"..." Lucifer still couldn't quite tolerate Jiang Lu's somewhat concrete and associative metaphors, and replied in a low voice: "This is Nanna, the highest-ranking Chief God of the third generation in Sumer, known as the Moon Elder. His father Enlil is the Supreme God, and his grandparents are the Creator God of the God of Heavenly Father An and the Earth Mother God Qi."
"Moon? Isn't the moon round?"
"That might have been deliberately made to distinguish him from the Sun God..."
After saying this, Lucifer was startled himself, then felt that he was probably contaminated by Jiang Lu's memes.
Meanwhile, the Moon Elder was talking at length, seemingly trying to find a reasonable justification for Emperor Yin's actions.
"Being cautious is a good thing, and as the master of a world, one must always be cautious.
Of course, I don't mean to say that Lucifer is not trustworthy; if he is a companion, he is certainly trustworthy."
The Moon Elder paused, sighed, and then continued: