"The internationally renowned fashion designer Jing Yi, known as the 'Youth Prodigy,' just hosted a spectacular closing fashion show in Paris. Supermodel Lou Zixuan once again graced his runway, becoming the final model and astonishing countless people..."
"At the beginning of last month, designer Jing Yi, along with his exclusive model Lou Zixuan, graced the cover of France's Vog magazine, hailed as one of the top ten most creative fashion designers of this century. The two were also voted the best duo in the fashion circle..."
Mo Qiansu stared at the news on the big screen, lost in thought.
Jing Yi.
Lou Zixuan.
Nowadays, even if one doesn't follow the fashion industry, with the fame and talk surrounding these two, it's rare for someone not to recognize them.
And Mo Qiansu was even more familiar with them.
Beyond both being her former classmates, one was Jing Chen's brother, and the other was Jing Chen's fiancée...