Aunt come to my place I need to talk to you it's urgent after sending these message to his aunt he went to the kitchen and started heating soup. Few seconds later aunt Maria arrived panting heavily. As soon as she heard his message she came running as fast as she can. O..Oh..Ale..Alex...wh...what...h..happ..happen.
Aunt relax first sit down and calm your breathing. I'm okay now tell me what happen you called me so urgently is the girl okay. Yes she is fine I have made her my soulmate. What! Tell me you are not lying. No why would I lie to you.
Then why you called me so urgently you bastard I got afraid that you didn't made her your soulmate and now know how worried I was? I am sorry aunt for worrying you but please listen what I want to say. Fine tell me why you called me so urgently?
That girl I mean Sophia is my true soulmate. What! Are you kidding me how can that be possible. Thats the reason I called you I wanted to know if it's possible or not. Are you sure that she is your true soulmate or are you hallucinating. No Aunt I am 100% sure and I have proof you remember I told you how I saved her. Yes so what? That day when I was sleeping I heard a girls vocie calling for help it was her and not only that but when I saw her I felt like I knew her and I was ready to die for her than tomorrow when I made bond with her a bright light flashed and I felt clam, happiness, joy these emotions will only be felt when you make bond with your true mate years ago you only taught me these, remember.
Yes but I also don't know how these can be possible, in truth I have never heard about these phenomena maybe your grandparents or parents might know about these you should go to your parents residence with Sophia.
Hmm okay I am going today to visit them with Sophia thank you for helping me aunt. It's okay now go I will take my leave and yeah give your parents greetings from me. With these aunt Maria left and Alex went to Sophia's room with two bowls of soup in his hand.
When he entered he saw a beautiful sight a girl was standing in the balcony surrounded by small pots of plants. Her hair was shining brightly due to sun rays. The sight was awe striking all plants were tilted towards her like they were bowing their head infornt of her, she was looking like a queen fairy for a second he was standing there looking like a fool but next moment he came out of daze and saw her face tears were falling from her eyes, she was looking sad which made his heart break in thousand piece. She felt someone standing near her so she wipped her tears off and turned around there she saw Alex standing with two bowls of soup. He went near her and gave one bolw they both sat on bed none of them spoke for a while and finished their meal.
After eating Alex spoke first Sophia I know it's hard for you to stay here after all you are from different planet and .
Sophia I know it's hard for me to let you go because you are my true soulmate but I will do anything to keep you happy even if I have to stay away from you for my whole life. Dont worry I will help you to find a way to return to your parents. Now that I know you will not stay longer I will never tell you that I am your soulmate or it will be hard for you to leave so it's better if I keep it hidden.
After few more hours of rest Sophia woke up feeling refresh than she suddenly remembered whole thing she had done in front of Alex which made her so embarrassed that her cheeks turned red like tomato. Huh what have I done not only I told him about my fear but also cried like a baby in front of him. Now he will think I am weirdo. What you have done Sophia you ruined your own impression with your own hands.
While she was talking to herself Alex with the help of his magic heard all these and went towards her room. Sophia are you awake I am coming in. He opened the door and went inside there he saw Sophia standing all alone she was blushing very hard due to embarrassment. She looked so cute that Alex was having hard time to control himself from pulling her cheeks.
Sophia get ready we are going to my parents residence. What!but why? Well it's because they can only help us. You are from different planet right? Yes my planet is called Earth. So the thing is my parents can only help us in finding the way to the portal which will lead you to your planet. Besides that the problem is you cant tell anyone that you are from different planet or else they will capture you.
Okay I know that for you all I am like an Alien.Yeah you can think that but you have elemental power of our planet so no one can find that you don't belong here. I have what power? Well my parents will explain to you properly so first let's visit them. Okay I will get ready and come down you can wait downstairs right ( indirectly telling him to get out). She changed into elegant gown and came down there Alex was waiting for her.
When I looked up I saw her coming down she was looking so beautiful that my heart was pounding fastly I was still in daze when she looked at me our eyes connected, we stayed like that for a second then suddenly she looked down, she was so mess up blushing hardly. It was so awkward but I took initiative and held her hands.
Sophia hold me tightly I am going to teleport us inside my house okay. Yeah I am ready. With these they teleported inside Alex's house it was a grand mansion Sophia got captured by its beauty. Then suddenly she heard footsteps and a mysterious vocie spoke very loudly.
Brat you have finally decided to come home.