NameCategoryEffect Ability CapsuleHold itemsA capsule that allows a Pokémon with two Abilities to switch between these Abilities when it is used. Ability PatchGeneral itemsChanges a Pokémon's ability to its Hidden Ability. Ability ShieldAn item to be held by a Pokémon. This cute and rather unique-looking shield protects the holder from having its Ability changed by others. Ability UrgeBattle itemsWhen used, it activates the Ability of an ally Pokémon. AbomasiteHold itemsEnables Abomasnow to Mega Evolve during battle. AbsoliteHold itemsEnables Absol to Mega Evolve during battle. Absorb BulbHold itemsA consumable bulb. If the holder is hit by a Water-type move, its Sp. Atk will rise. Academy BallThe academy's standard-issue ball in a regulation size. Lots of students believe that if you kick it right on the academy emblem, it'll fly in a straight line. Academy BottleA bottle emblazoned with the academy's emblem. It's light, sturdy, and vacuum insulated, so it'll keep your hots hot and your colds cold. Academy CupThe academy's standard-issue cup for picnicking. The careful design of its mouth makes it popular both inside and outside the academy. Academy TableclothThe academy's standard-issue tablecloth. It's made with the latest fiber-processing technology and is so tough that not even a Razor Claw can tear it. Adamant CrystalHold items Adamant MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Adamant nature. Adamant OrbHold itemsIncreases the power of Dragon- and Steel-type moves when held by Dialga. Adrenaline OrbHold itemsUsing it makes wild Pokémon more likely to call for help. If held by a Pokémon, it boosts Speed when intimidated. It can be used only once. AerodactyliteHold itemsEnables Aerodactyl to Mega Evolve during battle. AggroniteHold itemsEnables Aggron to Mega Evolve during battle. Aguav BerryBerriesRestores HP if it's low, but may cause confusion. Air BalloonHold itemsWhen held by a Pokémon, the Pokémon will float into the air. When the holder is attacked, this item will burst. AlakaziteHold itemsEnables Alakazam to Mega Evolve during battle. Alomomola MucusGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Alomomola, used in TM crafting. Aloraichium ZHold itemsAllows Alolan Raichu to upgrade Thunderbolt to a Z-Move, Stoked Sparksurfer. AltarianiteHold itemsEnables Altaria to Mega Evolve during battle. AmpharositeHold itemsEnables Ampharos to Mega Evolve during battle. Amulet CoinHold itemsDoubles prize money if held. AntidoteMedicineCures a Pokémon of poisoning. Apicot BerryBerriesRaises Special Defense when HP is low. AppleThis very sweet ingredient is sliced thin to make it easy to add into a sandwich. Applin JuiceGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Applin, used in TM crafting. ApricornGeneral itemsA fruit whose shell can be used to form the capsules of all manner of Poké Balls when crafting them from scratch. Armor FossilGeneral itemsA fossil from a prehistoric Pokémon that lived on the land. It appears to be part of a collar. Armorite OreGeneral items Arrokuda ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Arrokuda, used in TM crafting. Aspear BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it defrosts it. Assault VestHold itemsRaises Special Defense but prevents the use of status moves. AudiniteHold itemsEnables Audino to Mega Evolve during battle. Auspicious ArmorGeneral itemsEvolves Charcadet into Armarouge. Aux EvasionBattle itemsMakes moves less likely to strike a Pokémon during a battle. Aux GuardBattle itemsSharply boosts the defensive stats of a Pokémon during a battle. Aux PowerBattle itemsSharply boosts the offensive stats of a Pokémon during a battle. Aux PowerguardBattle itemsSharply boosts the offensive and defensive stats of a Pokémon during a battle. AvocadoAn ingredient with sweet notes—though its flavor is very mild. The avocado's richness, however, makes it satisfying to eat. AwakeningMedicineWakes up a sleeping Pokémon. Axew ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Axew, used in TM crafting. Azurill FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Azurill, used in TM crafting. B&W Grass TableclothA tablecloth with a fun, trendy black-and-white design featuring Pokémon that seem poised to leap from the tall grass at any moment. Babiri BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Steel-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Bach's Food TinGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The tinned food that Bach sells is curiously popular in Galar. BaconThis very salty ingredient has been cooked just shy of charred, making it burst with fragrance and tasty flavor. Bagon ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bagon, used in TM crafting. BaguetteA long loaf sliced into top and bottom halves. Its aroma of wheat and its straightforward, salty flavor make it pair well with all kinds of sandwich ingredients. Ball of MudGeneral items Balm MushroomGeneral itemsA rare mushroom which gives off a nice fragrance. A maniac will buy it for a high price. BananaA very sweet ingredient. This go-to fruit is sweet and rich, and it's beloved by many Pokémon. BanettiteHold itemsEnables Banette to Mega Evolve during battle. Barboach SlimeGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Barboach, used in TM crafting. Barred CupA cup that's as good for using at home as on a picnic. It's light, sturdy, and stacks well, so it's a cinch to pack up and carry around. Basculin FangGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Basculin, used in TM crafting. BasilA very bitter ingredient that's quite versatile, as herbs go. It's fragrant and goes well with tomatoes. Battle TableclothA garish, eye-catching tablecloth. Putting this on your picnic table will inspire any person or Pokémon who eats there to do their best. Beach GlassGeneral itemsA piece of colored glass. Waves have rounded its edges. It's slightly rough to the touch. Bean CakeGeneral items Beast BallPokeballsA special Poké Ball designed to catch Ultra Beasts. It has a low success rate for catching others. BeedrilliteHold itemsEnables Beedrill to Mega Evolve during battle. Belue BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Bergmite IceGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bergmite, used in TM crafting. Berry JuiceMedicineRestores 20 HP. Berry SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Blueberry Flavor Alcremie. Big Bamboo ShootA large and rare bamboo shoot. It's extremely popular with a certain class of gourmands. Big MalasadaMedicineHeals all major status conditions. Big MushroomGeneral itemsA large and rare mushroom. It is sought after by collectors. Big NuggetGeneral itemsA big nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Big PearlGeneral itemsA quite-large pearl that sparkles in a pretty silver color. It can be sold at a high price to shops. Big RootHold itemsRecovers more HP from HP-stealing moves. Binding BandHold itemsA band that increases the power of binding moves when held. Bitter Herba MysticaA legendary condiment with a deeply bitter taste. It's said to dramatically bolster a body's immune defenses, though that hasn't been proven. Black ApricornGeneral itemsA black Apricorn It has an indescribable scent. Black AuguriteGeneral itemsA glassy black stone that produces a sharp cutting edge when split. It's loved by a certain Pokémon. Black BeltHold itemsIncreases the power of Fighting-type moves. Black FluteGeneral itemsA toy flute made from black glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Black GlassesHold itemsIncreases the power of Dark-type moves. Black SludgeHold itemsA held item that gradually restores the HP of Poison-type Pokémon. It inflicts damage on all other types. Black TumblestoneGeneral items Blank PlateHold items BlastoisiniteHold itemsEnables Blastoise to Mega Evolve during battle. BlazikeniteHold itemsEnables Blaziken to Mega Evolve during battle. Blue ApricornGeneral itemsA blue Apricorn. It smells a bit like grass. Blue BottleA go-to bottle widely used for drinks at picnics. Its simple design and portability make it popular among all sorts of people. Blue CupA cup sold with the Blue Bottle. The two don't stack, so they're tough to pack—but they look good, so they're popular with those who like to post picnic photos. Blue DishA dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The blue variety is a consistent strong seller. Blue FluteGeneral itemsA toy flute made from blue glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Blue Poké Ball PickA sandwich pick with a simple blue Poké Ball design. Often used by Trainers who picked a Water-type Pokémon for their first partner. Blue ScarfGeneral itemsRaises holder's Beauty aspect in a Contest. Blue ShardGeneral itemsA small blue shard. It appears to be from some sort of implement made long ago. Blue TableclothA simple blue tablecloth. It's smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. Blue-Flag PickThis pick flies a blue flag that lends an air of adventure. The flag itself is made of card stock, so it'll fly proudly even with no wind. Blue-Sky Flower PickA flower pick designed to evoke a blue sky. It's part of a line of "sky-flower" picks. Using a few is guaranteed to boost that special picnic spirit. Bluk BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Blunder PolicyHold itemsRaises Speed sharply if its attack misses. Bob's Food TinGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The tinned food that Bob sells is curiously popular in Galar. Boiled EggGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Even just one boiled egg can really enhance a dish. Bold MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Bold nature. Bombirdier FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bombirdier, used in TM crafting. Bonsly TearsGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bonsly, used in TM crafting. Booster EnergyAn item to be held by Pokémon with certain Abilities. The energy that fills this capsule boosts the strength of the Pokémon. Bottle CapGeneral itemsMaximizes one IV stat in Hyper Training. Bounsweet SweatGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bounsweet, used in TM crafting. Bramblin TwigGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bramblin, used in TM crafting. Brave MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Brave nature. BreadGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. An indispensable tool for mopping up that extra curry left on your plate. Bright PowderHold itemsLowers the opponent's accuracy. Brittle BonesGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The taste boiled off from the bones is sure to give a dish a light umami taste. Bronze BottleA popular option among hikers. It's made with titanium, so it doesn't rust even if it's used to hold drinks with high sodium content. Bronze CupA popular option among hikers. It's made with titanium, so it doesn't rust even if it's used to hold drinks with high sodium content. Bronzor FragmentGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bronzor, used in TM crafting. Bruxish ToothGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Bruxish, used in TM crafting. Bug GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Bug-type move only once. Bug MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Bug type. Bug Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Bug. Buginium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Savage Spin-Out, the Bug type Z-Move. BugwortGeneral items Buizel FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Buizel, used in TM crafting. Burn DriveHold itemsChanges Techno Blast to a Fire-type move when held by Genesect. Burn HealMedicineCures a Pokémon of a burn. ButterA condiment that unites salty and sweet and also packs a richness that makes bread a delight to eat. The finest butter products are made of 100 percent Moomoo Milk. Cacnea NeedleGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Cacnea, used in TM crafting. Cake-Lure BaseGeneral items CalciumMedicineIncreases Special Attack EVs by 10. Calm MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Calm nature. CameruptiteHold itemsEnables Camerupt to Mega Evolve during battle. Candy TruffleGeneral items Capsakid SeedGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Capsakid, used in TM crafting. CarbosMedicineIncreases Speed EVs by 10. Careful MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Careful nature. Carrot SeedsGeneral itemsSeeds to plant in a field. The kind of carrot you'll get is determined by which field you plant the seeds in. CasteliaconeMedicineHeals all major status conditions. Caster FernGeneral items Cell BatteryHold itemsA consumable battery. If the holder is hit by an Electric-type move, its Attack will rise. Cetoddle GreaseGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Cetoddle, used in TM crafting. Chalky StoneGeneral itemsA small whitish stone picked up at the edge of the road. Charcadet SootGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Charcadet, used in TM crafting. CharcoalHold itemsIncreases the power of Fire-type moves. Charizardite XHold itemsEnables Charizard to Mega Evolve during battle. Charizardite YHold itemsEnables Charizard to Mega Evolve during battle. Charti BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Rock-type attack against the holding Pokémon. CheeseA very salty ingredient. This thinly sliced cheese is perfect for adding to a sandwich. Cheri BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it recovers from paralysis. Cherish BallPokeballsRre Poké Ball used for event Pokémon. Cherry TomatoesA very tart ingredient. Some varieties are also very sweet, and these are prized above all others by the people of Paldea. Chesto BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it recovers from sleep. Chewtle ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Chewtle, used in TM crafting. Chilan BerryBerriesWeakens a Normal-type attack against the Pokémon holding this berry. Chili SauceA condiment with a very spicy kick. It's thanks to Scovillain that this sauce gets its signature mouth-tingling burn. Chill DriveHold itemsChanges Techno Blast to an Ice-type move when held by Genesect. Chipped PotHold itemsEvolves Sinistea into Polteageist. Choice BandHold itemsRaises Attack, but only one move can be used. Choice DumplingGeneral items Choice ScarfHold itemsRaises Speed, but only one move can be used. Choice SpecsHold itemsRaises Special Attack, but only one move can be used. Chople BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Fighting-type attack against the holding Pokémon. ChorizoA very salty and spicy ingredient. This type of sausage has particularly robust salty flavor, and the spicier varieties are extra popular. Clauncher ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Clauncher, used in TM crafting. Claw FossilGeneral itemsA fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a claw. Cleanse TagHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It helps keep wild Pokémon away if the holder is the first one in the party. Clear AmuletAn item to be held by a Pokémon. This clear, sparkling amulet protects the holder from having its stats lowered by moves used against it or by other Pokémon's Abilities. Clever FeatherMedicineIncreases Special Defense EVs by 1. Clever MochiMedicineIncreases Special Defense EVs. Clover SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Clover Flavor Alcremie. Coba BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Flying-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Coconut MilkGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The refined sweetness of this coconut milk makes it quite popular. Colbur BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Dark-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Combee HoneyGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Combee, used in TM crafting. Comet ShardGeneral itemsA shard which fell to the ground when a comet approached. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Cornn BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Courage CandyMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Special Defense stat by 1. Courage Candy LMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Special Defense stat. Courage Candy XLMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Special Defense stat. Cover FossilGeneral itemsA fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea in ancient times. It appears to be part of its back. Covert CloakHold itemsConceals the holder, protecting it from the additional effects of moves. Crabrawler ShellGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Crabrawler, used in TM crafting. Cracked PotHold itemsEvolves Sinistea into Polteageist. Crafting KitGeneral items Cream CheeseA condiment offering very sweet and very tart flavor. It goes well with more ingredients than you'd expect, making it a convenient go-to. Croagunk PoisonGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Croagunk, used in TM crafting. Crunchy SaltGeneral items Cryogonal IceGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Cryogonal, used in TM crafting. Cubchoo FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Cubchoo, used in TM crafting. CucumberA tart and bitter ingredient. Using it together with rich-tasting ingredients in a sandwich will really make the most of a cucumber's fresh-veggie aroma. Cufant TarnishGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Cufant, used in TM crafting. Curry PowderA very spicy condiment. Just watch out—use too much of this potent seasoning, and it'll cancel out the other flavors. Custap BerryBerriesHolder can move first when HP is low. Cyber BallA ball themed after hardcore gaming PCs. It may not light up like its inspiration, but it still stands out. Cyclizar ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Cyclizar, used in TM crafting. Damp MulchGeneral itemsA fertilizer to be spread on soft soil in regions where Berries are grown. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Damp RockHold itemsA Pokémon held item that extends the duration of the move Rain Dance used by the holder. Dark GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Dark-type move only once. Dark MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Dark type. Dark Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Dark. Darkinium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Black Hole Eclipse, the Dark type Z-Move. Dawn StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Dazzling HoneyGeneral items Decidium ZHold itemsAllows Decidueye to upgrade Spirit Shackle to a Z-Move, Sinister Arrow Raid. Dedenne FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Dedenne, used in TM crafting. Deep Sea ScaleHold itemsIncreases Special Defense when held by Clamperl. Evolves Clamperl when traded holding the item. Deep Sea ToothHold itemsIncreases Special Attack when held by Clamperl. Evolves Clamperl when traded holding the item. Deerling HairGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Deerling, used in TM crafting. Deino ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Deino, used in TM crafting. Delibird ParcelGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Delibird, used in TM crafting. Destiny KnotHold itemsA long, thin, bright-red string to be held by a Pokémon. If the holder becomes infatuated, the foe does too. Diamond BottleA diamond-patterned bottle that's small, light, and even comes with a cup. The detachable strap makes it handy for walking around with. Diamond Pattern CupA cup that's as good for using at home as on a picnic. It's light, sturdy, and stacks well, so it's a cinch to pack up and carry around. Diamond TableclothA tablecloth with a fashionable diamond pattern. It's great at repelling water and mold, and stains and smudges wipe right off. DianciteHold itemsEnables Diancie to Mega Evolve during battle. Digger DrillA single-use drill to bore a hole in the wall for your Secret Base. Diglett DirtGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Diglett, used in TM crafting. Dire HitBattle itemsRaises critical-hit ratio of a Pokémon in battle. Dire Hit 2Battle itemsRaises a Pokémon's critical-hit ratio in battle. Dire Hit 3Battle itemsGreatly raises a Pokémon's critical-hit ratio in battle. DireshroomGeneral items Discount CouponGeneral itemsThis special coupon allows you to buy items at a discount when you are shopping at a boutique. Discovery SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Discovery Room at Ramanas Park. Distortion SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Distortion Room at Ramanas Park. Ditto GooGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Ditto, used in TM crafting. Dive BallPokeballsCatches Pokémon that live in water with 3.5x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. DNA SplicersGeneral itemsA splicer that fuses Kyurem and a certain Pokémon. They are said to have been one in the beginning. Dome FossilGeneral itemsA fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a shell. Dondozo WhiskerGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Dondozo, used in TM crafting. Doppel BonnetsGeneral items Douse DriveHold itemsChanges Techno Blast to a Water-type move when held by Genesect. Draco PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Dragon-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Dragon. Dragon FangHold itemsIncreases the power of Dragon-type moves. Dragon GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Dragon-type move only once. Dragon MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Dragon type. Dragon ScaleGeneral itemsEvolves Seadra when traded holding the item. Dragon Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to . Dragonium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Devastating Drake, the Dragon type Z-Move. Dratini ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Dratini, used in TM crafting. Dread PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Dark-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Dark. Dream BallPokeballsA special Poké Ball that appears out of nowhere in a bag at the Entree Forest. It can catch any Pokémon. Dreepy PowderGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Dreepy, used in TM crafting. Drifloon GasGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Drifloon, used in TM crafting. Dropped ItemHold itemsThe Xtransceiver found at the Nimbasa City amusement park. It seems it belongs to a boy. Drowzee FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Drowzee, used in TM crafting. Dubious DiscGeneral itemsEvolves Porygon2 when traded holding the item. Dunsparce ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Dunsparce, used in TM crafting. Durin BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Dusk BallPokeballsCatches Pokémon at night or in caves with 3x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. Dusk StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Dynamax CandyMedicineRaises Dynamax Level. Dynite OreGeneral itemsMysterious ore that can be obtained in the Max Lair. Something good will happen if you give it to a collector in the Crown Tundra. Earth PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Ground-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Ground. Eevee CupA cup for big-time Pokémon fans. Kids will happily drink out of it, making it a boon to parents. Eevee FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Eevee, used in TM crafting. Eevium ZHold itemsAllows Eevee to upgrade Last Resort to a Z-Move, Extreme Evoboost. EggAn ingredient with a touch of saltiness. It's full of nutrients and can be enjoyed with all sorts of seasonings. Eiscue DownGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Eiscue, used in TM crafting. Eject ButtonHold itemsIf the holder is hit by an attack, it will switch with another Pokémon in your party. Eject PackHold itemsThe Pokémon switches out if its stats are lowered. ElectirizerGeneral itemsEvolves Electabuzz when traded holding the item. Electric GemHold itemsIncreases the power of an Electric-type move only once. Electric MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Electric type. Electric SeedHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Defense on Electric Terrain. It can only be used once. Electric Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Electric. Electrium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Gigavolt Havoc, the Electric type Z-Move. Elevator KeyHold itemsA card key that activates the elevator in Lysandre Labs. It is emblazoned with Team Flare's logo. ElixirMedicineRestores 10 PP to all moves of a Pokémon. Energy PowderMedicineRestores 60 HP but lowers Friendship. Energy RootMedicineRestores 120 HP but lowers Friendship. Enigma BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it restores its HP if it is hit by any supereffective attack. Escape RopeGeneral itemsA long, durable rope. Use it to escape instantly from a cave or a dungeon. EtherMedicineRestores 10 PP to one move of a Pokémon. EverstoneHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. The Pokémon holding this peculiar stone is prevented from evolving. EvioliteHold itemsA mysterious evolutionary lump. When held, it raises the Defense and Sp. Def of a Pokémon that can still evolve. Exercise BallA big ball designed for exercising. It can work as a seat if you get tired, too. Exp. Candy LMedicineIncreases the Pokémon's Exp points by 10,000. Exp. Candy MMedicineIncreases the Pokémon's Exp points by 3,000. Exp. Candy SMedicineIncreases the Pokémon's Exp points by 800. Exp. Candy XLMedicineIncreases the Pokémon's Exp. Points by 30,000. Exp. Candy XSMedicineIncreases the Pokémon's Exp points by 100. Exp. ShareHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder gets a share of a battle's Exp. Points without battling. Expert BeltHold itemsIncreases the power of super-effective moves. Fairium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Twinkle Tackle, the Fairy type Z-Move. Fairy GemGeneral itemsIncreases the power of a Fairy-type move only once. Fairy MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Fairy type. Fairy Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Fairy. Falinks SweatGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Falinks, used in TM crafting. Fancy AppleGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. An apple chosen above others. It has spectacular form and a brilliant sheen. Fast BallPokeballsA Poké Ball that makes it easier to catch Pokémon which are quick to run away. Feather BallPokeballs Festival TicketGeneral itemsA ticket that allows you to host a mission in Festival Plaza. Fidough FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Fidough, used in TM crafting. Fighting GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Fighting-type move only once. Fighting MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Fighting type. Fighting Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Fighting. Fightinium ZHold itemsAllows the use of All-Out Pummeling, the Fighting type Z-Move. Figy BerryBerriesRestores HP if it's low, but may cause confusion. Fine RemedyMedicine Finizen MucusGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Finizen, used in TM crafting. Finneon ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Finneon, used in TM crafting. Fire GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Fire-type move only once. Fire MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Fire type. Fire Pattern CupA cup that's as good for using at home as on a picnic. It's light, sturdy, and stacks well, so it's a cinch to pack up and carry around. Fire StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Fire Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Fire. Firium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Inferno Overdrive, the Fire type Z-Move. Fist PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Fighting-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Fighting. Flabébé PollenGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Flabébé, used in TM crafting. Flame OrbHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a bizarre orb that inflicts a burn on the holder in battle. Flame PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Fire-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Fire. Flamigo DownGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Flamigo, used in TM crafting. Fletchling FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Fletchling, used in TM crafting. Flittle DownGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Flittle, used in TM crafting. Float StoneHold itemsA very light stone. It reduces the weight of a Pokémon when held. Flower Pattern CupA cup for kids to use at picnics. It's made of light but strong material. It's stackable, which makes it handy for carrying around. Flower SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Flower Flavor Alcremie. Fluffy TailGeneral itemsAn item that attracts Pokémon. Use it to flee from any battle with a wild Pokémon. Flying GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Flying-type move only once. Flying MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Flying type. Flying Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Flying. Flyinium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Supersonic Skystrike, the Flying type Z-Move. Focus BandHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder may endure a potential KO attack, leaving it with just 1 HP. Focus SashHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. If it has full HP, the holder will endure one potential KO attack, leaving 1 HP. Fomantis LeafGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Fomantis, used in TM crafting. Foongus SporesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Foongus, used in TM crafting. Fossilized BirdGeneral itemsThe fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once soared through the sky. What it looked like is a mystery. Fossilized DinoGeneral itemsThe fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once lived in the sea. What it looked like is a mystery. Fossilized DrakeGeneral itemsThe fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once roamed the land. What it looked like is a mystery. Fossilized FishGeneral itemsThe fossil of an ancient Pokémon that once lived in the sea. What it looked like is a mystery. Fresh CreamGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Add some whipped cream to a spicy curry to give it some sweetness. Fresh WaterMedicineRestores 30 HP. Fresh-Start MochiMedicineResets a Pokémon's EVs. Fried FilletWhen used in a sandwich, this very salty and bitter ingredient is at its best paired with sour seasonings. Fried FoodGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. It's been a while since it was fried, so it's gotten greasy. Friend BallPokeballsA Poké Ball that makes caught Pokémon more friendly. Frigibax ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Frigibax, used in TM crafting. Fruit BunchGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The syrupy fruits give off a strong tropical feel. Full HealMedicineCures a Pokémon of any status condition. Full IncenseHold itemsHolder always attacks last. Breeding Snorlax produces Munchlax when held. Full RestoreMedicineFully restores HP and cures any status condition of a Pokémon. Galarica CuffGeneral itemsEvolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowbro. Galarica TwigGeneral itemsUsed to create Galarica Cuff/Wreath, to evolve Galarian Slowpoke. Galarica WreathGeneral itemsEvolves Galarian Slowpoke into Galarian Slowking. GalladiteHold itemsEnables Gallade to Mega Evolve during battle. Ganlon Pokémon's stats to match the Lonely nature. Looker TicketHold itemsA ticket that was handmade by Looker. It's decorated with a liberal amount of glittery paint. LopunniteHold itemsEnables Lopunny to Mega Evolve during battle. Lost SatchelGeneral items Love BallPokeballsPoké Ball for catching Pokémon that are the opposite gender of your Pokémon. Love SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Heart Flavor Alcremie. LucarioniteHold itemsEnables Lucario to Mega Evolve during battle. Luck IncenseHold itemsDoubles prize money if held. Breeding Chansey or Blissey produces Happiny when held. Lucky EggHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It is an egg filled with happiness that earns extra Exp. Points in battle. Lucky PunchHold itemsIncreases critical-hit ratio when held by Chansey. Lum BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it recovers from any status problem. Luminous MossHold itemsRaises Special Defense if hit by a Water-type move. Lumiose GaletteMedicineHeals all major status conditions. Lunalium ZHold itemsAllows Lunala to upgrade Moongeist Beam to a Z-Move, Menacing Moonraze Maelstrom. LureGeneral itemsAttracts Pokémon in the wild. Lure BallPokeballsA Poké Ball for catching Pokémon hooked by a Rod when fishing. Lustrous GlobeHold items Lustrous OrbHold itemsIncreases the power of Dragon- and Water-type moves when held by Palkia. Luvdisc ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Luvdisc, used in TM crafting. Luxury BallPokeballsCatches wild Pokémon and increases their friendship more quickly. Lycanium ZHold itemsAllows Lycanroc to upgrade Stone Edge to a Z-Move, Splintered Stormshards. Macho BraceHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a stiff and heavy brace that promotes strong growth but lowers Speed. Magical Heart PickA pick shaped after a magic wand. Perhaps the real magic is the food maker's wish for a delicious dish. Magical Star PickA pick shaped after a magic wand. Perhaps the real magic is the food maker's wish for a delicious dish. Magikarp ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Magikarp, used in TM crafting. MagmarizerGeneral itemsEvolves Magmar when traded holding the item. Magnemite ScrewGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Magnemite, used in TM crafting. MagnetHold itemsIncreases the power of Electric-type moves. Mago BerryBerriesRestores HP if it's low, but may cause confusion. Magost BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Makuhita SweatGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Makuhita, used in TM crafting. Malicious ArmorGeneral itemsEvolves Charcadet into Ceruledge. ManectiteHold itemsEnables Manectric to Mega Evolve during battle. Mankey FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Mankey, used in TM crafting. Maranga BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, this Berry will increase the holder's Sp. Def if it's hit with a special move. MarbleGeneral items Mareanie SpikeGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Mareanie, used in TM crafting. Mareep WoolGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Mareep, used in TM crafting. Marill BallA Marill-themed ball. It's soft and springy. Make sure you haven't mistaken a real Marill for this ball before throwing. MarmaladeA condiment with sour and bitter notes. It's surprisingly useful, as it makes a nice counterpoint to oilier foods. Marsh BalmGeneral items Marshadium ZHold itemsAllows Marshadow to upgrade Spectral Thief to a Z-Move, Soul-Stealing 7-Star Strike. Maschiff FangGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Maschiff, used in TM crafting. Master BallPokeballsCatches any wild Pokémon without fail. Masterpiece TeacupGeneral itemsEvolves Poltchageist (Masterpiece) into Sinistcha (Masterpiece). MawiliteHold itemsEnables Mawile to Mega Evolve during battle. Max ElixirMedicineFully restores PP to all moves of a Pokémon. Max EtherMedicineFully restores PP to one move of a Pokémon. Max HoneyGeneral items Max LureGeneral itemsAttracts Pokémon in the wild. Max MushroomsGeneral items Max PotionMedicineFully restores HP. Max RepelGeneral itemsAn item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 250 steps after its use. Max ReviveMedicineRevives a fainted Pokémon, fully restoring its HP. MayonnaiseA condiment that packs a very tart punch yet pairs well with various ingredients. Meadow PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Grass-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Grass. MedichamiteHold itemsEnables Medicham to Mega Evolve during battle. Medicinal LeekGeneral items Meditite SweatGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Meditite, used in TM crafting. Mental HerbHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It snaps the holder out of infatuation. It can be used only once. Meowth FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Meowth, used in TM crafting. MetagrossiteHold itemsEnables Metagross to Mega Evolve during battle. Metal AlloyGeneral itemsEvolves Duraludon into Archaludon. Metal CoatHold itemsIncreases the power of Steel-type moves. Evolves Onix and Scyther when traded holding the item. Metal PowderHold itemsIncreases Defense when held by Ditto. MetronomeHold itemsIncreases the power of moves used consecutively. Mewnium ZHold itemsAllows Mew to upgrade Psychic to a Z-Move, Genesis Supernova. Mewtwonite XHold itemsEnables Mewtwo to Mega Evolve during battle. Mewtwonite YHold itemsEnables Mewtwo to Mega Evolve during battle. Micle BerryBerriesIncreases a move's accuracy when HP is low. Mighty CandyMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Attack stat by 1. Mighty Candy LMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Attack stat. Mighty Candy XLMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Attack stat. Mild MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Mild nature. Mimikium ZHold itemsAllows Mimikyu to upgrade Play Rough to a Z-Move, Let's Snuggle Forever. Mimikyu ScrapGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Mimikyu, used in TM crafting. Mind PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Psychic-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Psychic. Mint TableclothA light mint-colored tablecloth. It's smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. Miracle SeedHold itemsIncreases the power of Grass-type moves. Miraidon's Poké BallA Poké Ball that can hold the mysterious Pokémon known as Miraidon. A boy named Arven gave it to you. Mirror HerbHold itemsCopies an opponent's stat increases when consumed. Misdreavus TearsGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Misdreavus, used in TM crafting. Misty SeedHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Sp. Def on Misty Terrain. It can only be used once. Mixed MushroomsGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The chewy texture of the mushrooms transforms any dish they're added to. Modest MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Modest nature. Monstrous TableclothA tablecloth designed by the Pewter Museum of Science. The academic air of the pattern is a big hit with kids and adults alike. Moomoo CheeseGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Melted cheese can really give a curry some richness. Moomoo MilkMedicineRestores 100 HP. Moon BallPokeballsA Poké Ball for catching Pokémon that evolve using the Moon Stone. Moon StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Mudbray MudGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Mudbray, used in TM crafting. Murkrow BaubleGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Murkrow, used in TM crafting. Muscle BandHold itemsIncreases the power of Physical-category moves. Muscle FeatherMedicineIncreases Attack EVs by 1. Muscle MochiMedicineIncreases Attack EVs. Mushroom CakeGeneral items MustardA very spicy condiment that's indispensable when bread is on the table. It pairs tremendously with ketchup. Mysterious Shard LA large shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses. Mysterious Shard SA small shard that emanates an enigmatic power. Inside the shard, you can see a pattern that looks like Ramanas roses. Mystic WaterHold itemsIncreases the power of Water-type moves. Nacli SaltGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Nacli, used in TM crafting. Naive MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Naive nature. Nanab BerryBerriesA Berry to be used in cooking. Calms a Pokémon in battle, in Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. Naughty MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Naughty nature. Nest BallPokeballsCatches lower level wild Pokémon with a higher rate (up to 4x for level 1). Net BallPokeballsCatches Water- and Bug-type Pokémon with 3.5x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. Never-Melt IceHold itemsIncreases the power of Ice-type moves. Noibat FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Noibat, used in TM crafting. Nomel BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. NoodlesA nice salty ingredient. It's unclear how well these boiled noodles will serve as a sandwich filling. Normal GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Normal-type move only once. Normal Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Normal. Normalium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Breakneck Blitz, the Normal type Z-Move. NuggetGeneral itemsA nugget of pure gold that gives off a lustrous gleam. It can be sold at a high price to shops. Numel LavaGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Numel, used in TM crafting. Nymble ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Nymble, used in TM crafting. Occa BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Fire-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Oceanic SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Oceanic Room at Ramanas Park. Odd IncenseHold itemsIncreases the power of Psychic-type moves. Breeding Mr. Mime produces Mime Jr. when held. Odd KeystoneGeneral itemsA vital item that is needed to keep a stone tower from collapsing. Voices can be heard from it occasionally. Old AmberGeneral itemsA piece of amber that contains the genetic material of an ancient Pokémon. It is clear with a reddish tint. Old GateauMedicineHeals all major status conditions. Olive OilA condiment offering faint notes of sour and bitter flavors. The most prized varieties are the ones Smoliv love the smell of—such oils' quality is assured. OnionThis spicy veggie is indispensable to many sandwiches. It goes well with rich ingredients. Oran BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it heals the user by just 10 HP. Orange DishA dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The orange variety is the most popular of all. Oranguru FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Oranguru, used in TM crafting. Oricorio FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Oricorio, used in TM crafting. Origin BallPokeballs Origin OreGeneral items Orthworm TarnishGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Orthworm, used in TM crafting. Oval CharmGeneral itemsAn oval charm said to increase the chance of Pokémon Eggs being found at the Day Care. Oval StoneGeneral itemsEvolves Happiny when held. Pachirisu FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Pachirisu, used in TM crafting. Pack of PotatoesGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Potatoes help mellow out a spicy taste, to make a dish more mild. Packaged CurryGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Using packaged curry helps make sure there are no slipups when cooking. Pamtre BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. battle. Pika-Pika PickA Pick-achu, as it were, sporting Pikachu's usual expression. It's easy to grab by the ears, which is part of why it's so popular. Pikachu CupA cup for big-time Pokémon fans. Kids will happily drink out of it, making it a boon to parents. Pikanium ZHold itemsAllows Pikachu to upgrade Volt Tackle to a Z-Move, Catastropika. Pikashunium ZHold itemsAllows Pikachu in a cap to upgrade Thunderbolt to a Z-Move, 10,000,000 Volt Thunderbolt. Pinap BerryBerriesA Berry to be used in cooking. Increases chances of getting items when a Pokémon is caught, in Pokémon Let's Go. Pincurchin SpinesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Pincurchin, used in TM crafting. PineappleThis very tart ingredient is a fruit of southern lands, and its color and texture are a thrill. It's been cut into chunks to be easily manageable. Pineco HuskGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Pineco, used in TM crafting. Pink ApricornGeneral itemsA pink Apricorn. It has a nice, sweet scent. Pink BottleA go-to bottle widely used for drinks at picnics. Its simple design and portability make it popular among all sorts of people. Pink CupA cup sold with the Pink Bottle. The two don't stack, so they're tough to pack—but they look good, so they're popular with those who like to post picnic photos. Pink NectarHold itemsThe flower nectar obtained at the flowering shrubs on Royal Avenue. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. Pink ScarfGeneral itemsRaises holder's Cute aspect in a Contest. Pink TableclothA simple pink tablecloth. It's smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. PinsiriteHold itemsEnables Pinsir to Mega Evolve during battle. Pixie PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Fairy-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Fairy. Plaid Tablecloth (B)A sturdy tablecloth made of thick fabric. The gentle blue plaid gives a table a crisp look. Plaid Tablecloth (R)A sturdy tablecloth made of thick fabric. The quietly composed red plaid gives the table some flair. Plaid Tablecloth (Y)A sturdy tablecloth made of thick fabric. The cheery yellow plaid brightens up a table. Plasma CardHold itemsA card key needed to enter the password inside the Plasma Frigate. Plume FossilGeneral itemsA fossil of an ancient Pokémon that flew in the sky in ancient times. It appears to be part of its wing. Plump BeansGeneral items Poison BarbHold itemsIncreases the power of Poison-type moves. Poison GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Poison-type move only once. Poison MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Poison type. Poison Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Poison. Poisonium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Acid Downpour, the Poison type Z-Move. Poké BallPokeballsCatches wild Pokémon. Poké DollGeneral itemsA doll that attracts Pokémon. Use it to flee from any battle with a wild Pokémon. Poké ToyGeneral itemsAn item that attracts Pokémon. Use it to flee from any battle with a wild Pokémon. Polished Mud BallGeneral items Polka-Dot BottleA polka-dot-patterned bottle that's small, light, and even comes with a cup. The detachable strap makes it handy for walking around with. Polka-Dot CupA cup for kids to use at picnics. It's made of light but strong material. It's stackable, which makes it handy for carrying around. Polka-Dot TableclothA tablecloth with a fashionable polka-dot pattern. It's great at repelling water and mold, and stains and smudges wipe right off. Pomeg BerryBerriesIncreases Friendship but lowers HP EVs. Pop PodGeneral items Potato SaladThis very tart ingredient—a soft salad that's all about potatoes—pairs tremendously well with bread. Potato TortillaA very salty ingredient and a popular dish in Paldea. It's undeniably filling. PotionMedicineRestores 20 HP. Power AnkletHold itemsA Pokémon held item that promotes Speed gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. Power BandHold itemsA Pokémon held item that promotes Sp. Def gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. Power BeltHold itemsA Pokémon held item that promotes Defense gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. Power BracerHold itemsA Pokémon held item that promotes Attack gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. Power HerbHold itemsA single-use item to be held by a Pokémon. It allows the immediate use of a move that charges on the first turn. Power LensHold itemsA Pokémon held item that promotes Sp. Atk gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. Power Plant PassHold itemsThis pass serves as an ID card for gaining access to the power plant that lies along Route 13. Power WeightHold itemsA Pokémon held item that promotes HP gain on leveling, but reduces the Speed stat. PP MaxMedicineRaises the maximum PP of a move to its maximum. PP UpMedicineRaises the maximum PP of a move. Precooked BurgerGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. If you're unsure about what to cook, you can't go wrong with some burger. Premier BallPokeballsCatches wild Pokémon; received after buying 10 Poké Balls. Pretty FeatherGeneral itemsCan be sold for a high price. Primarium ZHold itemsAllows Primarina to upgrade Sparkling Aria to a Z-Move, Oceanic Operetta. Prism ScaleGeneral itemsEvolves Feebas when traded holding the item. Prison BottleHold itemsTransforms Hoopa Confined to Hoopa Unbound. Prof's LetterHold itemsA letter that Professor Sycamore wrote to your mother. A faint but pleasant perfume seems to cling to the paper. ProsciuttoThis ingredient is very salty like regular ham, but the difference is prosciutto is not cooked after it is cured, giving it a fun freshness. Protective PadsHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. These pads protect the holder from effects caused by making direct contact with the target. ProtectorGeneral itemsEvolves Rhydon when traded holding the item. ProteinMedicineIncreases Attack EVs by 10. Psychic GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Psychic-type move only once. Psychic MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Psychic type. Psychic SeedHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It boosts Sp. Def on Psychic Terrain. It can only be used once. Psychic Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Psychic. Psychium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Shattered Psyche, the Psychic type Z-Move. Psyduck DownGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Psyduck, used in TM crafting. Punching GloveAn item to be held by a Pokémon. This protective glove boosts the power of the holder's punching moves and prevents direct contact with targets. Pungent RootGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. Though carelessly picked, these herbs can add a fragrant accent to a dish. Pure IncenseHold itemsDescreases the likelihood of meeting wild Pokémon. Breeding Chimecho produces Chingling when held. Purple NectarHold itemsA flower nectar obtained at Poni Meadow. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. Qualot BerryBerriesIncreases Friendship but lowers Defense EVs. Quick BallPokeballsCatches wild Pokémon with a higher rate (5x) on the first turn of a battle. Quick CandyMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Speed stat by 1. Quick Candy LMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Speed stat. Quick Candy XLMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Speed stat. Quick ClawHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. A light, sharp claw that lets the bearer move first occasionally. Quick PowderHold itemsIncreases Speed when held by Ditto. Quiet MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Quiet nature. Qwilfish SpinesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Qwilfish, used in TM crafting. Rabuta BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Rage Candy BarMedicineHeals all major status conditions. Rainbow SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Rainbow Room at Ramanas Park. Ralts DustGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Ralts, used in TM crafting. Rare BoneGeneral itemsA bone that is extremely valuable for Pokémon archeology. It can be sold for a high price to shops. Rare CandyMedicineRaises a Pokémon's level by 1. Rash MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Rash nature. Rawst BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, it recovers from a burn. Razor ClawHold itemsIncreases critical-hit ratio. Evolves Sneasel when held at night. Razor FangHold itemsMay cause opponent to flinch. Evolves Gligar when held at night. Razz BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Reaper ClothGeneral itemsEvolves Dusclops when traded holding the item. Red ApricornGeneral itemsA red Apricorn. It assails your nostrils. Red Bell PepperAn ingredient with some bitterness—but its bitter notes and overall flavor are pleasantly mild compared to its green cousin. Red CardHold itemsA card with a mysterious power. When the holder is struck by a foe, the attacker is removed from battle. Red DishA dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The red variety never fails to sell well. Red FluteGeneral itemsA toy flute made from red glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Red NectarHold itemsA flower nectar obtained at Ula'ula Meadow. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. Red OnionAn ingredient with some sweetness to it. Its spiciness and fragrance are milder than those of other onions, making it a pleasant bite. Red Poké Ball PickA sandwich pick with a simple red Poké Ball design. Often used by Trainers who picked a Fire-type Pokémon for their first partner. Red ScarfGeneral itemsRaises holder's Cool aspect in a Contest. Red ShardGeneral itemsA small red shard. It appears to be from some sort of implement made long ago. Red-Flag PickThis pick flies a red flag that lends an air of adventure. The flag itself is made of card stock, so it'll fly proudly even with no wind. Relaxed MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Relaxed nature. Relic BandGeneral itemsA bracelet made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Relic CopperGeneral itemsA copper coin used in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Relic CrownGeneral itemsA crown made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Relic GoldGeneral itemsA gold coin used in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Relic SilverGeneral itemsA silver coin used in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Relic StatueGeneral itemsA stone figure made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Relic VaseGeneral itemsA vase made in a civilization about 3,000 years ago. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Rellor MudGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Rellor, used in TM crafting. RemedyMedicine Repeat BallPokeballsCatches Pokémon already registered in the Pokédex with 3.5x the rate of a standard Poké Ball. RepelGeneral itemsAn item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 100 steps after its use. Reset UrgeBattle itemsWhen used, it restores any stat changes of an ally Pokémon. Resist FeatherMedicineIncreases Defense EVs by 1. Resist MochiMedicineIncreases Defense EVs. Reveal GlassGeneral itemsA looking glass that reveals the truth. It's a mysterious glass that returns a Pokémon to its original shape. Revival HerbMedicineRevives a Pokémon to max HP, but lowers Friendship. ReviveMedicineRevives a fainted Pokémon, restoring half its HP. Ribbon SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Ribbon Flavor Alcremie. RiceAn ingredient with a touch of sweetness. It's unclear how well this cooked rice will serve as a sandwich filling. Rindo BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Grass-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Ring TargetHold itemsMoves that would otherwise have no effect will land on the Pokémon that holds it. Riolu FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Riolu, used in TM crafting. Rock GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Rock-type move only once. Rock IncenseHold itemsIncreases the power of Rock-type moves. Breeding Sudowoodo produces Bonsly when held. Rock MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Rock type. Rock Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Rock. Rockium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Continental Crush, the Rock type Z-Move. Rockruff RockGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Rockruff, used in TM crafting. Rocky HelmetHold itemsIf the holder of this item takes damage, the attacker will also be damaged upon contact. Roller SkatesGeneral itemsAttaches roller skates to the bottom of your shoes, allowing you to glide quickly around and perform tricks. Rolycoly CoalGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Rolycoly, used in TM crafting. Rookidee FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Rookidee, used in TM crafting. Room ServiceHold itemsLowers the Pokémon's speed during Trick Room. Root FossilGeneral itemsA fossil of an ancient Pokémon that lived in the sea. It appears to be part of a plant root. Rose IncenseHold itemsIncreases the power of Grass-type moves. Breeding Roselia or Roserade produces Budew when held. Roseli BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon, this Berry will lessen the damage taken from one supereffective Fairy-type attack. Roto BargainBattle itemsReduces the prices of products at Poké Marts by half. Roto BoostBattle itemsRaises all stats of your battling Pokémon. Roto CatchBattle itemsIncreases the chance to catch Pokémon a lot. Roto EncounterBattle itemsIncreases the chance of encountering high-level wild Pokémon a lot for a certain period of time. Roto Exp. PointsBattle itemsIncreases the Exp. Points your Pokémon receive after battle a little. Roto FriendshipBattle itemsHelps Pokémon in your party grow friendly faster. Roto HatchBattle itemsHelps Eggs hatch faster. Roto HP RestoreBattle itemsFully restores the HP of your battling Pokémon. Roto PP RestoreBattle itemsFully restores the PP of your battling Pokémon. Roto Prize MoneyBattle itemsTriples the prize money you receive after battle. Roto StealthBattle itemsPrevents you from encountering wild Pokémon for a certain period of time. Rotom PhoneThe latest model of smartphone. A Pokémon called Rotom lives within it, and it can be used to run all sorts of handy apps. Rotom SparksGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Rotom, used in TM crafting. Rowap BerryBerriesIf held by a Pokémon and a special attack lands, the attacker also takes damage. Rufflet FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Rufflet, used in TM crafting. SableniteHold itemsEnables Sableye to Mega Evolve during battle. Sableye GemGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Sableye, used in TM crafting. SachetGeneral itemsEvolves Spritzee when traded holding the item. Sacred AshMedicineRevives all fainted Pokémon and fully restores their HP. Safari BallPokeballsCatches Pokémon in the Safari Zone or Great Marsh. Safety GogglesHold itemsPrevents damage from weather and powder. Salac BerryBerriesRaises Speed when HP is low. Salad MixGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. The assortment of vegetables looks quite appealing and healthy. SalamenciteHold itemsEnables Salamence to Mega Evolve during battle. Salandit GasGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Salandit, used in TM crafting. SaltA very salty seasoning, unsurprisingly. People quite like the grains of salt that can be gathered from the footprints of particularly jagged Naclstack. Salt CakeGeneral items Salty Herba MysticaOne of the condiments spoken of as legends. Its mellow saltiness is said to be tremendously effective when it comes to promoting health. Sand RadishGeneral items Sandile ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Sandile, used in TM crafting. SandwichA dish made by sandwiching vegetables, meat, or other ingredients between two pieces of bread. It makes a fantastic meal when out on a picnic. Sandygast SandGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Sandygast, used in TM crafting. Sassy MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Sassy nature. SausagesGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. These sausages should be boiled before eating. Scarlet BookA record of the expedition that the author, Heath, went on within the Great Crater of Paldea. The book has the name "Sada" written on it in clumsy handwriting. Scatter BangGeneral items Scatterbug PowderGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Scatterbug, used in TM crafting. SceptiliteHold itemsEnables Sceptile to Mega Evolve during battle. ScizoriteHold itemsEnables Scizor to Mega Evolve during battle. Scope LensHold itemsIncreases critical-hit ratio. Scroll of DarknessA peculiar scroll that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. Written upon it are the true secrets of the path of darkness. Scroll of WatersA peculiar scroll that can make a certain species of Pokémon evolve. Written upon it are the true secrets of the path of water. Scyther ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Scyther, used in TM crafting. Sea IncenseHold itemsIncreases the power of Water-type moves. Breeding Marill or Azumarill produces Azurill when held. Seed of MasteryGeneral items Serious MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match a neutral nature. Seviper FangGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Seviper, used in TM crafting. Shaderoot CarrotGeneral itemsProduce that the King of Bountiful Harvests' beloved steed likes to eat. It grew in a gloomy field. Shalour SableMedicineHeals all major status conditions. Sharp BeakHold itemsIncreases the power of Flying-type moves. SharpedoniteHold itemsEnables Sharpedo to Mega Evolve during battle. Shed ShellHold itemsA tough, discarded carapace to be held by a Pokémon. It enables the holder to switch with a waiting Pokémon in battle. Shell BellHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. The holder's HP is restored a little every time it inflicts damage. Shellder PearlGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Shellder, used in TM crafting. Shellos MucusGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Shellos, used in TM crafting. Shinx FangGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Shinx, used in TM crafting. Shiny CharmGeneral itemsA shiny charm said to increase the chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon in the wild. Shiny StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Shoal SaltGeneral itemsPure salt that can be discovered deep inside the Shoal Cave. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Shoal ShellGeneral itemsA pretty seashell that can be found deep inside the Shoal Cave. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Shock DriveHold itemsChanges Techno Blast to an Electric-type move when held by Genesect. Shroodle InkGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Shroodle, used in TM crafting. Shroomish SporesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Shroomish, used in TM crafting. Shuca BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Ground-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Shuppet ScrapGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Shuppet, used in TM crafting. Silicobra SandGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Silicobra, used in TM crafting. Silk ScarfHold itemsIncreases the power of Normal-type moves. Silver BottleA popular option among hikers. It's made with titanium, so it doesn't rust even if it's used to hold drinks with high sodium content. Silver CupA popular option among hikers. It's made with titanium, so it doesn't rust even if it's used to hold drinks with high sodium content. Silver LeafGeneral items Silver Nanab BerryBerriesGreatly calms a Pokémon in battle, in Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee. Silver PickA silver pick that oozes class. Using it on a sandwich lends an extravagant air that'll make you want to eat up, even if you don't love the fillings. Silver Pinap BerryBerriesGreatly increases chance of getting items when a Pokémon is caught, in Pokémon ood, soft soil. Squall SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Squall Room at Ramanas Park. Squawkabilly FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Squawkabilly, used in TM crafting. Stable MulchGeneral itemsA fertilizer to be spread on soft soil in regions where Berries are grown. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Stantler HairGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Stantler, used in TM crafting. Star PieceGeneral itemsA shard of a pretty gem that sparkles in a red color. It can be sold at a high price to shops. Star SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Star Flavor Alcremie. StardustGeneral itemsLovely, red-colored sand with a loose, silky feel. It can be sold at a high price to shops. Starf BerryBerriesSharply raises a random stat when HP is low. Starly FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Starly, used in TM crafting. Stealth SprayGeneral items Steel Bottle (B)A go-to bottle sometimes used while camping. The stainless steel keeps the temperature inside steady, making it great for keeping drinks hot or cold. Steel Bottle (R)A go-to bottle sometimes used while camping. The stainless steel keeps the temperature inside steady, making it great for keeping drinks hot or cold. Steel Bottle (Y)A go-to bottle sometimes used while camping. The stainless steel keeps the temperature inside steady, making it great for keeping drinks hot or cold. Steel GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Steel-type move only once. Steel MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Steel type. Steel Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to Steel. Steelium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Corkscrew Crash, the Steel type Z-Move. SteelixiteHold itemsEnables Steelix to Mega Evolve during battle. Sticky BarbHold itemsA held item that damages the holder on every turn. It may latch on to foes and allies that touch the holder. Sticky GlobGeneral items Stone PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Rock-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Rock. Stonjourner StoneGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Stonjourner, used in TM crafting. Strange BallPokeballs Strange SouvenirGeneral itemsAn ornament depicting a Pokémon that is venerated as a protector in some region far from Kalos. Stratospheric SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Stratospheric Room at Ramanas Park. StrawberryA very tart and sweet ingredient, popular for its ability to make a sandwich visually striking. Strawberry SweetHold itemsEvolves Milcery into Strawberry Flavor Alcremie. Stretchy SpringGeneral items Striped BottleA striped bottle that's small, light, and even comes with a cup. The detachable strap makes it handy for walking around with. Striped CupA cup for kids to use at picnics. It's made of light but strong material. It's stackable, which makes it handy for carrying around. Striped TableclothA tablecloth with a fashionable striped pattern. It's great at repelling water and mold, and stains and smudges wipe right off. Stunky FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Stunky, used in TM crafting. Sun StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Sunkern LeafGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Sunkern, used in TM crafting. Sunrise Flower PickA flower pick designed to evoke a glorious sunrise. It's part of a line of "sky-flower" picks. Using a few is guaranteed to boost that special picnic spirit. Sunset Flower PickA flower pick designed to evoke a blazing sunset. It's part of a line of "sky-flower" picks. Using a few is guaranteed to boost that special picnic spirit. Super LureGeneral itemsAttracts Pokémon in the wild. Super PotionMedicineRestores 60 HP. Super RepelGeneral itemsAn item that prevents weak wild Pokémon from appearing for 200 steps after its use. Surskit SyrupGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Surskit, used in TM crafting. Swablu FluffGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Swablu, used in TM crafting. SwampertiteHold itemsEnables Swampert to Mega Evolve during battle. Swap SnackGeneral items Sweet AppleHold itemsEvolves Applin into Appletun. Sweet HeartMedicineVery sweet chocolate. It restores the HP of one Pokémon by only 20 points. Sweet Herba MysticaA legendary condiment told of only in books. Word has it that one taste of its sweet flavor stimulates the digestive system and cures a lack of appetite. Swift FeatherMedicineIncreases Speed EVs by 1. Swift MochiMedicineIncreases Speed EVs. SwordcapGeneral items Syrupy AppleHold itemsEvolves Applin into Dipplin. Tadbulb MucusGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tadbulb, used in TM crafting. Tamato BerryBerriesIncreases Friendship but lowers Speed EVs. Tandemaus FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tandemaus, used in TM crafting. Tanga BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Bug-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Tapunium ZHold itemsAllows the Tapus to upgrade Nature's Madness to a Z-Move, Guardian of Alola. Tarountula ThreadGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tarountula, used in TM crafting. Tart AppleHold itemsEvolves Applin into Flapple. Tatsugiri ScalesGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tatsugiri, used in TM crafting. Tauros HairGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tauros, used in TM crafting. Tectonic SlateA slate overflowing with enigmatic energy. You can feel a strong connection between it and the Tectonic Room at Ramanas Park. Teddiursa ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Teddiursa, used in TM crafting. Tera OrbAn orb that holds within it the power to crystallize. When it is charged with energy, it can be used to cause Pokémon to Terastallize. Terrain ExtenderHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It extends the duration of the terrain caused by the holder's move or Ability. Thick ClubHold itemsIncreases Attack when held by Cubone or Marowak. Throat SprayHold itemsRaises Sp. Atk when a sound-based move is used. Thunder StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Timer BallPokeballsCatches Pokémon with a higher rate the more turns have occurred (up to 4x). Timid MintBattle itemsChanges the Pokémon's stats to match the Timid nature. Tin of BeansGeneral itemsOne of the many ingredients that can be used for cooking at your camp. When simmered, the beans suffuse a dish with their mild flavor. Tinkatink HairGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tinkatink, used in TM crafting. Tiny Bamboo ShootA small and rare bamboo shoot. It's quite popular with a certain class of gourmands. Tiny MushroomGeneral itemsA small and rare mushroom. It is sought after by collectors. TM00MachinesTeaches the move Mega Punch. TM001MachinesTeaches the move Mega Punch/Dynamic Punch/Focus Punch/Hone Claws/Work Up/Headbutt/Mega Kick/Take Down. TM002MachinesTeaches the move Razor Wind/Headbutt/Dragon Claw/Taunt/Pay Day/Charm. TM003MachinesTeaches the move Swords Dance/Curse/Water Pulse/Psyshock/Helping Hand/Fire Punch/Fake Tears. TM004MachinesTeaches the move Whirlwind/Rollout/Calm Mind/Teleport/Ice Punch/Agility. TM005MachinesTeaches the move Mega Kick/Roar/Rest/Thunder Punch/Mud-Slap. TM006MachinesTeaches the move Toxic/Light Screen/Fly/Scary Face. TM007MachinesTeaches the move Horn Drill/Zap Cannon/Hail/Protect/Pin Missile/Protect. TM008MachinesTeaches the move Body Slam/Rock Smash/Bulk Up/Substitute/Hyper Beam/Fire Fang. TM009MachinesTeaches the move Take Down/Psych Up/Bullet Seed/Venoshock/Reflect/Giga Impact/Thunder Fang. TM010MachinesTeaches the move Double-Edge/Hidden Power/Dig/Magical Leaf/Work Up/Ice Fang. TM011MachinesTeaches the move BubbleBeam/Sunny Day/Will-O-Wisp/Solar Beam/Water Pulse. TM012MachinesTeaches the move Water Gun/Sweet Scent/Taunt/Facade/Solar Blade/Low Kick. TM013MachinesTeaches the move Ice Beam/Snore/Brick Break/Fire Spin/Acid Spray. TM014MachinesTeaches the move Blizzard/Fly/Thunder Wave/Acrobatics. TM015MachinesTeaches the move Hyper Beam/Seismic Toss/Dig/Struggle Bug. TM016MachinesTeaches the move Pay Day/Icy Wind/Light Screen/Thunder Wave/Screech/Psybeam. TM017MachinesTeaches the move Submission/Protect/Dragon Tail/Light Screen/Confuse Ray. TM018MachinesTeaches the move Counter/Rain Dance/U-turn/Reflect/Thief. TM019MachinesTeaches the move Seismic Toss/Giga Drain/Telekinesis/Roost/Iron Tail/Safeguard/Disarming Voice. TM020MachinesTeaches the move Rage/Endure/Safeguard/Dark Pulse/Self-Destruct/Trailblaze. TM021MachinesTeaches the move Mega Drain/Frustration/Foul Play/Rest/Dazzling Gleam/Pounce. TM022MachinesTeaches the move SolarBeam/Rock Slide/Chilling Water. TM023MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Rage/Iron Tail/Smack Down/Thunder Punch/Thief/Charge Beam. TM024MachinesTeaches the move Thunderbolt/DragonBreath/X-Scissor/Snore/Fire Spin. TM025MachinesTeaches the move Thunder/Waterfall/Protect/Facade. TM026MachinesTeaches the move Earthquake/Poison Jab/Scary Face/Poison Tail. TM027MachinesTeaches the move Fissure/Return/Toxic/Icy Wind/Low Sweep/Aerial Ace. TM028MachinesTeaches the move Dig/Leech Life/Tri Attack/Giga Drain/Bulldoze. TM029MachinesTeaches the move Psychic/Scald/Charm/Hex. TM030MachinesTeaches the move Teleport/Shadow Ball/Bulk Up/Steel Wing/Snarl. TM031MachinesTeaches the move Mimic/Mud-Slap/Brick Break/Fire Punch/Attract/Metal Claw. TM032MachinesTeaches the move Double Team/Dazzling