Dungeon Spirit:
Dungeon Spirits are spectral entities that exist solely within the confines of a dungeon and its immediate surroundings. These spirits are inherently bound to their designated dungeon, and should the dungeon ever be destroyed, all its associated Dungeon Spirits will also perish.
Invisible to all except fellow Dungeon Spirits and their dedicated followers, these spirits fulfill specific roles essential for the operation and maintenance of their dungeon. The roles include:
-Dungeon Master: This spirit acts as the sovereign and overseer of the dungeon, orchestrating the challenges and managing the overall environment within their domain; in addition Dungeon Master true bodies are the Dungeon Core themselves.
-Dungeon Keeper: Tasked with preserving the dungeon's ecosystem, this spirit ensures the well-being of the Dungeon Master and maintains the health and balance of the dungeon's internal world.
-Dungeon Scout: This spirit monitors all intruders and activities within the dungeon, constantly providing updates and strategic information to the Dungeon Master and Keeper to safeguard their territory.