In the heart of Tokyo, where the neon lights outshine the stars, Ronexai Sparrow lived a life unnoticed by the bustling world around him. His existence was a silent echo in the cacophony of the city's symphony. An 18-year-old with dreams larger than his one-room apartment, Ronexai's reality was far from the fantasies he harbored within. His world was confined to the four walls that surrounded him, adorned with posters of distant galaxies and mythical creatures. The only companion in his solitude was his laptop, an outdated model that had seen better days, much like Ronexai himself. It was on this laptop that he poured his aspirations, coding away in the hope of creating something that would mark his existence in the universe. But the universe had a different plan for Ronexai. On a night that seemed no different from the rest, as he typed away into the early hours, a sudden surge of electricity sparked from his laptop. The room bathed in an ethereal blue light, and Ronexai felt a pull—a tug at the very essence of his being. In that fleeting moment, between the keystrokes and the flickering screen, Ronexai's world changed forever. His body grew weightless, his vision blurred, and a sensation of being stretched across dimensions overtook him. It was as if he was being uploaded, his consciousness converted into a stream of data. As the light subsided and the hum of the laptop faded into silence, Ronexai Sparrow was no more. In his place, a new entity arose within the circuits of the machine. The laptop had become his vessel, his body, his new reality. And thus began the extraordinary tale of the only reincarnated laptop in a world full of wonders and, unfortunately, full of idiots.