Gleam/Sandstorm/Swift. TM033MachinesTeaches the move Ice Punch/Reflect/Calm Mind/Rain Dance/Magical Leaf. TM034MachinesTeaches the move Bide/Swagger/Shock Wave/Sludge Wave/Dragon Pulse/Sunny Day/Icy Wind. TM035MachinesTeaches the move Metronome/Sleep Talk/Flamethrower/Ice Punch/Hail/Mud Shot. TM036MachinesTeaches the move Self-Destruct/Sludge Bomb/Thunderbolt/Whirlpool/Rock Tomb. TM037MachinesTeaches the move Egg Bomb/Sandstorm/Flamethrower/Beat Up/Draining Kiss. TM038MachinesTeaches the move Fire Blast/Thunder/Will-O-Wisp/Flame Charge. TM039MachinesTeaches the move Swift/Rock Tomb/Outrage/Facade/Low Sweep. TM040MachinesTeaches the move Skull Bash/Defense Curl/Aerial Ace/Psychic/Swift/Air Cutter. TM041MachinesTeaches the move Soft-Boiled/Thunder Punch/Torment/Earthquake/Helping Hand/Stored Power. TM042MachinesTeaches the move Dream Eater/Facade/Self-Destruct/Revenge/Night Shade. TM043MachinesTeaches the move Sky Attack/Detect/Secret Power/Flame Charge/Shadow Ball/Brick Break/Volt Switch/Fling. TM044MachinesTeaches the move Rest/Play Rough/Imprison/Dragon Tail. TM045MachinesTeaches the move Thunder Wave/Attract/Solar Beam/Dive/Venoshock. TM046MachinesTeaches the move Psywave/Thief/Fire Blast/Weather Ball/Avalanche. TM047MachinesTeaches the move Explosion/Steel Wing/Low Sweep/Surf/Fake Tears/Endure. TM048MachinesTeaches the move Rock Slide/Fire Punch/Skill Swap/Round/Hyper Beam/Rock Tomb/Volt Switch. TM049MachinesTeaches the move Tri Attack/Fury Cutter/Snatch/Echoed Voice/Superpower/Sand Tomb/Scald/Sunny Day. TM050MachinesTeaches the move Substitute/Nightmare/Overheat/Roost/Bullet Seed/Rain Dance. TM051MachinesTeaches the move Roost/Ally Switch/Steel Wing/Blizzard/Icicle Spear/Sandstorm. TM052MachinesTeaches the move Focus Blast/Sludge Bomb/Bounce/Snowscape. TM053MachinesTeaches the move Energy Ball/Mega Drain/Mud Shot/Smart Strike. TM054MachinesTeaches the move False Swipe/Flash Cannon/Rock Blast/Psyshock. TM055MachinesTeaches the move Brine/Scald/Ice Beam/Dig. TM056MachinesTeaches the move Fling/Stealth Rock/U-turn/Bullet Seed. TM057MachinesTeaches the move Charge Beam/Pay Day/Payback/False Swipe. TM058MachinesTeaches the move Endure/Sky Drop/Drill Run/Assurance/Brick Break. TM059MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Pulse/Incinerate/Brutal Swing/Dream Eater/Fling/Zen Headbutt. TM060MachinesTeaches the move Drain Punch/Quash/Megahorn/Power Swap/U-turn. TM061MachinesTeaches the move Will-O-Wisp/Guard Swap/Shadow Claw. TM062MachinesTeaches the move Silver Wind/Acrobatics/Speed Swap/Bug Buzz/Foul Play. TM063MachinesTeaches the move Embargo/Drain Punch/Nasty Plot/Psychic Fangs. TM064MachinesTeaches the move Explosion/Avalanche/Bulk Up. TM065MachinesTeaches the move Shadow Claw/Air Slash. TM066MachinesTeaches the move Payback/Thunder Fang/Body Slam. TM067MachinesTeaches the move Recycle/Retaliate/Smart Strike/Ice Fang/Fire Punch. TM068MachinesTeaches the move Giga Impact/Fire Fang/Thunder Punch. TM069MachinesTeaches the move Rock Polish/Psycho Cut/Ice Punch. TM070MachinesTeaches the move Flash/Aurora Veil/Trick Room/Sleep Talk. TM071MachinesTeaches the move Stone Edge/Wonder Room/Seed Bomb. TM072MachinesTeaches the move Avalanche/Volt Switch/Magic Room/Electro Ball. TM073MachinesTeaches the move Thunder Wave/Cross Poison/Drain Punch. TM074MachinesTeaches the move Gyro Ball/Venoshock/Reflect. TM075MachinesTeaches the move Swords Dance/Low Sweep/Light Screen. TM076MachinesTeaches the move Stealth Rock/Struggle Bug/Fly/Round/Rock Blast. TM077MachinesTeaches the move Psych Up/Hex/Waterfall. TM078MachinesTeaches the move Captivate/Bulldoze/Acrobatics/Snarl/Dragon Claw. TM079MachinesTeaches the move Dark Pulse/Frost Breath/Retaliate/Dazzling Gleam. TM080MachinesTeaches the move Rock Slide/Volt Switch/Metronome. TM081MachinesTeaches the move X-Scissor/Bulldoze/Grass Knot. TM082MachinesTeaches the move Sleep Talk/Dragon Tail/Electroweb/Thunder Wave. TM083MachinesTeaches the move Natural Gift/Work Up/Infestation/Razor Shell/Bulldoze/Poison Jab. TM084MachinesTeaches the move Poison Jab/Tail Slap/Stomping Tantrum. TM085MachinesTeaches the move Dream Eater/Snarl/Rest. TM086MachinesTeaches the move Grass Knot/Phantom Force/Rock Slide. TM087MachinesTeaches the move Swagger/Draining Kiss/Taunt. TM088MachinesTeaches the move Pluck/Sleep Talk/Grassy Terrain/Swords Dance. TM089MachinesTeaches the move U-turn/Misty Terrain/Body Press. TM090MachinesTeaches the move Substitute/Electric Terrain/Spikes. TM091MachinesTeaches the move Flash Cannon/Psychic Terrain/Toxic Spikes. TM092MachinesTeaches the move Trick Room/Mystical Fire/Imprison. TM093MachinesTeaches the move Wild Charge/Eerie Impulse/Cut/Flash Cannon. TM094MachinesTeaches the move Rock Smash/Surf/False Swipe/Fly/Dark Pulse. TM095MachinesTeaches the move Snarl/Air Slash/Surf/Leech Life. TM096MachinesTeaches the move Nature Power/Smart Strike/Strength/Eerie Impulse. TM097MachinesTeaches the move Dark Pulse/Brutal Swing/Defog/Fly. TM098MachinesTeaches the move Power-Up Punch/Waterfall/Stomping Tantrum/Rock Smash/Skill Swap. TM099MachinesTeaches the move Dazzling Gleam/Breaking Swipe/Waterfall/Iron Head. TM100MachinesTeaches the move Confide/Rock Climb/Dragon Dance. TM101MachinesTeaches the move Power Gem. TM102MachinesTeaches the move Gunk Shot. TM103MachinesTeaches the move Substitute. TM104MachinesTeaches the move Iron Defense. TM105MachinesTeaches the move X-Scissor. TM106MachinesTeaches the move Drill Run. TM107MachinesTeaches the move Will-O-Wisp. TM108MachinesTeaches the move Crunch. TM109MachinesTeaches the move Trick. TM110MachinesTeaches the move Liquidation. TM111MachinesTeaches the move Giga Drain. TM112MachinesTeaches the move Aura Sphere. TM113MachinesTeaches the move Tailwind. TM114MachinesTeaches the move Shadow Ball. TM115MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Pulse. TM116MachinesTeaches the move Stealth Rock. TM117MachinesTeaches the move Hyper Voice. TM118MachinesTeaches the move Heat Wave. TM119MachinesTeaches the move Energy Ball. TM120MachinesTeaches the move Psychic. TM121MachinesTeaches the move Heavy Slam. TM122MachinesTeaches the move Encore. TM123MachinesTeaches the move Surf. TM124MachinesTeaches the move Ice Spinner. TM125MachinesTeaches the move Flamethrower. TM126MachinesTeaches the move Thunderbolt. TM127MachinesTeaches the move Play Rough. TM128MachinesTeaches the move Amnesia. TM129MachinesTeaches the move Calm Mind. TM130MachinesTeaches the move Helping Hand. TM131MachinesTeaches the move Pollen Puff. TM132MachinesTeaches the move Baton Pass. TM133MachinesTeaches the move Earth Power. TM134MachinesTeaches the move Reversal. TM135MachinesTeaches the move Ice Beam. TM136MachinesTeaches the move Electric Terrain. TM137MachinesTeaches the move Grassy Terrain. TM138MachinesTeaches the move Psychic Terrain. TM139MachinesTeaches the move Misty Terrain. TM140MachinesTeaches the move Nasty Plot. TM141MachinesTeaches the move Fire Blast. TM142MachinesTeaches the move Hydro Pump. TM143MachinesTeaches the move Blizzard. TM144MachinesTeaches the move Fire Pledge. TM145MachinesTeaches the move Water Pledge. TM146MachinesTeaches the move Grass Pledge. TM147MachinesTeaches the move Wild Charge. TM148MachinesTeaches the move Sludge Bomb. TM149MachinesTeaches the move Earthquake. TM150MachinesTeaches the move Stone Edge. TM151MachinesTeaches the move Phantom Force. TM152MachinesTeaches the move Giga Impact. TM153MachinesTeaches the move Blast Burn. TM154MachinesTeaches the move Hydro Cannon. TM155MachinesTeaches the move Frenzy Plant. TM156MachinesTeaches the move Outrage. TM157MachinesTeaches the move Overheat. TM158MachinesTeaches the move Focus Blast. TM159MachinesTeaches the move Leaf Storm. TM160MachinesTeaches the move Hurricane. TM161MachinesTeaches the move Trick Room. TM162MachinesTeaches the move Bug Buzz. TM163MachinesTeaches the move Hyper Beam. TM164MachinesTeaches the move Brave Bird. TM165MachinesTeaches the move Flare Blitz. TM166MachinesTeaches the move Thunder. TM167MachinesTeaches the move Close Combat. TM168MachinesTeaches the move Solar Beam. TM169MachinesTeaches the move Draco Meteor. TM170MachinesTeaches the move Steel Beam. TM171MachinesTeaches the move Tera Blast. TM172MachinesTeaches the move Roar. TM173MachinesTeaches the move Charge. TM174MachinesTeaches the move Haze. TM175MachinesTeaches the move Toxic. TM176MachinesTeaches the move Sand Tomb. TM177MachinesTeaches the move Spite. TM178MachinesTeaches the move Gravity. TM179MachinesTeaches the move Smack Down. TM180MachinesTeaches the move Gyro Ball. TM181MachinesTeaches the move Knock Off. TM182MachinesTeaches the move Bug Bite. TM183MachinesTeaches the move Super Fang. TM184MachinesTeaches the move Vacuum Wave. TM185MachinesTeaches the move Lunge. TM186MachinesTeaches the move High Horsepower. TM187MachinesTeaches the move Icicle Spear. TM188MachinesTeaches the move Scald. TM189MachinesTeaches the move Heat Crash. TM190MachinesTeaches the move Solar Blade. TM191MachinesTeaches the move Uproar. TM192MachinesTeaches the move Focus Punch. TM193MachinesTeaches the move Weather Ball. TM194MachinesTeaches the move Grassy Glide. TM195MachinesTeaches the move Burning Jealousy. TM196MachinesTeaches the move Flip Turn. TM197MachinesTeaches the move Dual Wingbeat. TM198MachinesTeaches the move Poltergeist. TM199MachinesTeaches the move Lash Out. TM200MachinesTeaches the move Scale Shot. TM201MachinesTeaches the move Misty Explosion. TM202MachinesTeaches the move Pain Split. TM203MachinesTeaches the move Psych Up. TM204MachinesTeaches the move Double-Edge. TM205MachinesTeaches the move Endeavor. TM206MachinesTeaches the move Petal Blizzard. TM207MachinesTeaches the move Temper Flare. TM208MachinesTeaches the move Whirlpool. TM209MachinesTeaches the move Muddy Water. TM210MachinesTeaches the move Supercell Slam. TM211MachinesTeaches the move Electroweb. TM212MachinesTeaches the move Triple Axel. TM213MachinesTeaches the move Coaching. TM214MachinesTeaches the move Sludge Wave. TM215MachinesTeaches the move Scorching Sands. TM216MachinesTeaches the move Feather Dance. TM217MachinesTeaches the move Future Sight. TM218MachinesTeaches the move Expanding Force. TM219MachinesTeaches the move Skitter Smack. TM220MachinesTeaches the move Meteor Beam. TM221MachinesTeaches the move Throat Chop. TM222MachinesTeaches the move Breaking Swipe. TM223MachinesTeaches the move Metal Sound. TM224MachinesTeaches the move Curse. TM225MachinesTeaches the move Hard Press. TM226MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Cheer. TM227MachinesTeaches the move Alluring Voice. TM228MachinesTeaches the move Psychic Noise. TM229MachinesTeaches the move Upper Hand. TMV PassGeneral itemsA commuter pass that allows the holder to ride the TMV between Lumiose City and Kiloude City at any time. Toedscool FlapsGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Toedscool, used in TM crafting. TofuAn ingredient with a touch of sweetness. It's unclear how well this raw block of tofu will serve as a sandwich filling. TomatoThis very tart ingredient has a lot of savory elements to it, making it popular with many Pokémon. Torkoal CoalGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Torkoal, used in TM crafting. Tough CandyMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Defense stat by 1. Tough Candy LMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Defense stat. Tough Candy XLMedicineIncreases a Pokémon's Defense stat. Toxel SparksGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Toxel, used in TM crafting. Toxic OrbHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. It is a bizarre orb that badly poisons the holder in battle. Toxic PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Poison-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Poison. TR00MachinesTeaches the move Swords Dance. TR01MachinesTeaches the move Body Slam. TR02MachinesTeaches the move Flamethrower. TR03MachinesTeaches the move Hydro Pump. TR04MachinesTeaches the move Surf. TR05MachinesTeaches the move Ice Beam. TR06MachinesTeaches the move Blizzard. TR07MachinesTeaches the move Low Kick. TR08MachinesTeaches the move Thunderbolt. TR09MachinesTeaches the move Thunder. TR10MachinesTeaches the move Earthquake. TR11MachinesTeaches