There were a time when humans become such greedy of power and wealth that they attack there own gods.
West land humans king "okarta suwa koon" and the most loved and first child of snake goddess "Shesa" , become too much greedy that he attack on her own mother and killed her brutally. The goddess shesa never thought that her own child will try to kill her but she got killed by her own child. OKARTA got the "naagmani" The power sorce of snakes and become so much powerful and conquered the land of south and east as well and becomes the most wealthy and unstoppable force of all time , no one could stop him now and no one can resist his rules and orders now, all that things comes to him by the "naagmani" .
But there is a saying that " When someone kills a snake, they returns as a reincarnation to take the revenge " according to that it could be possible that Shesa will return to take her revenge but When? "WHEN WILL SHE RETURN" , Will she return or it's just a saying MYTH? This question is now become
a destiny decider of Humans and Okarta.