treyond announced as they entered. Sophie glanced up and saw a man in a white coat, holding a medical bag.

The doctor's eyes lit up when he saw Sophie, and a strange smile spread across his face. Sophie felt immediately uncomfortable under his gaze and turned her eyes to Shane, whose expression darkened as he noticed the doctor's reaction.

"Where are you feeling unwell?" the doctor asked, his tone more intrigued than professional. Sophie blinked at him in disbelief. Wasn't it obvious? Did he not notice her swollen face?

Treyond stepped forward. "Doctor Sam, she's had a reaction from using fake makeup products."

The doctor's expression soured as he looked at Shane. "Then why did you call me, saying your wife was sick? You know I'm not a dermatologist. I don't treat skin conditions."

Shane barely acknowledged his words, his gaze icy. "You're a doctor. Treat her."

The doctor threw up his hands, frustrated. "I'm not a skin doctor! Those are two different things!" he protested, meeting Shane's steely glare. But Shane didn't budge.

"You're a doctor. Fix it," Shane repeated, his tone deadly calm, leaving no room for argument.

Doctor Sam sighed in defeat and turned back to Sophie. "You've likely had an allergic reaction from clogged pores due to low-quality makeup. I'll prescribe a cream to reduce the swelling," he said, scribbling down a prescription.

Treyond, standing off to the side, smiled to himself. 'The young master is becoming protective of his wife. I'll have to inform the senior master after this.'He watched as Sophie sat quietly, lost in her thoughts.

"Shane, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to work," the doctor muttered as he made his way out of the room. Shane barely acknowledged him, his focus still on Sophie.

Sophie met his gaze, her mind spinning. She had never expected to see this side of Shane. The man in front of her was a far cry from the cold, distant figure she had come to know. And for the first time, she found herself wondering just how much more there was to him that she hadn't seen yet.