"Well, my darling Kitty, I unfortunately must be off to the shipyard." He said. "Today's the day, isn't it?" She asked. "The Titanic doesn't leave on her maiden voyage until April tenth. You sure you can't stay a little longer? And what about your birthday?" She then added. "I wish I could, darling, but Titanic is due to leave from Belfast on the third of April. Believe me, I wish I didn't have to leave so soon. And as for my twenty-fifth, we'll be sure to celebrate it together when I return." He replied. "Well, in that case, promise me you'll write?" She replied. "Cross my heart." He replied, giving her a kiss. Soon to be twenty-five year old John George Phillips, also known as Jack, is a morse code radio operator who works long periods out at sea on large vessels. Now, in the first few months of 1912, the RMS Titanic is the world's newest, and greatest ship, thought to be unsinkable. John was going to be the senior wireless operator, accompanied by twenty-two year old junior operator Harold Sydney Bride, who was a good friend. As of now, it was March of 1912, the month when Phillips was being sent to Belfast to accompany Titanic on her sea trials over to Southampton, although the voyage won't be starting until the tenth of April. John just assumed that he would be taking residence onboard the ship. His beloved, Kathleen Bex, also known as 'Kitty', although he is not married or engaged to, happens to live next to John's grandparents, as well as share a home with him. John was just about to head out the door when Kathleen called to him one last time. "John?" "Yeah?" He replied, turning back to face her as she approached him, giving him one last kiss. Although she knew he had to go, and that there was no other choice, she didn't want to let him go. "I love you." She said when the kiss broke. "I love you more." He replied, giving her another kiss on the cheek before finally leaving.