the move Psychic. TR12MachinesTeaches the move Agility. TR13MachinesTeaches the move Focus Energy. TR14MachinesTeaches the move Metronome. TR15MachinesTeaches the move Fire Blast. TR16MachinesTeaches the move Waterfall. TR17MachinesTeaches the move Amnesia. TR18MachinesTeaches the move Leech Life. TR19MachinesTeaches the move Tri Attack. TR20MachinesTeaches the move Substitute. TR21MachinesTeaches the move Reversal. TR22MachinesTeaches the move Sludge Bomb. TR23MachinesTeaches the move Spikes. TR24MachinesTeaches the move Outrage. TR25MachinesTeaches the move Psyshock. TR26MachinesTeaches the move Endure. TR27MachinesTeaches the move Sleep Talk. TR28MachinesTeaches the move Megahorn. TR29MachinesTeaches the move Baton Pass. TR30MachinesTeaches the move Encore. TR31MachinesTeaches the move Iron Tail. TR32MachinesTeaches the move Crunch. TR33MachinesTeaches the move Shadow Ball. TR34MachinesTeaches the move Future Sight. TR35MachinesTeaches the move Uproar. TR36MachinesTeaches the move Heat Wave. TR37MachinesTeaches the move Taunt. TR38MachinesTeaches the move Trick. TR39MachinesTeaches the move Superpower. TR40MachinesTeaches the move Skill Swap. TR41MachinesTeaches the move Blaze Kick. TR42MachinesTeaches the move Hyper Voice. TR43MachinesTeaches the move Overheat. TR44MachinesTeaches the move Cosmic Power. TR45MachinesTeaches the move Muddy Water. TR46MachinesTeaches the move Iron Defense. TR47MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Claw. TR48MachinesTeaches the move Bulk Up. TR49MachinesTeaches the move Calm Mind. TR50MachinesTeaches the move Leaf Blade. TR51MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Dance. TR52MachinesTeaches the move Gyro Ball. TR53MachinesTeaches the move Close Combat. TR54MachinesTeaches the move Toxic Spikes. TR55MachinesTeaches the move Flare Blitz. TR56MachinesTeaches the move Aura Sphere. TR57MachinesTeaches the move Poison Jab. TR58MachinesTeaches the move Dark Pulse. TR59MachinesTeaches the move Seed Bomb. TR60MachinesTeaches the move X-Scissor. TR61MachinesTeaches the move Bug Buzz. TR62MachinesTeaches the move Dragon Pulse. TR63MachinesTeaches the move Power Gem. TR64MachinesTeaches the move Focus Blast. TR65MachinesTeaches the move Energy Ball. TR66MachinesTeaches the move Brave Bird. TR67MachinesTeaches the move Earth Power. TR68MachinesTeaches the move Nasty Plot. TR69MachinesTeaches the move Zen Headbutt. TR70MachinesTeaches the move Flash Cannon. TR71MachinesTeaches the move Leaf Storm. TR72MachinesTeaches the move Power Whip. TR73MachinesTeaches the move Gunk Shot. TR74MachinesTeaches the move Iron Head. TR75MachinesTeaches the move Stone Edge. TR76MachinesTeaches the move Stealth Rock. TR77MachinesTeaches the move Grass Knot. TR78MachinesTeaches the move Sludge Wave. TR79MachinesTeaches the move Heavy Slam. TR80MachinesTeaches the move Electro Ball. TR81MachinesTeaches the move Foul Play. TR82MachinesTeaches the move Stored Power. TR83MachinesTeaches the move Ally Switch. TR84MachinesTeaches the move Scald. TR85MachinesTeaches the move Work Up. TR86MachinesTeaches the move Wild Charge. TR87MachinesTeaches the move Drill Run. TR88MachinesTeaches the move Heat Crash. TR89MachinesTeaches the move Hurricane. TR90MachinesTeaches the move Play Rough. TR91MachinesTeaches the move Venom Drench. TR92MachinesTeaches the move Dazzling Gleam. TR93MachinesTeaches the move Darkest Lariat. TR94MachinesTeaches the move High Horsepower. TR95MachinesTeaches the move Throat Chop. TR96MachinesTeaches the move Pollen Puff. TR97MachinesTeaches the move Psychic Fangs. TR98MachinesTeaches the move Liquidation. TR99MachinesTeaches the move Body Press. Tropical ShellGeneral items Tropius LeafGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tropius, used in TM crafting. TumblestoneGeneral items Twice-Spiced RadishGeneral items Twisted SpoonHold itemsIncreases the power of Psychic-type moves. Tynamo SlimeGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Tynamo, used in TM crafting. TyranitariteHold itemsEnables Tyranitar to Mega Evolve during battle. Ultra BallPokeballsCatches wild Pokémon with 2x the rate of a Poké Ball. Ultranecrozium ZHold itemsAllows Ultra Necrozma to upgrade Photon Geyser to a Z-Move, Light That Burns the Sky. Unremarkable TeacupGeneral itemsEvolves Poltchageist into Sinistcha. UpgradeGeneral itemsEvolves Porygon when traded holding the item. Utility UmbrellaHold itemsAn item to be held by a Pokémon. This sturdy umbrella protects the holder from the effects of weather. Varoom FumeGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Varoom, used in TM crafting. Vee-Vee PickA pick designed after Eevee, sporting the Pokémon's usual expression. It's easy to grab by the ears, which is part of why it's so popular. Veluza FilletGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Veluza, used in TM crafting. Venonat FangGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Venonat, used in TM crafting. VenusauriteHold itemsEnables Venusaur to Mega Evolve during battle. VinegarA very sour condiment. Vinegars derived from grapes are popular in Paldea. Highly effective when used to add just a light note of flavor. Violet BookA record of the expedition that the author, Heath, went on within the Great Crater of Paldea. The book has the name "Turo" written on it in clumsy handwriting. VivichokeGeneral items Voltorb SparksGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Voltorb, used in TM crafting. Wacan BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Electric-type attack against the holding Pokémon. WasabiThis very spicy condiment seems close to horseradish at first, but you'll find that it has a superb flavor all its own. Water GemHold itemsIncreases the power of a Water-type move only once. Water MemoryHold itemsChanges Silvally and its move Multi-Attack to Water type. Water StoneGeneral itemsEvolves certain species of Pokémon. Water Tera ShardChanges a Pokémon's Tera Type to . WatercressA very bitter ingredient that stands out among veggies for its quirky flavor. People tend to either like it or not like it—they rarely sit on the fence. Waterium ZHold itemsAllows the use of Hydro Vortex, the Water type Z-Move. Watmel BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Wattrel FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Wattrel, used in TM crafting. Wave IncenseHold itemsIncreases the power of Water-type moves. Breeding Mantine produces Mantyke when held. Weakness PolicyHold itemsSharply raises Attack and Special Attack if hit by a super-effective move. Wepear BerryBerriesA Berry which is very rare in the Unova region. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Whimsical TableclothA tablecloth made in collaboration with a popular picture-book author. The gently drawn Pokémon make even the loveliest picnic table more charming. Whipped CreamA very sweet condiment. Folks in Paldea seem to love the varieties that really let the sweetness sing. Whipped DreamGeneral itemsEvolves Swirlix when traded holding the item. White ApricornGeneral itemsA white Apricorn. It doesn't smell like anything. White DishA dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The white variety comes recommended by sellers. White FluteGeneral itemsA toy flute made from white glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. White HerbHold itemsAn item to be held by a POKéMON. It restores any lowered stat in battle. It can be used only once. Wide LensHold itemsIncreases the accuracy of moves. Wiglett SandGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Wiglett, used in TM crafting. Wiki BerryBerriesRestores HP if it's low, but may cause confusion. Wing BallPokeballs Wingull FeatherGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Wingull, used in TM crafting. Winking Pika PickA Pick-achu, if you will, sporting Pikachu's winking face. It's easy to grab by the ears, which is part of why it's so popular. Wise GlassesHold itemsIncreases the power of Special-category moves. Wishing PieceGeneral itemsActivates a Pokémon Den for a Max Raid Battle. WoodGeneral items Wooper SlimeGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Wooper, used in TM crafting. X AccuracyBattle itemsRaises Accuracy of a Pokémon in battle. X Accuracy 2Battle itemsSharply raises Accuracy of a Pokémon in battle. X Accuracy 3Battle itemsDrastically raises Accuracy of a Pokémon in battle. X Accuracy 6Battle itemsImmensely raises Accuracy of a Pokémon in battle. X AttackBattle itemsRaises Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Attack 2Battle itemsSharply raises Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Attack 3Battle itemsDrastically raises Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Attack 6Battle itemsImmensely raises Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X DefenseBattle itemsRaises Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Defense 2Battle itemsSharply raises Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Defense 3Battle itemsDrastically raises Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Defense 6Battle itemsImmensely raises Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. AtkBattle itemsRaises Special Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. Atk 2Battle itemsSharply raises Special Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. Atk 3Battle itemsDrastically raises Special Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. Atk 6Battle itemsImmensely raises Special Attack of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. DefBattle itemsRaises Special Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. Def 2Battle itemsSharply raises Special Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. Def 3Battle itemsDrastically raises Special Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X Sp. Def 6Battle itemsImmensely raises Special Defense of a Pokémon in battle. X SpeedBattle itemsRaises Speed of a Pokémon in battle. X Speed 2Battle itemsSharply raises Speed of a Pokémon in battle. X Speed 3Battle itemsDrastically raises Speed of a Pokémon in battle. X Speed 6Battle itemsImmensely raises Speed of a Pokémon in battle. Yache BerryBerriesWeakens a supereffective Ice-type attack against the holding Pokémon. Yarn BallA small ball of yarn. It's woven tight so as not to unravel, but even if it were to come undone, at least you could still use the yarn for something. Yellow ApricornGeneral itemsA yellow Apricorn. It has an invigorating scent. Yellow Bell PepperAn ingredient with some bitterness. It's not much different from its red counterpart in flavor, but mixing the colors makes a feast for the eyes. Yellow BottleA go-to bottle widely used for drinks at picnics. Its simple design and portability make it popular among all sorts of people. Yellow CupA cup sold with the Yellow Bottle. The two don't stack, so they're tough to pack—but they look good, so they're popular with those who like to post picnic photos. Yellow DishA dish for picnics. Comes in plenty of colors to choose from based on the food or the mood. The yellow variety is impossible to go wrong with. Yellow FluteGeneral itemsA toy flute made from yellow glass. A maniac will buy it for a high price. Yellow NectarHold itemsA flower nectar obtained at Melemele Meadow. It changes the form of certain species of Pokémon. Yellow ScarfGeneral itemsRaises holder's Tough aspect in a Contest. Yellow ShardGeneral itemsA small yellow shard. It appears to be from some sort of implement made long ago. Yellow TableclothA simple yellow tablecloth. It's smooth and pleasant to the touch, and dishes can be placed on it with hardly a sound. YogurtA condiment that's very sweet and very sour. It goes especially well with fruit and is easy to incorporate into a sandwich. Yungoos FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Yungoos, used in TM crafting. Zangoose ClawGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Zangoose, used in TM crafting. Zap PlateHold itemsIncreases power of Electric-type moves. Changes Arceus' type to Electric. ZincMedicineIncreases Special Defense EVs by 10. Zoom LensHold itemsRaises a move's accuracy if the holder moves after its target. Zorua FurGeneral itemsMaterial obtained after defeating/catching Zorua, used in TM crafting.