Spilled secrets...
"Just look at him over there; he really gets on my nerves." Ona rolled her eyes, seated with Sula and Budik. "Don't you see him?" Ona slammed her hands on the table when the other two weren't paying attention.
"What was that for?" Budik's heart jerked as her eyes shot up with derision. You didn't have to do that, you know. We could hear you."
Sula had been waist-deep buried in her thoughts. She barely lifted her dropped head. "Why have you been ranting about the Red Lord you fought with after cresce. You lost. Suck it up; you'll beat him the next time. He's not the only Red Lord here." Budik's voice began to rise, and Ona itched at her confrontation. Ona's lips quivered, and she caught the smirk on the warrior's face through the corner of her eyes.
Budik had changed abruptly since Wiy's death.
Two nights ago…