Oh hello how are you!
Well thanks for all your love.
Let's move the story forward.
When I reached the door of Sambhal.Then I noticed one thing that everyone was standing in a line to welcome me. I was shocked brother!But then I understood.why my mother?She used to tell me all the stories to console me. because my mother was a resident of SambhalNow see, I will tell you how I came to know this.
Sage Ved Vyas ji telling me,"Eklavya you will finally come here.You must be thinking how did your mother come to know about this place, how should we prepare for you?So, Sage Vedavyasa is the one who says not to worry, right?first thing!We were the ones who sent your mother out carefully.to your father That means Lord Ram is near the form of Lord Ram.Because all the qualities of your father were like Purushottam.That's why We sent them a daughter created by nature, whose name was PRATIKSHA ,But now you must be wondering why all this is happening and how is it happening, before that we want to introduce you to one person.Call her and tell her who has come, only then she will come running."
My mind was spinning after knowing so many things as soon as I entered the SAMBHALA But when I saw that person whom I called Ved Vyas ji, my whole world turned upside down. He changed the time, changed the emotions, changed my life. Brother, what is this, friend, it is so good, this is my Because I got what I came here for, now you guys will understand who I got, listen to the story further.
While making the sound of anklets, a girl came running towards me like crazy and hugged us and said Eklavya, where were you, why did you delay so much and when I saw her face, I was shaken from inside because she was no one else.She was my girlfriend Pallavi and yes, why girlfriend because she also said that she loved us, brother, what kind of love was this that we also knew, she also knew but it was never justified. If it is love then it is not like this otherwise.By the way, Laxman Phulwari, we were sad when things went wrong but we also felt good that both the emotions were coming together and for the first time I was feeling proud of my mother's decision.
Rishi Ved Vyas ji came in between and said, "Oh enough, you will do the work by matching and first let me tell you one thing, this is your competition and yes you have to compete with everyone here, no one This friend of yours but I can sit in your relationship with Pallavi for now because right now you are married to a minor, it will be seen later. Are you guys even listening to me or not? Hello, these two.They are talking amongst themselves and not seeing us. This is very insulting, see.Eklavya Pallavi Look into my eyes Pallavi right now you go out for 10 minutes I will talk to you alone in my room."
At that time, we were very angry at Rishi Vedvyas ji, but later when I listened to his entire statement, I understood what was happening.
Send the recipes, he called me to his room and for 10 minutes he told me such things that it blew my mind, he was saying something like this,"Look Eklav, it is important to name you, now don't ask how to name, there is a maternal naming which is given by the parents but the naming I am doing is your tantric naming.From today onwards, with this rod, I will give you a new name, Rishabh.Don't say this, you don't know who Rishabh is, I will tell you all this river used to be the name of Avtaar ji when he was of Bol age, that is why now your name is Rishabh because you are Nandan Swaroop. Nandan was the Rudra incarnation of Lord Shiva who became his rider after him, that is why I am giving you a name which was of Rudra incarnation. Even if you are not a Rudra incarnation one day but I am giving you the name of a Rudraftar.You have to do everything according to your name, your behavior and behavior is yours, we don't have to know, you have to do it, this is my order, now because you have come under control, you will have to obey the Guru.From today onwards I am your Guru, Guru is not Guru, Father is your Guru, you listen yourself, you know who you have chosen, now you can go."
First of all, who gives so many congratulations on the birthday? First tell us, I got such a big shock on the 10th, I left my house on the 10th, I left everything on the 10th, I left everything on the 10th to take care of myself, so much for 10 days.On the 10th, everything is happening, I have found my girlfriend, I have also found my teacher, I have also found my father, I am also meeting you, what to do now and there is still one hour left for the day to end, then the 12 hours of the night will begin, all this was what it was.Many people get confused while reading this story that what am I doing, how am I doing it, who is saying what, otherwise now I will say anything, I will tell you further, you guys, read carefully.
Moving forward in the story, we saw that till now I had found Guru Pita but did not find Guru. I came out of the class and I directly met Pallavi.Pallavi told me that she has a Guru mother and a Guru father but her Guru is a master who is in charge of the whole, whose name is Kartikeya and not today, she has been doing this work for many years, for many births. SAMBHALA He has been my second guru and he is my guru and I can make you talk to him.
