There were many guards every ten meters, the surveillance cameras that were in every corner, left nothing for privacy, there was a huge difference between this advanced branch and the imperial army academy that Niard was in.
The design of the rooms was extremely could be described by words, the card which Niard held contain DNA of his owner, as soon as it was displayed in front of the sensor, it would open any door if the owner had the permission to enter it.
Niard noticed when had a tore around the building, there was some 3D virtual reality simulators for several places in the galaxy, which were used for training, they had also an electronic library with a huge database, and there was no comparison between it and that library that Niard used to spend most of his time in.
If he would start to compare between the two establishments, he would found the difference was vast, "What about the ideal academy, how the access and the modern devices they would have"