Chereads / Harry Potter: A Different Sirius / Chapter 106 - Final Lessons and Transition to New York

Chapter 106 - Final Lessons and Transition to New York

Inarra took the metal from him and using her own wand created an anchor for the yin-yang stone and seal for the wands haft and smooth but twisted wires that ran up the grip to highlight the teeth marks left by the wolves and that would provide a grip that would have lots of texture to avoid slipping when held. When she finished the spell work she handed Harry the wand.

Harry took the wand and a fountain of multicolored sparks formed from the tip.

"Congratulations on your new wand Wizard Potter."

"Thank you Ms. Serra. Thank you for the wand and the books nut most of all thank you for the lessons. They weren't what Sirius or I expected but I suspect I learned more than I would have if you had been a conventional teacher."

"You're welcome. You were a much better and easier and more deserving student than I originally thought. Now, I have wands to make so take yourself home."

Harry and his guard for the day went back to the townhouse.

Sirius was a little surprised when Harry and Ralph came in. "What are you doing home this early. I thought your lessons went till four it's only eleven thirty?"

"Ms. Serra sent me home we finished my wand this morning and I think she gave me my final the day before yesterday. She told me after she handed me my wand that I was a much better and more deserving student than she originally thought."

"Show me." Sirius grinned at the delighted expression on Harry's face as he proudly pulled his new wand from his day pack. When he saw the wand he was impressed. The detail on the haft was marvelous, the tungsten carbide wires for a secure grip, the yin-yang stone and practically microscopic runes in the tungsten carbide ring around the stone.

The thirteen inch wand was a work of art. He knew from things Harry had said that Harry had done much of the work himself. "Beautiful. Rachel should be getting up soon, how about you go make lunch. Once she's up you can show her okay." Harry gave an enthusiastic nod and bounced out of the room. Sirius asked Ralph, "Did Ms. Serra say Harry was done with his lessons?"

"Yup, she said that he has a better grasp of theory then most kids and that he had learned all she planned to teach him. And I have to say having listen to the quizzing she put him through two days ago was intense. He has a better grasp of theory than I do."

"Okay guess that means we'll be leaving a little early then." It suddenly occurred to Sirius the bright side of this. This would mean getting back to Beth just a few days earlier. So he immediately perked up. Next stop New York, Charms with Jack Harkness. In New York Sirius planned several things for Harry books, a wand holster, introducing transfiguration, sightseeing all kinds of fun.


They portkeyed to New York City on June 8th five days early. So instead of a sixty day jump they did a fifty-four day time jump. The apartment, and the building it was in was owned by the Black Family, thus it was heavily warded. Harry's lessons would take place in the apartment. Harry's lessons were to take place in the evening because his teacher this time taught his apprentices during the day. Sirius and Harry both wondered what this teacher would be like.

They got settled in and Harry drank his potion. Sirius ordered out for food but Rachel had to go pick it up in the building lobby because of the wards. The security team this time included two women Christine Cagney and Mary Beth Lacey both of whom were native New Yorkers. Alexis Cruz, William Cosby, and Christopher Judge made up the rest of the team.

Since Harry's lesson were going to be at night the spent most of the first night coordinating the security details of the day when Sirius and Harry planned to see a good share of what New York City had to offer.

On the nights Harry didn't have class they planned to take in some theater performances. They currently had tickets for "Les Miserables", "Phantom of the Opera", "Sarafina" and "The Heidi Chronicles".

The last two Harry had had to be talked into but since they had good reviews and Sirius played the well rounded card Harry conceded. They also planned to go to both the opera and the ballet in addition to seeing many museums, the Bronx zoo, and Ellis Island. Of course with their mutual interest in finance they would be visiting the World Trade Center and Wall Street.

Harry wasn't sure how he was going to fit everything in not just the sightseeing but also the studying. The first two weeks of June Harry had signed up for a class/workshop at the International Center of Photography during the day.

Their first full day in New York Sirius took Harry to the Publishing District and they visited the two publishing houses with magical divisions that the Potters had stock in. While they were there they bought books on charms and transfiguration for wholesale which Harry would be using the next eight weeks and beyond. Harry also wheedled his way into some arithmancy texts and ancient runes texts.

Sirius looked at their pile of books and decided what the heck and bought a few potion texts as well. They had lunch in Chinatown, before going back to the apartment. Harry and Sirius sat down and Harry had his first Transfiguration lesson before he had his afternoon spar with Rachel.

Alexis Cruz was intrigued by the man and boy. When he got this assignment he wondered why he had gotten it, his boss told him it's above your pay grade to know.

His mother had always said he was as curious as a cat and as a sorcerer class wizard that had barely made the cut into WIS he wasn't about to make waves, but that wouldn't stop him from trying to put it together. He was really astonished when Jack Harkness who was a legend in Charms showed up for Harry's first lesson and couldn't resist observing.

"Hello Harry, I'm Jack I understand you want to learn magic."

"Hello Jack I already know some magic." Harry turned his hair blond, then back to it's normal black. "But I do want to learn more."

"Nice trick! Is that a glamour or…"


"Cool. Do you have your wand?"

"Right here."


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