I don't know at what time Pallavi told me that thing, it must not have taken a moment for Karthik to come in front of me, he first hit me while I was lying and then seeing me lying on the ground said, you are so weak.I had lost my youth. If I had spoken then I would have said, Is there no one left in front of them? They made me sleep on the ground. What should I say to this now?I was sleeping all this when Pallavi woke me up, touched my cheek and all the headache went away. Oh I wonder, is some magic happening here?First of all, tell us what is going on, then there is Pallavi and Karthik, both of them will write me their place of residence, please forgive me, they took you to such a big state, their residence was five mountains, only Karthik's.
Look Rishabh, yes, I know your name is Ekalavya, but from today onwards your name is Rishabh, so listen, before your birth, after your birth, from today's date, for the coming 50 years, we have called We and Rishi Ved Vyas ji had together seen 'Who are we?' Chiranjeevi and two protectors together.And today I want to make one thing clear to you, change your name from Eklavya to Rishabh and get it added to the Aadhaar card as well, that's what works in India these days.And the most important thing is that if you tell anyone about the state of the handle, then I will kill you, kill you, cut me alive and throw you away, keep you alive, then join me again, cut me again, join me again, and do this process a million times, and then look at you.Now later on you will forget to look at yourself whether you are a human being or a toy that gets spoiled again and again.Let's give you a friend, give us a piece of your soul Come on, soul, I have found Kansa, a friend, if you tell anyone about the state of SAMBHALA, or marry Pallavi before she becomes a adult, or do anything wrong, I will definitely kill you, this will also kill you.Pallavi you also have a I swear that you too will not do anything under any compulsion with this."
After listening to so many things, only one thing was coming to my mind, brother, my youth has been broken, my condition has deteriorated, my world has changed, whatever funny things were said then keep coming.But one thing was shouting that I am not a small child and she is also not a small child.We were remembering only one dialogue, what time am I a small girl?But whatever Karthikeya ji says, he was a great guy, I mean, now he is with me, I just pay attention to the manager, he takes care of the management.
When Karthikeya ji was telling me all these things, Pallavi's face was worth seeing. She was sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes trying to shout, sometimes trying to speak, sometimes trying to cry. One can say something or the other in front of one's ultimate guru, but we were his guru, he was his ultimate guru, I was only my guru, he had time.But one thing was true, I love my master, I really really wanna be like him, he was also named like that. NEW MASTER OF THE SPIRITUAL WORLD.
After meeting the Master, I had become his disciple. Not like a disciple but a partner teacher. He had made me a partner teacher and within him I was a partner disciple.But good joke Rishabh Pallavi, please forgive Rishabh and Sai Pallavi, the pairing of Rishabh and Sai Pallavi was amazing, we both had a lot of fun, we talked to her at night and shared fillings, what all did they do from childhood till the time we met.I told him my sorrow, he told me his sorrow and went on to continue the same. Then exactly at 10:00 in the night, who would we have come to the class thinking, there is no need to think too much, the gas will come for us, you all are Master Karthik.First of all, both of us stood up touching his feet, he laid the bed for both of us and made us sleep separately and it was so settled that we woke up at 5:00 am the next day.
Date 11th April 2023 Abrasive Morning
Now see, you may sleep with your girlfriend on separate beds in the same room throughout the night, but there is a different peace and tranquility in spending the night with your girlfriend and sleeping after talking to her.Falling asleep while talking to your girlfriend. Falling asleep after chatting with her. Falling asleep while laughing with her.There is a different chain, that's why there is a song.Whatever your girlfriend has given with love is like a sapphire for you. Whatever your girlfriend has said with love is like gold for you. Consider your girlfriend as a pilgrimage. Know the songs of love too. In the music of love, you are a siren.Pyaar Ki Sangeet Mein Tu To Mohini Sudhagini
We were coming out of the class humming this song when the teacher caught hold of us and made us sing the entire song. It took a while for me to understand that I am a singer and the teacher was not able to understand but I am a teacher.What is partner-teacher love, why does it happen, how does it happen, when does it happen, where does it happen and the biggest reason why it happens only?I will answer this but till then consider your girlfriend as a pilgrimage in the coming chapter.Whatever your beloved has given with love is for you, like a sapphire. Whatever your beloved has touched with love, is for you like gold. Consider your beloved as a pilgrimage. Recognize love as well. She is a siren in the music of love.
Thank you very much to all of you