Chereads / Chronicles of the Otherworld Investigator / Chapter 53 - FILE 19: HAUNTING OF THE HERITAGE SITE PART 3


Good luck, Nathan. I'm gonna kill this cat one day. The human flesh muck swayed menacingly towards me, howling. I turned to Mars questioningly, but he'd promptly disappeared. (CENSOR)!

Eyes twitching, I faced the monster. "Good day," I greeted it. 

"I don't suppose you know where I can locate the exit. I lost my way—" The horrid monster stared blankly as it formed a gigantic arm. 

I gulped as the arm came crashing down. My eyes were fixed on the passing arm as LEAP activated and I dodged. 

"Mars! What the heck am I looking at?" I yelled while dodging another swipe. "I'll brief you later. Keep going," his voice echoed. "Stupid cat," I muttered furiously.

It was obvious that SHADOW would not work against such an entity. 

Initiating CLAW, my body transformed as I sped towards the being, intending to pulverise it.

"Gaaagh," it moaned as I ripped at its arm. I shivered as the cold blood spilled against my skin. "So gross," I whined. This thing is done for dirtying me. I twisted around and leaped back towards it, filled with killing intent.

As I came flying, more flesh formed on its body. I gazed in amazement as an enormous tentacle with long fingernails shot out. "Ouch!" I cried as it slammed into me.

I got knocked into a pillar and yelled in pain as my spine cracked.

"Urgh." I lay on the floor moaning. I think I'll pass out now.

"Nathan! Wake up!" Mars ordered as my world spun. I don't want to. You confront that thing, I'm going to sleep. "Wake up!" I drowsily suffered an agonising pain across my face. No! It can't be. I shot up, shocked. 

"My face. Did you just scratch my face?" I demanded. I doubled over painfully. I now know how old people feel. My back dreadfully hurts.

"Don't go to sleep. It's rampaging. You have to destroy it, or the humans will get injured," he urged me. The humans? What about me?

"Can't I take a break? I feel terrible."

Mars tsked. "Since when are you this weak?" he reprimanded me. "You always brag about how strong you are, now prove it to me." I am strong, but my spine is cracked. I wanted nothing to do but lay there on the soothing stone.

I heard the monster ghost thrashing round, but didn't bother to respond. I wished I could regenerate like some anime characters I see on TV. My eyes widened. Oh, that's right. I was going to ask Mars about that. 

"Mars. I'm using FULL FORM," I announced. Mars let out a surprised meow. "But you're not ready yet."

"I know. But, you see, for some reason I can heal when I employ it. I have to heal or I can't fight." There was a crash as the ghost tried to force its way through the narrow doorway. We didn't have time to argue and Mars realised it.

"You have come a long way. Very well. Transform, but turn back the moment you sense something wrong." I smiled vaguely. Even though I know I will be fine afterwards, I will be in a lot of pain. I triggered all my skills and metamorphosed. 

My whole body experienced excruciating pain. I screamed as my frame changed into that of a giant tiger. I shed literal tears as the fur grew out of my flesh. I got to my feet and glowered at the huffing monster. This is all your fault! I growled threateningly as I charged it.

It shrieked as I pounced on its back. I hacked it mercilessly. I sought revenge for my pain. "Don't overdo it!" Mars shouted from the side line. Don't worry cat; I won't lose control. I desired nothing but to rip this thing into shreds. It tried defending itself as its arm lengthened and lashed at me, claws flexing. It missed.

I grinned nastily, my fangs flashing white. I continued scraping, my sharp nails stained with blood. It tried shaking me off. I flattened myself, clutching the flesh firmly. How futile.

I ripped clumps of flesh from the ghost, ignoring the groans. It started to shift and move around but I paid it no notice. "Nathan!" Mars called out in warning.

I glanced up sharply. Without me realising, the creature had backed towards the wall. I thought for a moment. 'It wants to squash me.' My wings spread as I thought relieved, 'Thank goodness Mars is here.'

I flew away just before it slammed itself against the wall. I heard many people yell in shock. Whoops. Maybe it's time to wrap this up.

"Nathan! Listen to me. Roar." Mars was running around frantically. What was he on about now? I peered at him. "Stop looking at me like that. It's the last skill. ROAR is an attack skill. Gather a deep breath and roar with everything you have," he instructed me urgently.

So I still have an attack? This is great! I inhaled a large amount of air. "HROARR!" I just let it rip. One problem. Even though it was very loud, nothing actually happened. 

The monster fell in shock, but recovered quickly. It growled in fury as it returned to its feet, blood splattering everywhere. 

I flapped out of reach and glowered at Mars. "It's not my fault you're pathetic. Try again until something happens," he said sarcastically. 

Twat, I cursed and directed my attention to the monster. 

It hobbled as it kept swinging its arms. How persistent. I flapped more doggedly and dashed forward and kicked as hard as I could, toppling it. I'm immensely grateful it retains a bad balance. I gave a smirk as it fell backwards. 

Fortunately, I was able to delay it, giving me enough time to practise my ROAR.

I inhaled once again, and unleashed a mighty roar. Nothing. Frustrated, I glanced at Mars, hoping for a clue. I growled savagely in frustration. He had vanished, again. I continued for the next few minutes, bellowing over and over. 

Was it my imagination, or did the air suddenly vibrate? Excited, I sucked in another breath. 

Just as I was about to unleash another roar, there was a thunderous knocking on the door. 

"What are you doing in there, Mr. McNeill?" Oh, no. It was Manager Kim. I can't do anything now, though. I exhaled, letting out my best cry yet. The air turned hot before me. Almost there.

"What's that noise? Let me in, Nathan McNeill." Shut up. I'm about to make a revelation. I needn't have worried as surprisingly, Mars went to take care of the nuisance. He changed back to his human form and opened the door.