Summer Cale sat at a local coffee shop, outside, papers in her hand. She had called her ex boyfriend to meet her there. How could he do this to her? After everything she did for him. After putting him through law school for five years and even selling blood on top of working three side hustles to make sure he get anything he want, he dumped her for some rich girl. He would pay for everything. Literally.
Finally, she saw him, but he was with a girl, probably the new slut. Summer scoffed within her. They both disgusted her.
"Vincent." She started as they stopped in front of her "I know you told me she was poor, but you didn't tell me she's a piece of trailer trash." Nancy, his girlfriend spoke. Summer smiled.
"Funny, he didn't tell me that his new girlfriend is a slut either." She retorted. Nancy glared at her.
"Alright. Cut the crap. Summer, you called, we're here. What do you want?" Vincent spoke.
"I don't wanna waste my time on a two-timing asshole either" She stacked the papers together in her hand and placed it on the table for him to see. "Here's everything you owe me. Tuition, half the rent, expenses."
Vincent carried the papers to examine them and Nancy snatched them from his hand and checked the paper.
"25,900 dollars? You're insane" She slammed the papers back on the table.
"25,000 and we can call it even." Summer replied.
"When did you become such a greedy skank?" Vincent spoke.
"Me? Greedy? You literally were the one who cheated on me. After all the heartbreak that you've put me through, I'd call it a bargain." She shook her head, holding back the tears in her eyes. "Vincent, I supported you for five years. I helped you through law school, I believed in you, I loved you..." Nancy rolled her eyes "âŠand how do you repay me? By crawling into her bed?" Summer yelled.
"Don't play the victim card. I never asked you to do that." Vincent replied, no atom of remorse in his voice.
"Do you think Vincent will stay with you for twenty five thousand?" Nancy said, arms akimbo. "In your dreams." She reached into her purse and took out some money, counted it, then threw it to the ground. "Here, thirty thousand. I threw in some extras so you can go see a plastic surgeon and fix that face."
"Pick it up" Summer rose to her feet, her tone, threatening. How dare she.
"Come on, kneel down and pick it up like the good little peasant that you are."
That's it. She just hit a nerve. Summer took her coffee and threw it on her face. Nancy screamed. They people around gasped, some laughed.
"You should be thankful that I got iced coffee today bitch." Summer said angrily. Nancy rushed towards her but Vincent held her back.
"Stop. People are watching." he said.
"This is far from over." Nancy screamed and walked away.
Summer looked happy with herself and Vincent stood there, staring a her, a glint of respect in his eyes. "Vincent, come on!" Nancy yelled and he rushed to meet her.
"Christian Norton Junior, I have had it with you. You promised me a wedding today. Not my own funeral." Grandma Norton complained.
"Grandma, its not my fault. She never showed up."
"I'm serious. I will drop dead now."
As his grandmother continued ranting on and on, Chris noticed a fine lady walked by, she was so beautiful, she caught his attention and he just had to stop her. "Baby" he began, holding her back before she walked pass. "You came."
"What?" Summer was confused.
"Remember? We were supposed to meet grandma today?" He said and then gave her an eye, secretly pinching her. Summer knew she just had to play along.
"Oh, yes, grandma. I'm your future granddaughter in law"
"Who are you?" Grandma Norton asked, a smile on her face.
"Honey, you didn't tell grandma about me?" Summer added. She had absolutely no idea what she was doing, but she wanted to help this stranger, whatever his problem was.
"Oh, yesâŠGrandma, this isâŠ" Chris pointed at her and Summer extended a hand.
"SummerâŠSummer Cale."
"Nice to meet you." Grandma shook her hand, she was smiling all through.
"I guess I will plan my funeral another day." Grandma joked. "Christian, you almost gave me a heart attack." She placed a hand on her chest and the other on her forehead. "You two are getting married, right?"
Summer looked to Chris in bewilderment and he stared at her, eyes pleading for this to go on a little bit longer.
"Yes, Yes we are." Chris replied and Summer nodded.
"Thank God." Grandma chuckled in relief.
"Today." Chris stated and Summer just agreed. She didn't know why she wanted to just help him. Oh well, it was just going to be a court wedding. Sign some papers and when it was over, they would get a divorce. How hard could it be?
Summer and Chris stood in front of the courtroom, holding the marriage papers in their hands. Chris was smiling and Summer had to just speak. She had played along already. Time to end the game.
"So, Mr Norton, now that were married, do you know any good divorce lawyers?"
"Thank you so much for your help" Chris examined the papers they had signed. "Summer, was it?" She nodded. "Do you mind if we keep this going, cause grandma is gonna be on me like a hawk."
Summer was confused. This was supposed to be easy. He reached out into his pocket and handed a card to her. "I almost forgot. This is for your troubles. Pass code is six zeroes. And if you move in with me, it'll be way more convincing."
"WaitâŠwhat? But.."
"I didn't even ask. Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Not anymore." She said in disappointment
"Great." He had a huge smile on his face. His phone dinged and he took it from his pocket and looked at it. "I have to go, but I'll talk to you later." He smiled mischievously. He walked away, leaving Summer standing there in shock. Her eyes followed him as he left. He stopped and took in her beauty. "Wife" He winked and left the court.
"Wait! I still have to know, when are we gonna get a divorce?" Summer ran after him.