Just as everyone thought it was a done deal, Jack's voice boomed from the communication amulet inside Tumo's hands as everyone's attention turned to the device. The Viking guards raised their guard, looking suspiciously at Tumo; meanwhile, Athena realized what it was and spoke.
"I suppose it's the king of Ichor speaking. What's your condition?" She cut straight to the topic; she was probably the only one not startled at all, even though Ikami was not expecting Jack to speak up in the scenario.
"It's simple actually... you're not allowed to kill all of the cyclopes; I want some of them to join my nation. Creatures who can take giant animals would no doubt be a great asset, now wouldn't they?" His voice has a snazzy remark as the condition he set up caused the room to go silent.
Even Athena found herself at a loss for words; the two races of the giants and cyclops have been at each other's throats for years, and so suddenly to just be asked to forgive her enemies who drove her out of their own homes was a rather…difficult promise to make. Every Viking craved their blood and the death of them, but being asked to spare them... sigh, this was going to make things difficult.
"That might be a bit difficult... The scars of history and the shame we suffered lie deep. We are prideful warriors; leaving them alive would be... against what we take pride in," she said, trying her best to sound a bit more convincing since she no doubt needed their help.
"You will have to make compromises somewhere. My nation can complete your challenge, and you can take your revenge, but I need some of them alive; this is absolutely negotiable for me…" Jack's voice was rather firm as he refused to step back down from his stand as the Vikings found themselves at a loss for words…The room went into silence for a good few minutes.
From everyone's perspective, Jack was simply being too greedy right now and only thinking about his personal best interest instead of the situation of the Vikings. But frankly he couldn't care less if they thought he was greedy; not like he found anything wrong with it. He was a greedy person, and he didn't have time to give a shit about their revenge or feelings; he didn't want all profits to go to waste. Earn where you can. It was a simple philosophy, yet one might ask why not just spare all the Cyclopes. He knew better than to push his luck. While revenge was a factor he didn't care for, it wasn't a factor he could simply just ignore while considering the bigger picture.
The only reason Vikings were willing to submit was for their revenge; it was a necessary thing for them; only a few cyclops will do for him. Greed was good, but blind greed was stupidity. Athena could only sigh in the end, and as all the other Vikings looked at her, waiting for an answer, she spoke.
"Okay…we will spare 100 of them." The helplessness on her face was clear to the point every human in the room could notice, but what was more visible was the anger on every other giant's face, as Jack smiled on the other side of the amulet.
"Alright, great dealing with you," he said as the light on the communication amulet dimmed, notifying them that the connection had been cut while Ikami could already feel herself getting a headache coming for her current and future self due to her greedy king.
Soon they were guided to their resting quarters; two days later they would board a ship, and three days later reach the region of the great, great giant sea serpent to get rid of it. While Ikami had already started planning, Tumo felt nervous; he was confident in his own skills, but he didn't know if the four of them combined could take down a great grade beast. If Jack was here, they would probably be able to take it down; he had watched some of Jack's matches during the free-for-all of the Rulers tournament. He was strong, and his skill was straight-up busted, but Tumo didn't know if he could do the same… It was a rather difficult scenario, but all he could do was be positive; after all, no one else looked worried… He just closed his eyes and tried to drift off to sleep in order to avoid these useless thoughts roaming his mind.
As Tumo slept peacefully on the opposite side of the globe, rather different events were taking place. A man who seemed to be in his 30s or so was currently holding a wrench in his hand; his waist had a toolbelt around it. His hair was slicked back, and with a pair of glasses in front of his eyes, he wiped the sweat off his forehead as he looked at what stood in front of him. To any normal-looking person, this would only seem like a mess created if you give a child hundreds of gears, levers, and machinery and tell them to build a machine.
The man simply sighed as he put the wrench in his belt and then fixed his glasses, adjusting them before a blue projection appeared in front of one of his eyes. The projection was in the form of a circle as multiple layers formed on the circle, with each layer becoming smaller like a magnifying scope. The man's eyes scanned the machinery for every bit he could possibly have... After making sure everything was set right, the man walked up to the machine and pressed a button as a section of the machine opened up, showing a chamber that seemed to be empty; he then opened his inventory and pulled out something that would make even Jack spit out blood if he saw it.
Jack was a blacksmith, so he was obviously familiar with the concept of mana crystals, which were explained to him by his smithing master. The mana crystals often came in different colors depending on their affinity, but the density of a crystal also varied depending on its grade; Jack generally used inferior-grade crystals to create his items.
What this man held in his hand right now was an electric affinity legendary-grade crystal… Legendary was two grades above great even…It was not normal for someone at the current development stage of the word to have their hands on such a thing. The man slowly inserted the crystal into the chamber and set it straight before closing the chamber, his hands slightly shaky as cold sweat rolled down his forehead.
He stepped away from the machine and then pressed a button as suddenly all the gears of the machine began moving at the same time…. The whole ground shook suddenly as the man who had been working so hard fell back down…a smile on his face. The smile was ecstatic to the very core as he laughed looking at the gears... he... he had done it.
He walked up to the front door and took a step outside as he watched the world around himself moving…The entire world seemed to be moving, or was that really the case? He stepped on the roads outside the giant castle holding the machinery and took a fresh breath.
A breath of relief as well as accomplishment... he had done it. Hajin smiled as the very land stood on, his island was currently flying in the sky high above the sea surface in the sky as the island soon vanishe
d into the sky.