Chereads / HIS (DARK ROMANCE) / Chapter 31 - 30

Chapter 31 - 30

Time passed with Regan either watching through the window, or just pacing around. Althea didn't come at all, maybe she was ordered to left her starve. She wasn't really surprised though. They all hated her and she was okay with it.

However, as more time passed, she grew hungrier and knew she couldn't sleep with such empty stomach. Literally, she hadn't eaten anything all day and she couldn't stay like that, relying on the others. She was also on her menstrual cycle, and she needed food. Her cramps were the worst and she had been rolling and tossing on the bed, unable to relieve anything. She wasn't going to ask for pain reliever or something like that though.

The sky turned dark and she stood up from the bed. She didn't want to cry but the period cramps were unbearable. Finally, Regan decided to look for food herself and maybe find some maid and come up with something. Anyway, she had no idea about the ways in the castle but she couldn't stay like that.

She walked over to the door and twisted the knob silently. The other side was more silent and dark, lit only by a few torches. 

Regan looked at the walls and tried to memorize the paintings. One of them was a mythical animal that resembled a chimera and another was a landscape of a dead forest. Pretty chilly paintings.

Regan took quiet steps to not make any sound. Near the end of the hallway, she saw some stairs that went the way up. Thinking that they kitchen might not be in the same floor as her, she ascended the luxurious and wide stairs, which stretched on the length of not only one floor.

She couldn't shake the feeling of unease, that someone would see her wandering around, and worse, attack her. And with these cramps, she felt very bad. 

The stars stopped to a familiar floor. Her eyes darted at her right, and she saw the pentagon hallway. Great. Upon realizing this wasn't the best territory for her to have stepped in, she didn't know what to do.

Why did she have to end up here?

She cursed the castle for being as confusing and twisted as its owner. But she also cursed herself for not following another way.

Before she could decide, she caught his silhouette stepping out of one of the doors. Panic spread over Regan and tried to hide back. But it was late. He had already seen her.

She stood frozen as she noticed he was coming her way. He seemed tired, his hair disheveled as if he had ran his hand constantly through it. He was wearing a white shirt and black pants and his shirt was slightly unbuttoned. That smirk playing on his lips was enough to make her scowl.

"Not over the tour yet? Legend has it you're still searching for your room," he taunted, running a hand through his dark hair.

"I know well enough where it is," Regan retorted coldly.

Unfazed, he continued, "Well, since you admire this castle so much, you might also have some sort of affection for its owner," he suggested, his smugness evident as he leaned on the wall next to the door.

Regan felt like she was going to collapse from embarrassment and anger. And those cramps from her periods were making it even worse. She wanted to tell him to go and die and leave her alone, to show that he was making her life hell. But that would end up even more awkward on her side. Anyway, it was unbelievable, the audacity he had to suggest she might have some sort of affection for him.

"Who said I admire your castle?" she seethed, trying to stand straight. She shouldn't have walked. "I don't give a damn about you. I was....was looking for something else."

"Well, I don't think you were looking to come inside my bedroom, were you?" he smirked, gesturing on his way.

Regan's fists were clenched so tightly, her nails digging on her palms. But she didn't care about the pain. "You don't speak like that to me," she said through gritted teeth, trying to keep her voice from trembling.

"I speak however I want to you," Sirius retorted, his eyes narrowing and a stern expression taking his face. "Go to your room. Don't wander around in the dark. Don't let curiousity harm you."

Regan shifted uncomfortably, not forgetting the real reason she was wandering around.

"I wasn't wandering around, I wanted to eat something," she replied awkwardly, her eyes darting away from his.

"Didn't Althea bring food to you?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"No," she snapped.

His expression turned into a frown as he stepped closer. "Go to your room. Now," he ordered, his voice dangerously low and cold.

Regan bit her cheek from inside, feeling the weight of his gaze. "Fine," she said, turning on her heel to head back down the corridor. The unease lingered, and she couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched.

She stepped down the stairs, her steps quick. She became familiar with the sight and saw the door at the end of the hall.

Inside the room, she threw herself on bed and curled up under the blankets. She felt so bad and uncomfortable. Not only with terrible cramps, her periods were also heavy. She hoped she'd have some technologic tool to use, play a game on phone or something like that but in that alien world she was in, that gloomy goth castle, there were only fire torches, isolated windows and clothes that were at odds with them. She didn't need that, she didn't need any of that.

There was a knock on the door. But she was too exhausted to get up so she just called 'come in'. It was Althea, holding a tray of food.

"My lady, I'm so sorry," Althea said, setting the tray on the table. "There were some....matters I had to attend to."

"It's fine," Regan mumbled, "Does a pain reliever exists here?"

Althea's eyebrows furrowed, "Pain reliever? Why do you need it, my lady?"

Regan's frustration boiled over. She shoved the blanket away and glared at the servant, "I'm a living being, for God's sake. I'm not some robot or a doll to be 'great' all the fucking time. I need a pain reliever and that's it."

Althea looked taken aback by Regan's outburst, her eyes wide with surprise. "My lady, if you're not feeling well, I'll inform the lord and he'll -"

"Don't ever think about it," Regan interrupted sharply, "What's he gonna do anyway?"

The servant took a tentative step closer, "He'll see you himself and give you what to drink."

Regan felt like she was being played in a roll of jokes, but jokes that were right in the roll of a hell. "Are you serious? What is he? Some kind of doctor?" she sneered.

"Well, he has studied for long about-"

"I don't care," Regan interrupted again, "And doesn't he have work to do but bother with such things? He's a demon, for fuck's sake."

"My lady, you should mind your words," Althea whispered, glancing around the room, "If you speak with such languange and anyone hears you, it won't be good."

"As if anyone cares," Regan rolled her eyes, "Just bring me a pain reliever, Althea. I'm sorry for being mean but that's it."

Althea nodded slowly, leaving the tray of food on the bedside table and left. Regan reached for the tray. Her eyes were narrowed as she took in the sight of food. It appeared to be a dish of waffles and pancakes but without chocolate.

Regan sighed and began to eat. Althea turned soon after and was carrying a glass of orange juice, at least that was what she knew on Earth. Regan didn't say anything and she left, giving her a glance lastly.

She didn't have to do anything while chewing, so she thought. She thought and the more she thought, the more negative thoughts invaded her. The food she was eating, what if it was poisoned? She remember Vesper's words about making her life a living hell and she was turning very paranoid.

Regan quickly left the tray aside. She had eaten like a quarter and she could already feel the feeling in her stomach. A dull knot that she didn't know if it was from the food itself or from the fear within her. She prayed to God that what she had eaten wasn't poisonous. The need to eat was strong but the feel of dread was stronger.

Even for the glass of 'orange juice' where the 'pain killer' was supposed to be dissolved in, she wasn't sure. The drink's scent wasn't even one of orange so she didn't trust it.

"I'll just sleep," Regan murmured to herself. But the fear and the sensation in her stomach didn't leave her mind. She was also very very uncomfortable with the tight leggings she was wearing. But still it felt like lifting a ton of bricks to get up change.

Finally, she decided to get up and change. Regan walked over to the wardrobe and grabbed a pair of cotton pajamas. Inside were also nightgowns made of silk and she swore that had they not been long, she'd have torn them apart.

After she changed her clothes, she lay on the bed and covered herself with the silky sheets of blankets. She curled up into a ball and tried to ignore the cramps and the sensation of fear. But the truth, she was scared. 

She hadn't thought a lot about Sirius and was glad of it. But his words found their way in her mind again. What did he say she was his enemy? What did 'when you learn whose blood runs in your veins' meant? She fell asleep thinking about it.