Chapter Eighty-Two:
Cullen Village
"Princess Navina Ryuu."
My Queen mother finally introduced me to her people and ever since that day, everyone looked up to me because I was the next to sit on the throne of my mother. I will admit that at first, I felt very nervous that my mother's subjects might not accept me but when I was introduced to everyone, they accepted me wholeheartedly. There is a tradition among Witches and Warlocks in our tribe that whoever follows the throne muse display strange powers.
That even if I was the daughter of my Queen mother, which could not be a reason to sit on the throne. I still have to go through the set test that our Prophet proclaims the very elect of our God. Those chosen will set on journey that will lead us to our test and it really tests not only our powers and abilities but also our strength of mind and heart. It is yourself you'll be facing as your final test and will really destroy your whole being the moment you finally submit to it.
Your innermost desire, the darkest of the darkest that was what I faced from my final test. The last worst enemy I have to face is my own self because whether I admit it or not, behind the kindness I have I know I also have evil hidden and I can only suppress it because my heart and mind chooses goodness more often.
Reason I beat the darkness of myself and I was able to pass all the tests I had to pass. Now, I am the rightful owner of the throne, the next in line. And everyone rejoices as soon as my Queen mother introduced me and what I achieved.
"Nonga limlama nga sipinii ng kinga naka?"
Suddenly my Queen mother approached me unnoticed. "Halma ngok ani." I said and bowed before I answered. "Koa ya watutuna mangla as labama an gaptangpag ng yongi mga ota."
"An as nodsusu an onta ya yoi an ngir lanhamamapa." She replied and smiled before casting a spell. "Revelare." From her hand a box suddenly revealed and she gave it to me.
"Noa toi?" I surprisingly asked.
"Azaba Jar." She spoke. "Yoni nga sana oblo ng honka an yani ta yanririna as ngaba an yani nga laalaa ng 'the curse'. Ta kawi mangla nga ringaama kasbupagkama yanni hilda kawi nga lonana as boksupag ng tinga yosdi."
Cullen Village Ruin
"Yes, that is the reason why we came." Brennan answered. "Now the question we should all know, who of the Reinhardt siblings is 'The Curse' one?"
All of them look at me and I don't know if this is the right time for me to open the Azaba Jar. The only artifact that restores the memories of 'The Curse' one and my blood is the key to open the jar.
"What are you thinking?" suddenly Galdur asked. "If you're wondering if this is the right time to open it then, it is the right time. Because 'The Joker' is back again and we all know how cruel that demon is. So don't ever think twice just open that jar."
He was right, I don't need to think of it I just need to open it and know the truth.
"I decided, I will open it," I said before I called my guardian. "Atlas, please get the Azaba Jar."
"Yes, my Princess." He immediately went out to get the jar but after a minute he came back with worries written all over his face.
"What happened? And where is the Azaba Jar?" I worriedly asked him.
"I'm sorry my Princess but I couldn't find it."
"What!" everyone in the room responded to the news all at once, and I was really surprised by what he said because it was so impossible to lose it there.
"Let me check." I decided and went to a room where I sealed it tightly and found it empty. "What happened?! Quaerere." I casted a spell to find it but to no avail, it wasn't there anymore. It was just gone without a trace.
"Investigabiles sunt investigabiles." Galdur quickly cast out a spell but it also failed to find out what happened. "Someone used an artifact to steal the jar."
"But why? Who would be interested in taking that?" I exclaimed.
"'The Joker'." Harkan answered. "Because since he came back a lot of things have been happening and we can't stop them not to happen." he justified.
"It is true," Netro agreed but then he added. "But not this time, because 'The Joker' had nothing to do with the loss of the Azaba Jar. And I am so sure of it."
"Then who?" I curiously asked.
"Purgant. Illuminabant. Cogita."
In a flash all the dust around us came together and from there they gradually came together and became fine white sand and from there a shape reflect.
"Foot prints." I said as we all finally saw the image. "Are you saying a person took the Azaba Jar?"
"Yes, one person that owns this footprints. But since this has happened a long time ago, I am sure we will never know who took over the Azaba Jar."
I don't know where I was right now but all I knew was I was walking towards somewhere I cannot recall where. I endlessly walk through a place covered with thick white fog as if I'm so sure I know where I'll be going.
Until I saw this old gate that looks familiar, I walk into it and enter the gate. For a couple of minutes, I reach out an old ancient mansion and as I felt in front of the gate. The old ancient mansion looks so familiar as if I've been there, long time ago. Without hesitation I walked towards the front door and was about to open it when suddenly someone blocks my way.
"Hello my dear Prince. I've been waiting for you for a long time."
He greeted me but I don't know who he is.
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