**Su Yunjin** was overjoyed.
"**Brother Mo**, has **Liu Kui** really been caught?" The one who came to deliver the news was none other than **Mo Dacheng**, the **shopkeeper** of the **Oil Shop**. **Su Yunjin** was alone at home.
**Gu Ya** had gone to the town.
It was said that **Liu Kui** had been caught.
**Su Yunjin** was both shocked and delighted.
**Mo Dacheng** looked at **Su Yunjin** and nodded, "**Madam Su**, **Liu Kui** has indeed been caught by me, and I've already taken him to the **Governor's Office**." **Mo Dacheng** had first taken **Liu Kui** to the **Governor's Office** before coming to find **Su Yunjin**.
Upon hearing that **Liu Kui** had been taken to the **Governor's Office**, **Su Yunjin** was even more delighted.
"**Brother Mo**, how did you manage to catch **Liu Kui**?" **Gu Ya** and **Brother Wang** had been searching for a few days without any clues, and it was surprising how **Brother Mo** found him?